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  1. S


    I'm not surprised. Anyone with any degree of competency has no place in this administration. The only ones that need apply are complete imbeciles that will not question orders. No Experience... no problem. No clue... even better. No integrity... you're hired!!!
  2. S

    NE Corridor Spinoff Approved?

    Over and over again I keep seeing our fine president trying to "derail" Amtrak. The only "reason" I can come up with is strictly neo-con ideaology. There is no other explanation. Saving the paltry 1.2 billion can't be worth all the time and effort that the neo-cons spend trying to bring about...
  3. S


    One would have to wonder if there were any passengers still left on the trail when it FINALLY rolls in to Union Station in LA. One could probably 'hound it faster than being a day late. Walking is a distinct possibility too. The 5 zephyr was 11 hours late getting to emeryville the other day but...
  4. S

    Bennett Supports Ending Amtrak Service in Utah

    I thought this was odd too. I actually live in Utah and Bennett is one of my "representatives". Having been to the thriving "metropolis" of Brigham City I wondered about why they would need 6.2 million when I saw the article in the newspaper last week. I sent Senator Bennett a letter supporting...
  5. S

    Train-offs and a gag order

    I too made the awful mistake of voting for dubya in 2000. And seeing the shenanigans of the GOP (called God's Only Party here in Utah) I changed my political affiliation last summer. In reality I had been voting for Dems since the local elections in 2001 but I never officially changed...
  6. S

    Amtrak Defeated in Senate

    How about $300 billion and counting. 80 billion was just the last installment. Of note is the fact that the $300 billion listed above is money that so far has been appropriated toward the war. The money goes pretty fast when you are hemmoraging $2,000 a second To bring it back on topic...
  7. S

    'Amtrak may finally be at the end of the line'

    EXACTLY!!!!!!! What you said!!!!! Here Here... amen and amen!!! It's been the same thing over an over again. Cut federal funding for education, transportation, and generally everything except for "defense" (ie. pre-emptive self defense) then the states have to pick up the tab. Guess what folks...
  8. S

    Amtrak hampered by losses, low western ridership

    Uhh... Aren't roads a money loser too? Cost to build+Cost to maintain When was the last time Interstate 70 or 80 or any other road made money. Articles like this are complete BS. really when you look at it dismantling Amtrak really is class warfare the Bushies et al will never step foot on a...
  9. S

    Bush Budget to Scrap Subsidy for Amtrak-Sources

    I'm sorry if I offended. "Moron" was perhaps a little harsh for this forum but a whole lot more kind than how I usually refer to our CIC :) . However, my opinion of why we need to improve our national passenger rail system for national security reasons is indeed vaild, or at least as valid as...
  10. S

    Why try to kill Amtrak?

    From time to time I like to try to to get differing points of view about different issues so I pose the question above. I can't understand the thinking of people like Rep. Istook, Sen. McCain, President Bush and others regarding the desire to privatize/dismantle national passenger rail...