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  1. Willbridge

    Amtrak Cascades Service discussion 2025

    Record ridership for Cascades reported...
  2. Willbridge

    Ground Transport in the Pacific Northwest

    KGW feature on rail passenger bills in Oregon legislature...
  3. Willbridge

    [Opinion] Why Amtrak Isn't A Good Train Network (And Why It Never Will Be)

    Ever since the History Channel was launched, it has been okay to use visuals that have little to do with the text. I recommend listening to this but not viewing it.
  4. Willbridge

    Ground Transport in the Pacific Northwest

    I just look it up from the respective reservation pages for the date. I write the info out on scratch paper. If there has been no schedule change, I copy the previous posting and then replace any dollar amounts that have changed. If there has been a schedule change it shows up at that point...
  5. Willbridge

    Ground Transport in the Pacific Northwest

    Here's the PDX to SEA line-up for Sunday, February 9th, Super Bowl Sunday, as of Wednesday night, February 5th. Northwestern Stages has restored their night TAC<>SEA<>SPK trip, five nights a week, covering the weekends. It still is timed to leave King Street Station as Train 508 arrives. 0645...
  6. Willbridge

    Another vintage PDX>SEA trip

    I don't know for sure, but it likely was ex-Greyhound. The PDX <> SEA bus service by North Coast Lines was taken over by Greyhound sometime after WWII, and they disposed of the Seattle suburban commuter service, likely helping Metropolitan with equipment. In Portland they did the same thing...
  7. Willbridge

    Another vintage PDX>SEA trip

    Trackless trolley was an Eastern term. Trolley bus was used widely but has an unfortunate abbreviation. Trolley coach was used in the west. When Tri-Met replaced old bus stop signs in 1974, they missed this one.
  8. Willbridge

    Another vintage PDX>SEA trip

    Seattle Transit was still trying to abandon trolley coach operation in 1965 and so I thought that I could afford a day trip from Portland to have a look around (Portland's trolley coach operation ended abruptly in 1958). I was on the UP Pool Trains 457/458, which provided a routinely good...
  9. Willbridge

    California Zephyr discussion 2024 H2 - 2025

    A piece pf UP trivia: Denver Union Station elevation was 5,188 ft in UP public timetables until the mid-1960's and then it suddenly jumped to 5,280. A government survey marker on the building confirms that. Actually, all of downtown Denver is below 5,280. A marker on the steps of the state...
  10. Willbridge

    California Zephyr discussion 2024 H2 - 2025

    Because the train makes a steady climb, passengers have a chance to adjust for the altitude. It's more of a problem on the highways and as noted in #1 above actual altitude sickness is hard to predict.
  11. Willbridge

    Sean Duffy nominated for Transportation Secretary

    IIRC, state regulations are still on the books, waiting to entangle private operators in the absence of federal regulations.
  12. Willbridge

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    Pacific Parlor Car -a popular extra feature on the Coast Starlight -- which also took some pressure off of the dining and lounge cars by serving light meals. Removed for "maintenance" and retired.
  13. Willbridge

    FY 2025 Ridership Expansion and Fiscal Recovery

    The RPA ridership statistics include state sheets that show 2021 and 2022 Thruway ridership by stop. Here are samples:
  14. Willbridge

    Ground transport in Colorado

    The Denver to Crested Butte route (originally just to Gunnison) is the only Bustang route that is an Amtrak Thruway line. It connects in Denver Union Station's bus concourse from Train 5 to Bus 8605 and to Train 6 from Bus 8606. The Thruway hook-up is an exception because it was started before...
  15. Willbridge

    Fires in the Los Angeles area and effect on Amtrak

    New fire on Jan. 22nd will likely affect San Joaquin Thruway buses.
  16. Willbridge

    Crescent discussion 2025

    When I was with the Gray Line of Portland, I rarely had to tell operators which route to take. The in-town patterns paid hourly tended to get repeated over and over. The longer runs paid by the mile, so the fastest route tended to be the one to take. That should be the case for NOL<>ATL...
  17. Willbridge

    Damascus railroaders hang on to hope

    An AP feature story (using British railway terms) describes the situation at Syrian capital's station.
  18. Willbridge

    Amtrak cancellations and delays 2025

    One element in decision making that is gone -- mail contracts. Delivering mail was sort of a sacred duty.
  19. Willbridge

    Winter Park (Colorado) Express is back

    Brad was one of the people who got this going. He was familiar with the previous versions of the ski train and wrote up a business plan for an Amtrak edition.
  20. Willbridge

    TRB Commuter Rail Subcommittee

    A puzzle - RTD (DEN) isn't shown in the New Starts graph but is listed in the page 19 "all-electric" category. We know that the RTD A, B, G, and N-Lines are regulated by the FRA and they certainly are new enough. (The N-Line grand opening was a masked affair during the pandemic.) 2023...