Happy Thanksgiving to All AU members!!!

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Amtrak Cajun

OBS Chief
Sep 2, 2012
Lafayette Louisiana
Hey guys, Anthony here. I am leaving tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. I just wanted to wish all of my friends, and all AU members for that matter, a happy Thanksgiving, I hope that you and your families have a safe and wonderful holiday. If you are spending it on the Rails, well, Happy Thanksgiving still, and may you have a safe journey ahead.
I was hoping to be on the road by now, but I'm still at home trying to figure out a way to get free from all this break-fix work. I finally rolled the dice and bought a flight out of town first thing tomorrow morning. Here's hoping it works out for both of us and that everyone else can make it wherever they're going as well. If nothing else the weather seems to be cooperating. Just wish the temperatures felt a little more in-season. More like spring temperatures down here at the moment. In any case Happy Thanksgiving!
TS: yeah, the weather here in Louisiana is cooperating as well. I hope you have a safe and uneventful flight.

CHamilton: Same to you bud, may it be an enjoyable day for all.
A Happy Buckeye Gobble-Gobble to Everyone at AU. It will be 60 and sunny here tomorrow. Mrs RRB and I will have our traditional Chinese buffet and a movie on Thanksgiving :p And bell ringing for the Salvation Army on Friday. :)
We will board New Jersey Transit to New York Penn Station then transit to

the Long Island Railroad to our daughter's home for Thanksgiving. Our other

daughter flew in from San Francisco yesterday so we will enjoy our holiday

with our children and grandchildren. Happy Thanksiving to all.
Wishing you all a good day with families.

Food overload? I prefer to think of it as stocking up for a long, cold winter (as good an excuse as any to stuff myself).

Despite all the troubles and injustice in this world, there still is a lot to be thankful for. May you all be well as we give our thanks with our turkey dinners - or any other way you celebrate this holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. If you are traveling, please be safe. I am happy not to be traveling.


I may be going to a stranger's house for dinner tomorrow (my daughter's boyfriend' uncle).

I'm having a small Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday because my other daughter and my grandbaby are arriving Friday night from Utah.

Saturday we'll be going to her MIL/FIL's for a "Battle of the Grandsons" (one is 6, our shared one is 3+ months & her other one is 3 months) where all their grandsons can "meet" their family & relatives (the two youngest live out west - Utah & Idaho).

I'll be ready to go back to work on Monday. :eek:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and take care on Black Friday - nothing (materially speaking) is worth getting trampled over for. I plan to spend Friday working on the leaves in the yard and getting the guest room ready for daugher and grandson.
Happy Thanksgiving to all train lovers. If you're on a long distance train today, enjoy that turkey dinner. If you're with family and friends, have a great day.
Hey guys! I've been busy lately but I've got a lot more time now. Weather over here is fine. Hope you guys are all doing well. Happy Thankgiving to all! Amtrak and Greyhound better have a good time getting all the pax!