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  1. K

    Schumer Proposes 'No-Ride List' for Amtrak Trains

    The people who run a program, who are (supposedly) committed to improving the program, are ignoring a strong bastion of said program's constituency? Say it ain't so!
  2. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    Though as I recall, Anne Arundel County is considered a suburban county, especially the northern quarter. AA Co has its share of commuters, great is the number of AA co commuters going down Route 50 to New Carrollton every morning. A suburban commuter county, a county containing not only the...
  3. K

    Schumer Proposes 'No-Ride List' for Amtrak Trains

    An effort which would ironically aid terrorist attempts. Every train station will become like the infamous Coconut Grove nightclub during a disaster. Agreed. My complaints about Amtrak are many, but one of the things I greatly praise Amtrak for is its lack of invasive security & generous luggage...
  4. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    Firstly, I apologize. In this 2-fronted (3 fronted?) "war" of sorts I grew confused between who said what. Again, mea culpa. Well now, if you had simply said that in the first place, we wouldn't be in this predicament :wink: BTW, I have most certainly contacted my elected (and non-elected)...
  5. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    Ryan, you said the above. Then I said this, and I also asked you to show me land that would have been better used for the National Harbor, land that you claimed existed. In challenge to my claims, you said this: However, Ryan also said this: Please explain the discrepancy between what you say...
  6. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    Friend, that is simply not true, and you evaded my question. A question which arose from your assertion that there existed suitable land for the National Harbor that was already Metro accessible in PG county. All I did was ask you to point it out, and now you evade by railing against the...
  7. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    You don't even have pertinent data, and you are engaging in selective argument. If we continue down this path, I won't be surprised to see the straw man fallacy be employed. BTW, public transit isn't even designed to recoup its own costs. As I recollect, intracity buses in B'more are only...
  8. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    On the National Harbor, please show me some land which is along the Potomac which is suitable for the construction of a harbor as well as large edifices, has easy automotive access, and already has metro access. If you can't find one, don't despair, as you're in the same boat as the planners...
  9. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    All the ICC does, and will do once it is finally complete, is allow drivers to leap-frog other drivers on the "backroads" which lead away from DC, the roads that are not able to support such traffic. In theory, a shorter method of going from I-270 to I-95 is great. In reality, both I-270 &...
  10. K

    Why is there no good Light Rail to Subway connection in BAL?

    A better question would be why is MD transportation a joke? With the exception of the terminal stations of the DC metro, we really have nothing remarkable. The MARC trains are nice, but they're beyond capacity, and only run for DC commuters. They're a mercurial extension of the metro; they are...
  11. K

    Schumer Proposes 'No-Ride List' for Amtrak Trains

    I'd assume that is one of the minor reasons. Maybe I should state that as "I'd like to believe that is one of the minor reasons". Glad to see that only the NorthEast Corridor needs to be protected ;) I can't fathom a way for Amtrak to stop someone from boarding the Empire Builder at Podunk...
  12. K

    Auto Trains for Everyone?

    The most efficient thing should be to not have to accelerate at all. Unless the train is going to go 10 mph for the hundreds if not thousands of miles that it will travel, the train will have to accelerate to deal with this one bit of crappy track. Sure it should take less energy to go from 0 to...
  13. K

    SEA train station nearby hotel

    If you do have stuff, there was no shortage of people offering to carry it for a fee when I was there. However, they didn't emerge until I was within sight of my destination (the Best Western) & they did not want Canadian cash, which is all I had on me as I had just arrived from VAC. If you...
  14. K

    Auto Trains for Everyone?

    Yes, and then due to a lake flooding your company is forced to increase traffic over that poorly maintained & sub-par track, then that money would have been better spent on getting said track up to spec. Alright, but can that speed indeed be 10 mph? Such a slow speed holds up other trains on the...
  15. K

    Imperative Empire Builder Question

    Let's mention what transpired, and we'll see if your judging is still apropos: On the Cardinal, going from LAF to CHI (3.5 hour journey estimated), the train was frozen in a Chicago freight yard for 8 hours. During this time, a senior citizen in the seat near me started whining and moaning...