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  1. C

    Brightline train and fire truck collide in Delray Beach 12/28/24

    I hate to go off topic and I do hope the mods will be lenient on this, because it does tie into Brightline. Accidents did happen in the 1970s with trains, but they were not as frequent as they are now. Plus 1975, Disney World had only just open and it wasn't what it is now. The population had...
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    Brightline train and fire truck collide in Delray Beach 12/28/24

    It'll be 30 years I've been living here and here is my take. The roads now have gotten worse then when I first moved here. Problem is FDOT has to bare the blame. Look at how many accidents and wrong way incidents have happened on I-4, after the I-4 Ultimate project completed. The highways are...
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    Amtrak Siemens Charger Locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2H 2024 - 2025)

    A lot of railfans also overlook the fact that the Genesis locomotives also had their fair share of issues. Often being paired up with F40s for a number of years, before the software issues they had were addressed. Anyone thinking Siemens isn't doing enough upgrades to make the ALC-42s reliable...
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    More Greyhound cutbacks and comparison with airlines

    IDK if this is the thread for it, but some good news for Greyhound. A new location for the new Dallas terminal with service increases too. 26,000 square feet at a cost of $2.8 million...
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    SunRail Deland extension construction

    I've ignored Sunrail to Daytona Beach for a bit, but I gotta say something about it. With the current outlook and from personal input from a friend who has lived in Daytona since the late 1980s, visits the area, and has ridden the public transportation there, here is the reality. To be blunt...
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    SunRail Deland extension construction

    That statement can also apply to Lynx as well, which has so many chances to become more then just another bus system. I hope for the sake of both Lynx and Sunrail, the counties start to realize they have to take responsibility for them sooner rather then later.
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    SunRail Deland extension construction

    111 wasn't discontinued due to ridership. It was discontinued because 311 almost exactly duplicated it's original route when Lynx and Disney conceived it several years ago. Yes everyone, the 111 originally ran to Disney Springs, before being cutback as Disney choose not to pay for that segment...
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    Future Amtrak Equipment and ADA ideas

    I'll give this a shot. The Corail coaches are essentially SNCF's variation of the UIC Z type passenger cars. UIC meaning International Union of Railways for those curious and the Z is just a specification for carriages (what they call passenger cars in Europe) at the time the Corail passenger...
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    TS Debby cancellations/modifications August 2024

    I caught the southbound Silver Star yesterday morning as it passed the Longwood Sunrail station heading to Winter Park, as I waited for my uncle to pick me up. Here is a video from a cellphone, not the best video I've done but it's something. Despite the train running between Jacksonville and...
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    SEPTA cancels contract with CRRC

    I think Septa could end up adding more Silverliner VI multiple units to the order. In addition to phasing out the Silverliner IVs, they'll get more MUs to replace the cancelled CRRC order. The Silverliner VIs will just become a bigger order.
  11. C

    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement RFP discussion H1 2024

    Not that it means anything, but the Avelia Liberties that are hopefully due to go into service later this year were constructed of aluminum. So we'll have to wait and see what happens with the order.
  12. C

    Amtrak consists 2024

    They remained steam heat until the end of their careers as far as I know. The remaining units by that point were either traded in to EMD for more F40s or were traded in to the Santa Fe for switchers. In my opinion, Amtrak gave up too early on the SDP40Fs, especially when they didn't have no...
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    Amtrak consists 2024

    The Desert Wind use to have two locomotives prior to using only one locomotive on the train. Here is a video of an SDP40F/F40 combo leading the Desert Wind with Superliners sometime in 1980-81 and yes this video does have authentic sound. F40/SDP40F combinations were common on this train as...
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    California HSR

    From what I've garner, about half of the money has been spent on lawsuits dealing with opposition from acquiring land to construct the line, along with viaducts and relocations in order to grade separate and clear the ROW. There are some videos discussing the project.
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    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement RFP discussion H1 2024

    I doubt Alstom will have as many issues if they were selected to manufacture passenger cars for the US, as they've done it before and they'll be doing it again. Alstom has gained orders, despite the issues with Acela IIs, which again to point out was more of an infrastructure issue on the NEC's...
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    Siemens Caltrans/IDOT Venture design, engineering, testing and delivery (2024-2025)

    I think it's because the P40s don't have electronic brakes, and are better suited to handle a train the length of the Auto Train. P40s have 26L airbrakes versus the Knorr EAB (Electronic Air Brakes) found on the P42s. One of the main reasons they were assigned to the Auto Train when they...
  17. C

    Future Amtrak Equipment and ADA ideas

    It's okay to have a fleet of both single and bi-level trains, it's not something that should change. Many railroads around the world have both single and bi-level trains. This reminds me of some who argue that Amtrak should have one manufacturer for their trains, and I can't think of many...
  18. C

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    We'll find out when more details come out. Regardless of what they've selected, it'll require some sort of complete rebuild in order to convert the cars into what they're advertising. Something that needs to be reaffirmed. They're planning on using the trainsets at night, not everyday...
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    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    According to this article here, the equipment they're using will be refurbished bi-level equipment. Whether that means the former ATSF Hi-level cars that Amtrak used I'm not sure, they could also be retired commuter coaches from elsewhere. It's not made clear...
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    Brightline Trains West!

    It's been outlined as to why the Avelias had issues on the NEC, but I'll leave that for another thread. I'm happy that Brightline West will be bringing the Velaros to the US. They will get 10 sets, two of which will be manufactured in Germany. The remaining 8 will be manufactured in the US in a...