Equipment failure on the Texas Eagle

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
The 21 (05) had the Lone P-42 Fail West of San Marcos last night(06) and Passengers had to be Bustituted to San Antonio.

The 22(06) originating in San Antonio had its P-42 Fail this Morning (07) South of St Louis, but Amtrak was able to send a Rescue Unit to haul it the rest of the way to Chicago.

This is becoming a common occurrence as the Aging P-42s, which are ready to go into Retirement, continued to be used on one Engine LD Trains!
The 21 (05) had the Lone P-42 Fail West of San Marcos last night(06) and Passengers had to be Bustituted to San Antonio.

The 22(06) originating in San Antonio had its P-42 Fail this Morning (07) South of St Louis, but Amtrak was able to send a Rescue Unit to haul it the rest of the way to Chicago.

This is becoming a common occurrence as the Aging P-42s, which are ready to go into Retirement, continued to be used on one Engine LD Trains!
All from the tender loving care of Chicago no doubt. :D
The 21 (05) had the Lone P-42 Fail West of San Marcos last night(06) and Passengers had to be Bustituted to San Antonio.

The 22(06) originating in San Antonio had its P-42 Fail this Morning (07) South of St Louis, but Amtrak was able to send a Rescue Unit to haul it the rest of the way to Chicago.

This is becoming a common occurrence as the Aging P-42s, which are ready to go into Retirement, continued to be used on one Engine LD Trains!

Texas Eaglettes Cant Fly!
That is a great line. Will drive Mo Pac fans crazy.

I admit it—being from Nothing Else Counts territory, I had to look up what Mo Pac was.

What’s the Eaglette consist down to now, Jim?

If it’s completely hopeless, maybe they could turn it into a diner on the side of the Mo Pac. (Our solution to lots of things in NJ is to put up another diner.😁)
Ah, this is why I'm seeing Amtrak Alerts noting the northbound eagle is delayed because of "equipment"

I can't remember the consist of the one I took at Thanksgiving but I'm pretty sure it was one engine, one sleeper, a diner, and maybe 3 coach cars? Kind of a stub based on what it used to be; I remember when there was a sleeper AND a transdorm
I admit it—being from Nothing Else Counts territory, I had to look up what Mo Pac was.

What’s the Eaglette consist down to now, Jim?

If it’s completely hopeless, maybe they could turn it into a diner on the side of the Mo Pac. (Our solution to lots of things in NJ is to put up another diner.😁)
The Normal Consist is 1 P-42, 1 Sleeper, 1 CCC,2 Coaches.( sometimes 3 on 421/422 Days)

No Lounge, No Bag Car, No Transdorm and Flex Meals!🤬
No Lounge, No Bag Car, No Transdorm and Flex Meals!🤬

No lounge or full dining is definitely a downer - but as far as the bag car eh…. As long as they’re offering checked baggage does it really matter what car it’s in? Sure I’d love to see the V2 baggage cars better used with express shipping service back and all but at the end of the day it doesn’t make all that much difference to me if my bag is in a bag car or the lower level of a SL coach bag so long as the service is offered.
No lounge or full dining is definitely a downer - but as far as the bag car eh…. As long as they’re offering checked baggage does it really matter what car it’s in? Sure I’d love to see the V2 baggage cars better used with express shipping service back and all but at the end of the day it doesn’t make all that much difference to me if my bag is in a bag car or the lower level of a SL coach bag so long as the service is offered.
I don't really care about where Luggage goes either, I don't check bags except on VIA's Canadian , just pointing out why the Eaglette has become a Stub Train with all the Cars that have been taken from the consist resulting in Full Trains, High Buckets to Sold Out Sleepers and Crappy Food compared to what this Train used to be!
But think how much money Amtrak is saving by running such a short train.

Of course it’s so short there no chance of it to cover the cost of operating. So many ways to improve this train with just a bit of management attention.

