Thanks a lot UP!!!!!!!!

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Sep 9, 2006
Colfax, WA (CFX)
I am on 6, sitting on a blankety-blank siding, waiting for a UP track gang to clear the track. In a thunderstorm no less. They said it would be just a few short minutes...... 2 1/2 hours ago!!!!!!! We were already an hour and a half late out of Fraser thanks to more UP BS. We are sure to be almost 4 hours late into Denver.....not good when you are supposed to catch the Cardinal that leaves Chicago 3 1/2 hours after 6 gets in. :angry: :angry: :angry:
Well I think you would be there alot longer if the UP Track gang was NOT out in said thunderstorm. I'd say you have a good chance of making the connection anyways... enjoy the adventure! (And I really am hoping you make the connection.)
Ahhh, I hope you're right. We are pulling into the Denver 'burbs now. Maybe with any luck we will "only" leave Denver 3 hrs late. Plus the Cap Limited still has rooms available and leaves about an hour later. Still hopeful (for now)!!!!
And now we're sitting just outside the freight yard in Denver......because we can't get ahold of the dispatcher in order to obtain permission to move. CAN'T GET AHOLD OF THE DISPATCHER?????? :angry: :angry: :angry: What in the name of Sam Hill is this garbage UP is pulling?? :angry:
A few years ago, I was on #6 and it was over an hour late crossing the Mississippi (entering IL). I was worried about making the connection to the Cardinal. Due to so much padding, we arrived into CHI early! I think you'll be fine!
Well, try to relax! There really isn't anything you can do about it, so no sense letting your blood pressure go up! You know that isn't going to help at all... just keep us posted, what you DO know is that a lot of people want to hear the story when you finally get through CHI, and learn how it all turned out. Good luck! We'll tune in again in the morning and see how you're coming along!
And now we're sitting just outside the freight yard in Denver......because we can't get ahold of the dispatcher in order to obtain permission to move. CAN'T GET AHOLD OF THE DISPATCHER?????? :angry: :angry: :angry: What in the name of Sam Hill is this garbage UP is pulling?? :angry:
Well there's your problem. Sam Hill was with the Great Northern :D
Been in Denver station now 35 minutes after being told it would be 20. Still have to detach a private car. That could take up to 20 minutes. Probably looking at leaving Denver 4 hours way to make the Cardinal. Plan was to take it to Washington DC. There still are rooms on the Cap Limited which leaves an hour later. Don't still understand why UP has to screw us around like that.
I'd go ahead and call and cut your reservations over to the Cap; that way you have an extra hour of insurance and can relax, especially if you get into Chicago too late for the Card but still in time for the Cap. You're all set to go rather than having to scramble around last second. And if you are too late for the Cap, Amtrak will get you set up for the next day.
One other possibility is the LSL to New York then any number of trains to DC. Need to be in DC by Thursday afternoon. As for my blood pressure ;) Oregon Pioneer is exactly right. And if the delay were weather related or there had been some sort of accident that would be one thing. But it seems according to the announcements we got (kudos for Amtrak for keeping us informed) UP. was not at all forthcoming and did nothing but jerk us around.
I have read where they will sometimes bus passengers on No. 6 for No.50, from GBB to IND.....a shortcut down I-74. If so, they may give you a choice, in case you would rather not do that......
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I am on 6, sitting on a blankety-blank siding, waiting for a UP track gang to clear the track. In a thunderstorm no less. They said it would be just a few short minutes...... 2 1/2 hours ago!!!!!!! We were already an hour and a half late out of Fraser thanks to more UP BS. We are sure to be almost 4 hours late into Denver.....not good when you are supposed to catch the Cardinal that leaves Chicago 3 1/2 hours after 6 gets in. :angry: :angry: :angry:
Did it ever cross your mind that this thunderstorm might just might be slowing down or stopping the track gang from getting things clear. You are sitting inside nice and dry watching the rain. Those guys are out there trying to work in it or else being unable to do what they need to because of it. :( :angry2:
I am on 6, sitting on a blankety-blank siding, waiting for a UP track gang to clear the track. In a thunderstorm no less. They said it would be just a few short minutes...... 2 1/2 hours ago!!!!!!! We were already an hour and a half late out of Fraser thanks to more UP BS. We are sure to be almost 4 hours late into Denver.....not good when you are supposed to catch the Cardinal that leaves Chicago 3 1/2 hours after 6 gets in. :angry: :angry: :angry:
Did it ever cross your mind that this thunderstorm might just might be slowing down or stopping the track gang from getting things clear. You are sitting inside nice and dry watching the rain. Those guys are out there trying to work in it or else being unable to do what they need to because of it. :( :angry2:
Or the fact UP has made it known they are no friend of Amtrak. Remember the book waiting on a train where UP has said we just don't care. other railroads delay amtrak also but not the extent of UP. UP is a bully to amtrak.
I am on 6, sitting on a blankety-blank siding, waiting for a UP track gang to clear the track. In a thunderstorm no less. They said it would be just a few short minutes...... 2 1/2 hours ago!!!!!!! We were already an hour and a half late out of Fraser thanks to more UP BS. We are sure to be almost 4 hours late into Denver.....not good when you are supposed to catch the Cardinal that leaves Chicago 3 1/2 hours after 6 gets in. :angry: :angry: :angry:
Did it ever cross your mind that this thunderstorm might just might be slowing down or stopping the track gang from getting things clear. You are sitting inside nice and dry watching the rain. Those guys are out there trying to work in it or else being unable to do what they need to because of it. :( :angry2:
Or the fact UP has made it known they are no friend of Amtrak. Remember the book waiting on a train where UP has said we just don't care. other railroads delay amtrak also but not the extent of UP. UP is a bully to amtrak.
Looking at the status map I see that all Amtrak LD trains under UP control at present, except for this specific #6 being discussed here, all the rest are running less than 1:40 late and most them are less than 1 hour late, and some are even *shudder* on time. UP must be pretty incompetent at even delaying Amtrak trains then. :)

