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  1. Stevenz

    2 year old in roomette tips & advice

    Is there some kind of safety net on the top bunk to keep from rolling out? I’d want one!
  2. Stevenz

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    Excellent information. Thanks.
  3. Stevenz

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    Crikey. I had not noticed that the truck rear ended the car! That changes everything I initially thought.
  4. Stevenz

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    Sorry to take advantage of you to ask a job related question, but when we board at midnight in Pittsburgh are the beds in the roomette likely to be made up or will the attendant need to be asked to do that? I can understand that the staff may not want to guess what the passengers want until...
  5. Stevenz

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    To my knowledge they do not work in reverse. Some systems give a warning beep if near an object in back of the car but do not apply brakes. I think the chances of this accident being down to a malfunction of the car are very remote. Until we have Train Collision Avoidance Systems it seems the...
  6. Stevenz

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    I didn’t see any fault by the pick up truck. When it backed up there was room for the car to be clear of the tracks. So the dilemma is to not get the heck off the tracks for fear of breaking a gate or a window, or leave the car on the tracks and … whatever. By the way, any idea what that...
  7. Stevenz

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    I’m boarding 40 Monday night in Pittsburgh, bound for Chicago.
  8. Stevenz

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    It sounds like you’re in the insurance business so I can’t much argue with you but if I was the company I would say you put yourself in harm’s way by deliberate negligence and we don’t insure that sort of thing. Or if one was to, say, deliberately park in front of a speeding bus and the bus hit...
  9. Stevenz

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    I think the DSM-5 categorises this behaviour as “chronic non-benign stupidity.” Or, to be more charitable, obliviousness to the world beyond one’s nose. The only thing this person did right was to get out of the car. I would dearly love to know what his insurance company thinks of this video...
  10. Stevenz

    Long Freight Trains: Transportation Research Board study is finally published

    I’ll weigh in to say that current political reality is that any new restrictions on private business are not going to happen, and many will be removed.
  11. Stevenz

    New York to San Francisco, or the other way around?

    I was on the Floridian last night and this was the system. The attendant announced the dining car was open to coach passengers for dinner for $45. It’s one price for the whole dinner. There are no prices on the menu except drinks though one is included, and it doesn’t include a tip. Amtrak is...
  12. Stevenz

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    I’m scheduled Chicago to Pittsburgh on Wednesday the 12th. Amtrak has canceled the EB that day and some northeast trains. How do they decide which trains to cancel? The forecast for Wednesday here - Milwaukee and Chicago - is 6-8” of snow “from Wednesday morning through late Wednesday...
  13. Stevenz

    FY 2025 Ridership Expansion and Fiscal Recovery

    I assume that they are counting the number of warm bodies that rode on a particular road, regardless of how far they went. Are passenger miles traveled reported too?
  14. Stevenz

    Dedicated Amtrak line between SF Bay Area and Reno possible?

    In other words, they identified a problem, designed alternative solutions, picked a preferred option, negotiated a strategy to implement it, assigned responsibilities, and built the thing. All while respecting many national interests and lobbying groups. As a result, the travelling public...
  15. Stevenz

    Dedicated Amtrak line between SF Bay Area and Reno possible?

    Would be great to see that for what it would mean for US rail in general. If you’re referring to the Gotthard Base Tunnel (the newest Gotthard tunnel), it was justified on the basis of 200 or more freight trains and 50 or more passenger trains per day. Even at that I wonder what the payback...
  16. Stevenz

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians 2025

    I had no trouble finding your site. Thanks again. (Incidentally, I can’t book the trip until I get the limit on my credit card raised, which has been approved but don’t have the card yet. 😕 Soon, I hope while there is availability.)
  17. Stevenz

    New York to San Francisco, or the other way around?

    To dining options in SF I would add Columbus Ave in North Beach, lined with Italian restaurants of all kinds. I’m happy to dine no place else. But I’m boring. And Italian.
  18. Stevenz

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians 2025

    I’d love it! Thanks!!
  19. Stevenz

    Will the end of Canada's de minimis exemption require customs declarations on the Adirondack and Maple Leaf?

    I think tariffs are on goods brought in by importers, not necessarily the occasional tourist bringing in a favourite beverage for personal use. But that “not necessarily” is wide open to interpretation. My advice would normally be to bring in what you like up to the limit, but perhaps right...
  20. Stevenz

    Will the end of Canada's de minimis exemption require customs declarations on the Adirondack and Maple Leaf?

    But there is probably an allowance before duty is applied, if entering the U.S. from other countries holds true for entry from Canada. Worth checking that, and worth checking what the duty would be if you exceed the limit. Is Canadian that good? I just think of Seagram’s 7.