Chicago winter maintenance has started early this year. Someday there going to put a shed up over the yard with a radiating heated floor. That will immediately improve the work environment. Dang it’s -20 outside and I have to wear a sweater while working on the outside of these railcars parked in the shed.
It's pretty clear what the pecking order of trains is. The Auto Train is hands down priority 1 for obvious reasons. Outside of that In the west the Builder, Zephyr, and Coast Starlight are always the A trains and it seems thanks to advocacy the Chief, formerly a target, is sort of in that group too. The Sunset manages to get a diner and sightseer likely because it's tri weekly and doesn't need as many cars - though it doesn't seem to be a priority for sending added coach and sleeper capacity when they do add cars - I don't think its consist has changed much if at all lately. In the east the A trains are clearly the Silver service and Lake Shore Limited. Any summer increase in capacity I would expect to be on the "A" trains based on what they did last year. (though the capitol did manage to get a second sleeper last year so I guess we'll see what happens.)
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Until full service dining and a Sightseer Car are back,The Eagle will remain Amtrak's worst long distance train. In Trains Magazine last year all the LD trains were rated on several factors. The Zephyr and Empire Builder tied for first. The Eagle came in dead last and deservedly so.
Not true. From the accounts I'm reading, the worst Amtrak long distance train is the Crescent. It's flex food from an Amfleet 2 cafe car, and apparently they make you eat in your room, and you can't hang out in the cafe car. And coach passengers are shut out of food service while they're serving the sleeper passengers. The Cardinal may have similar problems, too.

The Eagle's consist (sleepers, CCC, and coaches, with a coach-baggage compartment) is the same as that of the Capitol Limited. On my last ride, I did miss the Sightseer lounge, but they let us hang out in the CCC between meals, which was almost as good. I believe they also let people eat and hang out in the CCC on the Eagle, too.
Not true. From the accounts I'm reading, the worst Amtrak long distance train is the Crescent. It's flex food from an Amfleet 2 cafe car, and apparently they make you eat in your room, and you can't hang out in the cafe car. And coach passengers are shut out of food service while they're serving the sleeper passengers. The Cardinal may have similar problems, too.

The Eagle's consist (sleepers, CCC, and coaches, with a coach-baggage compartment) is the same as that of the Capitol Limited. On my last ride, I did miss the Sightseer lounge, but they let us hang out in the CCC between meals, which was almost as good. I believe they also let people eat and hang out in the CCC on the Eagle, too.
The last few times I rode the Eaglette in the past year, Passengers were NOT allowed to hang out in the CCC between Meals.( the Cafe end of the CCC was the Crews Lounge!)

And the Lone LSA had to serve the Sleeping Car Passengers their Flex Meals, which means that Coach Passengers had a very Limited time to purchase Food and Drink, and had to return to their Seats to partake of their purchases.

I haven't been on the Crescent since the Washington Gathering, but based on what they've done to this once proud Train, I'd say that it too is not worth riding right now!
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No lounge or full dining is definitely a downer - but as far as the bag car eh…. As long as they’re offering checked baggage does it really matter what car it’s in? Sure I’d love to see the V2 baggage cars better used with express shipping service back and all but at the end of the day it doesn’t make all that much difference to me if my bag is in a bag car or the lower level of a SL coach bag so long as the service is offered.
the lack of a bag car between the engine and the sleeper, though - I really notice that. For one thing, it's louder (closer to the horn), though earplugs help with that through the night. But several times recently when I've ridden I've gotten a distinct diesel exhaust smell in my sleeper. I haven't SAID anything because I figure nothing can be done, but it does make me headachey and feel slightly ill. One trip it was bad enough I tried smearing a lilac-scented hand lotion I had with me under my nose, a la crime-scene agents in mystery stories rubbing vapo-rub under their noses to blot out the corpse smell.

The last few times I rode the Eaglette in the past year, Passengers were NOT allowed to hang out in the CCC between Meals.( the Cafe end of the CCC was the Crews Lounge!)

And the Lone LSA had to serve the Sleeping Car Passengers their Flex Meals, which means that Coach Passengers had a very Limited time to purchase Food and Drink, and had to return to their Seats to partake of their purchases.

I haven't been on the Crescent since the Washington Gathering, but based on what they've done to this once proud Train, I'd say that it too is not worth riding right now!
yes, having only one LSA on the Eagle is DEFINITELY a problem. A few times I've ridden in the past year the LSA drafted the SCA to deliver meals to the rooms and just had everyone eat in their rooms. Now they seem to be doing a "preorder and we'll call you" thing and when they call you it's already out on the table, which is maybe a little more efficient, but.

