Yay-Usss! Finally got another trip to nowhere!

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TRAINS, AMTRAK and TESLAS! I'm colorful, not crazy
AU Supporting Member
Apr 16, 2017
The Great (and may I add) sovereign State of Texas
Left Dallas on time, the Transition Sleepers (or at least this one) have really improved. About 6 Roomettes starting at the high door. Attended to by an SCA who said he was a chair car attendant ( ? ). Name of Joseph, very good, attentive.
Dinner was good Amtrak fare, the Diner crew were quite good, the usual "clear out so we can set up for breakfast!", but I admit we were dawdling over coffee.
My daughter's first Long Distance trip, she is having a great time. Indeed the Transition/Crew quarters/Roomettes car was OK. First behind the engine, almost no traffic, and one of the downstairs heads was unused since the last servicing. Cool! The head/shower upstairs had no place to store towels, but I did find a duffle bag of fresh towels in the baggage rack downstairs. I am sure that had I requested a towel, Joseph would have brought ot for me. Plenty of hot water, and my usual Here-To-Eternity night's sleep in the upper bunk
And into Chicago a couple of hours late, and off to see the Lizard!...
Great trip, my daughter is now a fan.
Yup. Sue is the Great Lizard.
OBTW, my daughter is enchanted with the Chicago she saw, and it already at work figuring out how to get another week off to return before the cold sets in.
While the purpose of this trip was really just to experience AMTRAK, turning her on to the Chicago experience is frosting on the cake.
Glad you enjoyed. Chair car is old name for Coach.
Yup you are spot on. And I still use Cycles (short for Cycles Per Second) instead of "Hertz". And Centigrade (makes more sense than Celsius), and eschew many of the other changes made for no reason at all. And use "Military" time, makes calculations so much easier.
Funny, every Sunday morning I have breakfast with a friend (retired from electrical industry last week). I retired at a much younger age 5 1/2 years ago, but both of us teach classes for the electrical apprentice programs often together. It keeps the mind from turning to broccoli. Talking about HEP on trains, we just went over rpm X poles /120 to get the 60 cycles then on to vfd and igbt controllers...VFD control of motors and pumps is a major contributor to energy efficiency in buildings, it is one of the things my classes cover.