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  1. T

    Viewliner vs Superliner Roomettes

    I am new to train travel and have yet to take my first trip. In another thread I was asking tons of questions about accommodations and somehow the subject of toilets came up; roomettes or bedroom. THEN I happened to read some posts of dirty hall toilets: one of the genders is not that...
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    It's the ride, not the destination

    OK..first I wanted to get a bedroom with one of those tiny bathrooms and showers, then several posted that roomettes were money savers and hall bathrooms weren't so bad. Then I looked at 2 Silver Meteor roomette videos with the toilet right next to the table and bed, swore I'd never RIDE ...
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    It's the ride, not the destination

    What an invaluable link! Thank you so much for that reference. I was just online over at You Tube looking at various videos of the bedrooms/bathrooms vs the roomettes. Now as you email came into my box I was viewing this . I must say that this little video of the roomette burst my bubble and...
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    It's the ride, not the destination

    Almost time! Have a great time Penny!
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    It's the ride, not the destination

    I hear the preferences for a roomette rather than the bedroom. As I read those comments from those who opted and prefer the hall bathrooms, and w/o double checking the posts, I thought "That must be a male writing this post". Women like their own bathroom. Especially women my age. I thank you...
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    It's the ride, not the destination

    I am encouraged!
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    It's the ride, not the destination

    I have been reading and pondering all the posts and links shared earlier this week. But in browsing the brochure and Amtrak travel website I see tours tours, hotels, restaurants, etc. I have lived in a city all my life. I want to get away from cities! LOL I know what I want, but I need your...
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    Excellent travel blog. That is the kind of writing I am looking for in book form. Great photos . I will secure a copy of the Diski from my library which has a few copies. Cheers
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    When I say 'a book that is portable' I do not mean something to read on the trip. I am looking for a book to read NOW in prep for the trip other than the J. Pitt guide that I have. I appreciate the articles on the travelog thread, but rather than printing short posts out I would love to have an...
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    Thanks all! I will do more to spend time searching trough the threads here.I was just thinking of something portable. I can't believe the wealth of information on this site. One can spends hours!
  11. T


    Looking for a book. I have been browsing the Trip Reprts section, but am looking for something a bit more descriptive . Many of the posts say we departed on " " arrived in " " on "" "" left for " " at "" "" etc. I would like a bit more of a description of what they were experiencing. Anyone...
  12. T


    Cross Country-Coast to Coast trip. East to West. Anyone know of anyones' published travelog narratives or journals of their trip?