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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. E

    What does your Forum User Name mean?

    Eternityroad is taken from the song of the same name by The Moody Blues on their album To Our Children's Children's Children. My fave band back in the day.
  2. E

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    They also claimed the Titanic was indestructable. Not casting aspersion...just saying.
  3. E

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians 2025

    Thanks for posting. I uduslly follow Rob and Allie of Grounded Life Travel. This was a refreshing change.
  4. E

    USA Rail Pass for just $299 (1/10-1/17/25)

    Thank you for your reply. I did research less expensive options for accomodations and in many cities you have to travel away from the train station vicinity to fond somethong reasonable. That would mean rideshare and navigating away from the station. I prefered to stay walking distance but...
  5. E

    USA Rail Pass for just $299 (1/10-1/17/25)

    I didn't go thru with a planned trip to East Coast and a return to West coast by Empire Builder for the simple reason hotels and meals would add up to too much money for my budget. Hotels would have been in Boston, NYC, Chicago and L.A. Sometimes transfer times are too short and you need to...
  6. E

    Southwest Chief discussion 2025

    If there were two of you one could have stayed there to warn others while the other went off looking for an attendant. I have never traveled that particular route so i don't know if it was a bi-level car. On a bi-level a lot fewer people are going to meet that stuation than on a single level car...
  7. E

    My USA trip 2024 (part 1)

    The closer you can get to the Earth the better the trip. In '74 I hitchhiked from Vancouver, B.C. to Prince Edward Island. I would not trade that experience for any or all flights across the continent.
  8. E

    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H2

    I think the gods that oversee this site did not look at the context of your c-word. In fact i will wager no one of the overseers read it all. There is just a pre-fab list of "words" set to be censored whenever they come up, no matter the context. Facebook does this as well. Saves money on having...
  9. E

    Doors didn't open (an Amtrak story...) :)

    They need to have some warning light that informs them there is a malfunction. Imagine if the door did not shut and prople were still boarding when they saw an open door. Then the train began moving.
  10. E

    Service meltdown on VIA train 622; passengers stranded

    "even five hours into the delay, passengers still had to pay for snacks. (CBC)" Totally unacceptable!
  11. E

    Future Amtrak Equipment and ADA ideas

    Following is what I read above and there was discussion to the effect that coach passengers need a place to get away from their seats in coach for a break. So it leads me to believe that sightseeing car privileges are on tap to be taken away from coach passengers. I wondered if yhat extended to...
  12. E

    Future Amtrak Equipment and ADA ideas

    Yes, I realize that coach passengers can use open lounge. I have ridden these trains for 30 years. I understood the issue to be that on some trains coach passengers will no longer have access to any sightseer car. So back to square one: will the routes I mentioned above still have access to a...
  13. E

    Future Amtrak Equipment and ADA ideas

    If I have understood things correctly the coach lounge will not be going away on the SWC, the EB, the Zephyr and other trains west of Chicago?
  14. E

    Empire Builder discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    Thanks for the suggestion. I don't like the prospect of navigating regional services in towns i am unaquainted with. Trust me, there was a time I did a lot of that back in my hitchhiking days, but I am older now and want things to be a bit simpler. It isn't off the table by any means. But this...
  15. E

    Empire Builder discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    I just trashed my plans for a Rail Pass vacation from Las Vegas to New Hampshire and return by way of Empire Builder. Due to connections I would have to spend a ton of money on hotels unless I wanted to Uber a ways from the stations. The cost would be two to three times the cost of the Rail...
  16. E

    Amtrak bustitution discussion

    My bustitution was in '93 when the old Desert Wind broke down on Barstow, Calif. going East. They bused us to Las Vegas and put us up in a hotel until the next train at 6:30 pm next day. I think they gave us meal vouchers as well, but no gambling coupons! Lol.
  17. E

    Bi-level Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement RFP discussion H2 2024 - 2025

    Thanks for your reply. I am also not happy that the sightseer (dome) car is being taken away from coach passengers. Yes there will surround-type windows but where does one go for a break from ones coach seat or if there is a screaming child in your car? And yes I understand they can upsell...
  18. E

    Bi-level Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement RFP discussion H2 2024 - 2025

    I do not fly so I was wondering what is airline type seating and how does it differ from the train? Dont tell me they are making seats closer together so we be stuffed in there like sardines for a cross-country trip!
  19. E

    Lake Shore Limited discussion 2023 Q4 - 2025

    Thanks for clearunf that up. I like the LSL especially out of New York City.
  20. E

    Lake Shore Limited discussion 2023 Q4 - 2025

    What's going on? I thought buses were used only in event of breakdown. When I buy a train ticket I want to ride a train the entire jouney, barring emergencies. and not be bustituted. If lack of enough cars is an issue then add more cars. If the routing is a problem alter the route. If i have...