I'm wondering what I will meet with in my upcoming Christmas trip, whether they'll be back to in-room eating because of flu spikes. (I'm considering it if my SCA seems not too harried. I've had the flu shot but one thing these past couple years have taught me is that NO vaccine gives you sterilizing immunity in a world where the virus you're supposed to be protected against is seemingly everywhere)
It's pretty clear what the pecking order of trains is. The Auto Train is hands down priority 1 for obvious reasons.
I would say that it's closer to #3 after Acela and NER.

Outside of that In the west the Builder, Zephyr, and Coast Starlight are always the A trains and it seems thanks to advocacy the Chief, formerly a target, is sort of in that group too.
Sad to think even the "A trains" are being downgraded with fewer cars, fewer staff, and reduced amenities. Still retain the flagship pricing though.
the lack of a bag car between the engine and the sleeper, though - I really notice that. For one thing, it's louder (closer to the horn), though earplugs help with that through the night. But several times recently when I've ridden I've gotten a distinct diesel exhaust smell in my sleeper. I haven't SAID anything because I figure nothing can be done, but it does make me headachey and feel slightly ill. One trip it was bad enough I tried smearing a lilac-scented hand lotion I had with me under my nose, a la crime-scene agents in mystery stories rubbing vapo-rub under their noses to blot out the corpse smell.

yes, having only one LSA on the Eagle is DEFINITELY a problem. A few times I've ridden in the past year the LSA drafted the SCA to deliver meals to the rooms and just had everyone eat in their rooms. Now they seem to be doing a "preorder and we'll call you" thing and when they call you it's already out on the table, which is maybe a little more efficient, but.

I'm wondering what I will meet with in my upcoming Christmas trip, whether they'll be back to in-room eating because of flu spikes. (I'm considering it if my SCA seems not too harried. I've had the flu shot but one thing these past couple years have taught me is that NO vaccine gives you sterilizing immunity in a world where the virus you're supposed to be protected against is seemingly everywhere)

One bright spot at least—I’m glad you’re getting your Christmas trip, after all the uncertainty there for a while!😊
the lack of a bag car between the engine and the sleeper, though - I really notice that. For one thing, it's louder (closer to the horn), though earplugs help with that through the night. But several times recently when I've ridden I've gotten a distinct diesel exhaust smell in my sleeper. I haven't SAID anything because I figure nothing can be done, but it does make me headachey and feel slightly ill. One trip it was bad enough I tried smearing a lilac-scented hand lotion I had with me under my nose, a la crime-scene agents in mystery stories rubbing vapo-rub under their noses to blot out the corpse smell.
That is a good point, though it only really helps when they put the bag up front - when I took the Chief two summers ago they had added a regular bag for the summer due to all the scouts getting on and off for Philmont but they positioned it at the rear of the consist so it didn't help with that at all. It seems lately the full bag only runs on the Chief during that period...the rest of the year they use the coach bag.
Until full service dining and a Sightseer Car are back,The Eagle will remain Amtrak's worst long distance train. In Trains Magazine last year all the LD trains were rated on several factors. The Zephyr and Empire Builder tied for first. The Eagle came in dead last and deservedly so.
I think it might get some competition from the Crescent. At least Eagle pax can hang out in the CCC to eat, and the CCC is a better experience than an Amfleet cafe car.
I think it might get some competition from the Crescent. At least Eagle pax can hang out in the CCC to eat, and the CCC is a better experience than an Amfleet cafe car.
Depends on the Crew Joe. Last time I rode the Eaglette North, we were forced to pick up our Bag of Flex Food ( pre-ordered) and take it to our Rooms.

The excuse was there was only 1 LSA to work the CCC for both the Cafe and Diner, and the SCA was " too busy" delivering Meals for all " able bodied" Sleeper Passengers to be served in their rooms.( there is only 1 Sleeper on this Train).

Not that Amtrak cares, but lots of us will not ride #21/#22 again until Traditional Dining is reinstated and a Transdorm and Sightseer Lounge are put back in the consist.