Amtrak Voucher questions

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I'm guessing your eVoucher was issued due to delays or other "trips was unsatisfactory" reasons vs one that is issued when we choose to cancel a trip for some reason. As I said before, it does depend (at least in the past) which type of voucher you received.
A quick update to our ongoing voucher situation. We took our intended journey from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando - tried to use the voucher when booking at the station but were told this could only be done online.
After our return from the US we once again emailed Amtrak expressing our frustration at not being able to use these vouchers to book online.
We also suggested the deadline be extended for another 12 months to allow us another chance to use them next year.
Amtrak obliged so now we have another year in which to try our luck.
To be continued ...

( Compliments of the holiday season to all our American chums on here.Thanks for all your suggestions. )
Sadly I had to cancel my visit stateside last Sept 2023. Just booking a replacement trip for this September. Anyone know how the voucher expiry dates work? I have a voucher which expires on 27th July 24, for a previously cancelled train ticket, but when I try to use it for this September, the system won't accept it, even though I am trying to use it within it's validity? I guess one has to actually travel before the voucher expiry date, and not just make a reservation?
Not a big deal, I have bought a ticket anyway, just thought it worth asking, before I bin the other vouchers too!
Have you tried calling? Amtrak has some of the worst tech in the modern travel business so I tend to avoid it whenever possible. I'm no voucher expert but even if your plan is against one or more of the rules you might get some traction by explaining what happened and how your situation is different from someone who can hop on the next train out of town. I'm glad to hear you're still able to travel long haul. I saw another post about you giving up on more travel to India and thought that meant you were done with anything outside of Europe. Did you ever consider retiring to India or is that not an option?
Have you tried calling? Amtrak has some of the worst tech in the modern travel business so I tend to avoid it whenever possible. I'm no voucher expert but even if your plan is against one or more of the rules you might get some traction by explaining what happened and how your situation is different from someone who can hop on the next train out of town. I'm glad to hear you're still able to travel long haul. I saw another post about you giving up on more travel to India and thought that meant you were done with anything outside of Europe. Did you ever consider retiring to India or is that not an option?
To be honest, the total amount of the vouchers is only low, so I don't feel that it is worth while phoning, etc. I got refunded for some train tickets, and a couple of vouchers for others, all were coach seats.

I had a mini stroke back in Feb. this year, which has left me with slight ongoing issues, so adventurous travel is more cautious just now. I think visiting India soon would be okay, and was weighing up USA v India recently. Going with USA this September, only booked my flight last evening, so plans are still fluid. I imagine I will take more flights to get around than trains this time, but it's all still a cheapo jaunt as usual. :D
I like visiting India, but I would not live there. A bit like working in a cookie manufacturers, one probably enjoys eating all the chocolate biscuits at first, but constant exposure would lessen the pleasure, I imagine.

There are restrictions on immigration to India, so it would not be a realistic option to retire there anyway, despite the "Marigold Hotel" films!
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Have you tried calling? Amtrak has some of the worst tech in the modern travel business so I tend to avoid it whenever possible.
I am tending to agree with you about the tech today. I tried to use a different voucher, which is fully valid, as part payment for a train ticket, and the Amtrak site just dumped me back to start the booking afresh, multiple times. No explanation. I am used to Amtrak not being so great these days, but issuing vouchers as "partial refunds" and then not allowing them to be used, stinks.
Rant over, I am not supposed to get my blood pressure up! Ommmmmm... ;)