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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. Trollopian

    AGR FNBO Credit Card discussion 2023 H2 -2025

    Well, I started getting text alerts again today. Yesterday I had contacted FNBO at their online message center. Today, about 24 hours later, I got a reply: "There was a known issue earlier this week with customers not receiving text alerts for purchases made, but it should be resolved by...
  2. Trollopian

    Washington DC Union Station facilities, convenience and experiences

    Pizzeria Uno at Washington's Union Station has closed:
  3. Trollopian

    AGR FNBO Credit Card discussion 2023 H2 -2025

    Approximately two weeks ago, I stopped getting text alerts when I'd charged something on my AGR Mastercard. I've checked my account settings and I'm still opted in to text alerts; also, I'm positive that I didn't "override" that by (e.g.) replying "STOP" or marking a text as spam, actions that...
  4. Trollopian

    Free Public Transit?

    This is the old Yiddish "we lose money on every sale but make it up on volume" joke.:)
  5. Trollopian

    Free Public Transit?

    How could I forget: Pittsburgh's light rail system, the "T," has a free fare zone. It's not terribly easy to find on the ill-designed website, but a little more transparent once you descend into the station. "Stations between First Avenue and Allegheny are located inside the free fare zone...
  6. Trollopian

    Free Public Transit?

    My fault, were clear; I skimmed too fast. Though living in the DC area, I seldom get to Alexandria, and I hope both the no-fare policy and the beefed-up service have survived. The DC Circulator is an example of a local system, with a useful route map that intelligently...
  7. Trollopian

    Free Public Transit?

    This. Transit costs money to run. If the choice is between "free" and skimpy and unreliable, on the one hand, and farepaying and frequent and reliable on the other, I'd vote for the latter. Literalman, upthread, describes a local transit system (in Alexandria, a close-in suburb of DC) that was...
  8. Trollopian

    Free Public Transit?

    Economist here. Nothing is "free," the only question really is "who pays." Taking transit, rather than driving, creates tremendous social benefits ("externalities" in our jargon) by reducing pollution and congestion. Designed and run well, transit allows us to preserve our dense cities and...
  9. Trollopian

    Does Amtrak misrepresent lateness

    This. Here's an example of padding on just one smallish and wee-hours segment of the Floridian. Snipped from the timetable at Do a little math and you can see that, eastbound, there's 20 minutes of "padding" between...
  10. Trollopian

    Serious Amtrak mishandling of passengers

    Washington Post story here (shared using my subscription, so you won't encounter a paywall, though you may have to enter an email address. Real or fake.) As one commenter noted, the passengers didn't miss their train, the train missed its passengers. Infuriating.
  11. Trollopian

    Sunset Limited discussion

    You don't say when or how he succumbed, but this brought tears to my eyes. I recently compiled (with added historical and social context) and self-published my uncle's WWII letters home to his widowed mom and kid sister, my mother. My uncle returned. Many didn't. Families never forget.
  12. Trollopian

    AGR FNBO Credit Card discussion 2023 H2 -2025

    So, the weight-loss supplement doesn't work? Bummer. :(
  13. Trollopian

    AGR reaches 20 million member

    I'm not an evangelist and I don't go around saving souls, but I do use my AGR Mastercard a lot at (e.g.) farmers' markets and bakeries, and staff are sometimes intrigued to see a travel card that earns something besides airline miles. And they always say they love trains. Have I recruited a...
  14. Trollopian

    Amtrak wins takeover of Washington Union Station

    I cannot confirm that... But, I can confirm that the Uniqlo store has moved into the larger, former H&M space. I'm no fashionista but once or twice a year I buy black low-rise socks at Uniqlo. Life and laundry are easier when you own only one kind of socks.
  15. Trollopian

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Echoing MARC here. I don't know the rental-car situation at Cumberland, but I do know it in downtown Pittsburgh, and if The Train Formerly Known As the Cap Limited is on time, it'll chug in around 5 a.m. (eastbound) or midnight (westbound); and although several rental-car vendors have downtown...
  16. Trollopian

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    I don't know the rental-car situation in Cumberland, MD... But, it's a quick hour drive from Cumberland to Morgantown on I-68 (old US-40, the "National Pike"), and The Train That I Will Stubbornly Continue to Call the Capitol Limited stops at Cumberland during reasonable times of day, both...
  17. Trollopian

    My USA trip 2024 (part 1)

    Caravanman, you are a good vigorous writer. And since the purpose (well, one purpose) of travel is to watch people not just scenery, hostels and buses and trains are the way to go. Thanks from the Yank.🇺🇸
  18. Trollopian

    Grey Cup and Canadian Vancouver to Toronto

    Man, that really whets my appetite.🥔
  19. Trollopian

    New member, long time Amtrak user!

    Oooh, what a great surprise gift. And as an expert in actuarial science and demography, may I point out that your husband has a birthday...every year? So do you. ;) Enjoy!
  20. Trollopian

    Suggestions needed for international rail trip

    On my bucket list: Oslo to Bergen, by Probably whetted by a PBS "Great Railway Journeys" episode, or train porn, as my family calls it. (They like trains but don't love 'em as we do...for us, taking a long...