Hiawatha discussion

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The problem for me, with the seat sliding forward, is that unless the pitch is very long, you cannot extend your legs under the seat in front of you, You are forced to have your knees bent. Maybe okay for a couple of hours, but would never do on an overnight train...
Yup, it is a tradeoff between your legs or the laptop and the lap or face of the person behind you. To get good recline you need larger pitch no matter which way it is done. :D
Five Wisconsin markets were selected for a few million to move forward with study, all essentially Hiawatha expansion:

--Additional MKE-CHI trips
--New GRB-MKE-(CHI) service
--New MSN-MKE-(CHI) service
--New STP-EAU-MSN-MKE-(CHI) service
--Third STP-LSE-MKE-(CHI) trip

Green Bay, Madison and Eau Claire all lost passenger service with Amtrak, and talk of a third trip routed through LaCrosse on the heels of the looiming second trip (TCMC) has been thrown around. Hopefully this continues to move in the right direction.

Additional HIawatha trips are worthwhile regardless of what happens farther up the tracks, but at minimum CHI-MKE probably has to be about 10x to support this. More like 12-14 would be especially nice as long as we're being optimistic here.

I remember reading about that. I'm glad the monthly is back, as $650 is better than $840, but that's still a steep $250 increase over the previous monthly pass fee. Quite a ridiculous rate.
I remember reading about that. I'm glad the monthly is back, as $650 is better than $840, but that's still a steep $250 increase over the previous monthly pass fee. Quite a ridiculous rate.
Whatever Wisconsin is willing to pay for 🥴
The jump from $400 to $650 is definitely huge, but I'd argue the $400 monthly pass was perhaps too massive a discount.

For weekday commuters there are usually about 22 weekdays per month, or 44 total trips.

Old rate of $400 per month
$400 / 44 trips = about $9.10 per trip
that's nearly 64% off the regular $25 fare

New rate of $650 per month
$400 / 44 trips = about $14.77 per trip
that's nearly 41% off the regular $25 fare

For a three-times-per week commuter the monthly package does not save money
Three times per week is about 26 trips per month.
At $650 that's $25 per trip, so monthly gives no savings
The ten-ride $210 of $21 each would be cheaper for three-per-day commuters.

Again, it's a big percentage jump to swallow especially for lower-income people (including any commuting students) but is a 41% discount out of line?
I received an email notification from Amtrak recently, regarding my upcoming Chicago to Milwaukee trip in September, as follows:

"...We wanted to let you know that checked-baggage service will not be available on your train #331, from Chicago, Illinois on Friday, September 20th.

Instead, each passenger can bring up to two carry-on items weighing less than 50 lbs./23 kg, and no larger than 28 x 22 x 14 inches. You can also bring two personal items such as a purse or laptop bag. Please note that other restrictions may apply. You can visit Amtrak.com for details about our carry-on baggage policy.

We're sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for being a valued Amtrak customer - we'll see you onboard.

The most up to date arrival and departure times are available on Amtrak.com, our free mobile apps or by text or phone 1-877-231-9448."

Do they send this message to everyone booked on every train that does not offer checked baggage service? 🤔

This was long-expected for many, many years.
The Amtrak-owned cabbages will be replaced by Wisconsin-owned cab-coaches without a secured baggage compartment.

The Wisconsin DOT, not Amtrak, made that decision and paid for the new cab-coaches as an add-on to the Midwest Venture order.

If checked baggage service is important to you, then contact your Wisconsin legislators and have them add to the next DOT capital budget to purchase or rent the additional equipment required.
If checked baggage service is important to you, then . . .
It's important to me as MKE is my link (after a 5-6 hour drive from home) to CHI and then on to the East, Gulf and West Coasts. Don't think my Michigan congress-critters care much about this issue.

Glad to see MKE still offers checked baggage for the EB to SEA and PDX, however.

The station at CBS is served by the EB, is the same distance from home and according to this https://www.amtrak.com/stations/cbs offers checked baggage to CHI, but supposedly is an unstaffed station.

Q: How can an unstaffed station offer checked baggage service?
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I wasn’t aware that the Hiawatha trains (used to) offer checked baggage service, so hadn’t planned on it anyway, so just was surprised to receive the email from Amtrak I quoted above…🤷‍♂️
Q: How can an unstaffed station offer checked baggage service?
I went to CBS to pick up my USA Railpass, as I was boarding at POG. I figured it was staffed if they offered checked baggage service. The woman there explained she was only there to help with the baggage, but she was not skilled to handle ticketing. She just showed up about an hour before the train was due and left after it departed. And yes, she had to keep an eye out for just how late 8 was running each day.
I was on Sunday's 1:05 Hiawatha from Chicago. What seemed like a vast number of passengers boarded, with many ending up standing around with no seat. It turned out that the 11:05 Borealis was delayed enough that it would departing after we did, and quite a few passengers booked on it boarded our train thinking that their tickets would be good on any departure. After several increasingly stern announcements, enough of them got off that we were able to get on our way.