Contact email address for Amtrak management

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I am a new Amtrak rider. Last week I took a trip from Emeryville to Cleveland. Although the crew of the California Zephyr were helpful, the train itself had issues. There was, for example, no observation car, the windows were so filthy that they were opaque. I took some high end digital cameras and got zero shots. The toilet in some of the rooms, including mine was not operable, the GFI outlet over the sink would pop every time I turned on the overhead lights. Although I had hot water in the sink, the shower valve leaked so much hot water that none got to the shower head. I was also distressed to find remnants (sunglasses and tickets) from other people that had taken previously taken the Zephyr. I do not believe that my bedroom had been cleaned in a long time.

So, my question is this. Does someone have good contact email address for Amtrak management? As a retired guy, I spent good money on a full bedroom. I feel that I was mislead.

Thank you,
The best thing to do is call, not email, Customer Relations by calling the 800 number, asking for an agent, then asking the agent for Customer Relations which is staffed 8 am to 8 pm ET, M-F. Customer Relations is empowered to give pretty generous compensation, up to a travel voucher for the accommodation charge which is by far the largest portion of the fare. Perhaps even more. That will be a lot faster and probably more satisfactory than an email disappearing into the black hole maw of Amtrak email.

Unfortunately, to many here, your experience of no Sightseer Lounge (which are in short supply with no substitutes available if last minute mechanical issues occur), and filthy windows is not that unusual. Neither are issues with car or cursory cleaning.

I know that is not what you want to hear.

I realize this was a special trip for you and your expectations were high. Unfortunately, the conditions you describe are pretty much "Tuesday". Common. Amtrak Bedrooms make for poor value propositions, especially at high bucket fares.

Amtrak executive management is generally indifferent, to put it mildly, to long distance services.

If you want pretty decent compensation quickly, call Customer Relations. If you want the role of King Canute versus the tide, the consumer advocacy site has executive contacts.
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I did talk to Customer Relations. They offered me a $200 dollar credit towards a future trip. I got the sense that the person I was talking to was indifferent to my situation. I am not happy with the resolution but I am not going to dwell on it. I will mark this a learning experience and move on. Thank you for your help.
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