Amtrak California Ads

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Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Were spending a few days on California's Central Coast. While watching TV, I began to notice Amtrak California ads. It seems, now that I'm looking at them, that they are broadcasting them about five or more in prime time on all the local channels. About 10-15 seconds long, touting the fuel efficiency, or frequency, or destination. They always end with the quick double locomotive horn blasts. Interesting as I've never seen or heard of this promotion.
I believe that the Amtrak California ads are sponsored by the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans), not by Amtrak. They also have quite a few billboard and magazine ads.

There is also a separate Amtrak Cailfornia website (, which says that Amtrak California is a registered trademark of CalTrans.
While I have not seen the TV commercials that leemell is touting, I agree with gregoryla that there are many billboards. Whenever I have to drive to LA (grrrrrr), I probably see three different billboardsnjust a long the 5. There is one in Oceanside, two in Orange County, and maybe one in southern LA County, like Norwalkish or something like that. They are nice ads, and I'm glad that Caltrans is paying for them.
I've been seeing them almost every night during "Jeopardy!" on KABC -- they usually run two ads within the same commercial break, one at the beginning and one at the end.
You can see the ads on their Facebook page.

One of the ads boasts: "Average Speed 70 mph" which the folks over at have rightfully pointed out is a somewhat specious claim.
Although end-to-end is much lower, many segments due have great travel time. For example, a few runs are scheduled at 14 minutes between Solana Beach and Oceansie. So 14 minutes after you pull out of SOL, you have 1) Sped up. 2) traveled 15 miles. 3) stopped at Oceanside and discharged/boarded pax. 4) Started to leave again. That is some really nice speed.
These ads have been airing for at least a couple months now in LA and San Diego. I have seen them during prime time programming. As previously mentioned, you can view them all online on YouTube.
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