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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. I


    I am afraid Jim, especially, does not realize that there are guns aboard AMTRAK every day. Only the gang-bangers have them, of course. Calling law-abiding gun-owners, who do not carry guns on AMTRAK because it is against the rules, "gun nuts" is fine, right? Is it ok if I call raving...
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    I have a hard time understanding some of you folks. I thought you wanted to have more AMTRAK ridership. Currently, AMTRAK goes through many choice hunting areas that are difficult and expensive to get to via the airlines. Hunters aren't a danger to you. On or off AMTRAK. Airlines readily...
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    USA: By car or by rail?

    Wouldn't take a NY minute for me to decide: Take the train. Since you've got the points, get a room :) Put tylenol or similar sleep aids and ear plugs in your luggage. You'll sleep well at least after the first night, and arrive in better condition to celebrate the wedding!
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    Other Auto Train routes?

    It's pretty clear that the only destination where people intend to STAY for months is Florida. Thus paying to transfer their own automobile is practical. LA, Denver, etc get plenty of travellers - business and 1 - 2 week vactioning families. Rental is more practical for that short period of...
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    Check your hotel reservations!

    Hey, this is the sort of thing that helps me justify making a trip (on AMTRAK) or staying home. Thanks for the heads up!
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    NARP Goes Anti-Gun

    This whole discussion can never be settled, because it involves three distinct and very different groups of people: 1. Firearm owners who know how to handle arms safely and are quite certain they would never use them to harm innocent people. 2. Firearm haters who fear demon-haunted inert...
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    Need hotel advice near the stations!

    There's no reliable "southern limit", and driving in snow - or the more common ice - in Atlanta's hills is not for the faint-hearted. Unless you are very unlucky, you won't encounter those conditions once you get south of the Appalachian mountains. I would recommend being prepared for cold -...
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    New SECTRAN and Amtrak

    Plans are one thing, finding the money is another. After all the giveaways to greedy bankers and poorly-run auto industry, is there going to be anything left to fund things like fixing highway bridges and improving rail transportation?
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    Why do most ignore scenery?

    You have to wonder why they bothered. After all, you can ride buses, read books, and play cards in NJ. But I guess that doesn't impress people at cocktail parties. Betcha' they ALL remember and brag about how much it cost.
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    Considering first trip on train- with two youngsters

    Do it! He won't forget the experience. I was about that age when my parents took an overnight trip to Atlanta. I ate in the dining car, then slept thru much of the rest, but when I woke up as we rolled into Atlanta, they told me I said "this is the ONLY way to travel!".
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    Could a train station make a profit for Amtrak? I think so

    If you're under 30, you'll be seeing and using a lot of those stations before you retire. Once the airlines close down, and gas hits $15 a gallon, people will insist that what we had 100 years ago could, and should be brought back.
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    Could a train station make a profit for Amtrak? I think so

    Give it a few years, and I think we'll see some of that. Higher the gas prices, the sooner it will happen.
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    A Very Interesting Fort Worth Flip

    I know it's very difficult, but if you expect to be taken seriously, try to act like an adult. That includes writing like one. If you don't have the time to communicate clearly, wait until later. If you don't have enough respect for others to communicate clearly, don't .
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    VIA Rail: Disease outbreak on the Canadian

    Yeah, but reading the article: elderly woman died of unspecified causes - not believed to be infectious disease. Rest probably suffering from hysteria. That happens a lot on airliners & cruise ships.
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    CBSNEWS story

    Of course - how else to save money so the CEO can pull down 20 - 30 million per year while driving the company into bankruptcy? THAT is how business is done nowdays, and apparently nobody, not even the stockholders, who have the most to lose, seems to care.
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    LAUS (Lax)

    If things get as bad as I expect them to in the next 5-10 years, the Amish may be among the few who do survive. They're pretty self-sufficient, and wisely don't count on the gov't to help. See New Orleans for comparison.
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    Well, I live about 60 miles from Atlanta. 60 or 100 years ago, I could have taken a train to work. Not any more. Commuter trains, streetcars, etc only survived in places like New York, where they were the only workable option, or in San Francisco or New Orleans, where they survive for...
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    What Amtrak should aspire to

    Funny, I thought the upgrade more than covered the cost of marginal quality food. If it doesn't, then they are buying it at the same place the gov't. buys toilet seats and hammers. "Regardless of the effect is has on ridership"? Fewer riders will mean no AMTRAK funding, which will mean no...
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    What Amtrak should aspire to

  20. I


    There aren't really any other train companies, with the exception of a few 'hobby' lines which make tourist trips, and the GrandLuxe - formerly American Orient Express - which is very expensive and only makes a few select trips per year. Greyhound runs bus service to most larger cities - but...