Texas Eaglettes in Trouble in Texas

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
The Texas Eaglettes running thru Texas Today, Fri the 3rd, are both Several Hours Late.

The #21 (02) Lost 5 Hours between Ft Worth and San Marcos,with the Majority of the Lost time between Temple and Taylor, and is due into San Antonio around 2AM.

The #22/#422(03) that Left San Antonio this morning is now running #4+ Hours Late into Texarkana and Lost the Majority of this time between Taylor and Temple.

In addition this Train is running without a CCC( Cafe/Diner) which means the Trains consist is 1 P-42, 1 Reveue Sleeper and 2 Coaches.

The reason for this is that the CCC had to be left in San Antinio since it failed to be Inspected on time by the Crack Shops in Chicago, but was sent out anyway on the #21 of the 1st from Chicago.

According to a Post on Train orders, Food will be delivered to the Train for Sleeping Car Passengers,but since there's no Cafe, the Coach Passengers are on their own for the trip to Chicago!

I can find No Information as to Why both Trains Lost so much time today?? The usual reasons are Equipment Problems and Freight Congestion.
An engine, a sleeper, and two coaches?

I love your thread title, Jim—it sounds like the beginning of a short story.

I’d write how the Eaglettes were in trouble in Texas as they watched their cars disappear one by one—the coaches vanished, then the sleeper, and finally the engine disappeared—and the Eaglettes became ghost trains like the mysterious ghost ship.

But it would be off topic so I won’t bother.😁

The Eaglettes #22/#21 of Today, Sun 2/05, once again have lost time in the Twlight Zone between Ft Worth and Austin.

#22 (05)is running 5+ Hours Late into Ft. Worth after leaving Austin pretty much on Schedule, and #21(04) is over 3 Hours Down between Ft Worth and Austin.😱

I can find No reason for these continued delays, the usual reasons being mentioned as "Freight Interference" and "Equipment Problems"???????

Anyone found anything on this anywhere???
In addition this Train is running without a CCC( Cafe/Diner) which means the Trains consist is 1 P-42, 1 Reveue Sleeper and 2 Coaches.

The reason for this is that the CCC had to be left in San Antinio since it failed to be Inspected on time by the Crack Shops in Chicago, but was sent out anyway on the #21 of the 1st from Chicago.

According to a Post on Train orders, Food will be delivered to the Train for Sleeping Car Passengers,but since there's no Cafe, the Coach Passengers are on their own for the trip to Chicago!
If I understand correctly the inspection certificate for the CCC car was allowed to lapse so the car could not be used and cannot be used until the inspection is completed. Does anyone know if that has been done or has the car now become a fixture in San Antonio?

Incompetence on parade. As we used to say in the late 1960s, ride'em while you can but of course some trains are now not worth riding.
If I understand correctly the inspection certificate for the CCC car was allowed to lapse so the car could not be used and cannot be used until the inspection is completed. Does anyone know if that has been done or has the car now become a fixture in San Antonio?

Incompetence on parade. As we used to say in the late 1960s, ride'em while you can but of course some trains are now not worth riding.
Yep, AMManagmemt and Chicago's Crack Yard Crew Strike Again!!!😜🤬
The crew was very mindful of the experience. The meals were cooked to the best of the capabilities of flex offerings, and the OBS were welcoming of sleeper car passengers into the CCC throughout hours one would expect it to be open. Restrooms were especially well maintained. They tried hard and succeeded, even relatively on time for most of the trip.

It's not a prestigious experience on the route but it was worth the few hundred we spent for the roomette. Just adequate and well executed this time.
The crew was very mindful of the experience. The meals were cooked to the best of the capabilities of flex offerings, and the OBS were welcoming of sleeper car passengers into the CCC throughout hours one would expect it to be open. Restrooms were especially well maintained. They tried hard and succeeded, even relatively on time for most of the trip.

It's not a prestigious experience on the route but it was worth the few hundred we spent for the roomette. Just adequate and well executed this time.
😎Glad you got a good Crew!

I'll resume riding when Traditional Dining returns, the Consist regains it's Sightseer Lounge and 2nd Sleeper ( Transdorm or Revenue) so the Fares return to an Affordable Level!