For comparison, of all Amtrak LD trains under BNSF control, one is over 3 hours late and the rest are all less than 1:30 late at present.

There are 11 LD trains under UP control and 8 under BNSF control at the moment.

While we are at it the numbers for CSX and NS are as follows:

NS LD Trains under control: 5

NS LD Trains over 1:00 late: 0

CSX LD Trains under control: 7

CSX LD Trains over 1:00 late: 0
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It is the dispatching I take issue with. Saying it would be just a few short moments and instead taking 2 1/2 hours, stringing us along all the while saying it would be just a few minutes. If they would have said it would hsve been 2 1/2 hours in the first place I might not have liked it but I wouldn't be bitching about it here. :lol:
Ahhh, Ryan is right. I do wish instead of definitely saying just a few short moments they would have added the caveat that it might take longer. As it is it looks like a Galesburg-Indianapolis bustitution is in order. And, hey, I got to see the wonderful Omaha station area. :lol: Not to mention a bunch of cops, sheriff' s deputies, TSA agents, and a bomb-sniffing dog in action. I wouldn't have been awake to see all the fun otherwise!
And now we're sitting just outside the freight yard in Denver......because we can't get ahold of the dispatcher in order to obtain permission to move. CAN'T GET AHOLD OF THE DISPATCHER?????? :angry: :angry: :angry: What in the name of Sam Hill is this garbage UP is pulling?? :angry:
Well there's your problem. Sam Hill was with the Great Northern :D
James Hill was with the Great Northern. Was Sam his younger brother?
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My goodness... I get more stressed reading your posts then when I was on a 4+ hour late Builder making a connection this Summer. I just sat back and I made the train. Didn't have the leisurely dinner I had planned in Chicago but I made the train and relaxed.
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