WAS station grenade threat

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Honored Member
Aug 22, 2002
I saw on FOX news earlier that some guy threw an activated grenade and a duffelbag supposedly full of explosives into Washington Union station... nothing happened with the bag, but an Amtrak police officer caught the grenade and held it so that it wouldn't go off.. I guess they have it under control, and the assailant in custody, but I can't seem to find news of this anywhere online - anyone have any updated info?

This was on FOX News in New York as well tonight, and it's still a "breaking story". They did say that there was no impact on train operations -- the station is still open and functioning as normal.
CNN said that the grenade was defective, that’s good, and that Amtrak Police Officer was very brave.
A man who brandished a hand grenade during a robbery attempt at Union Station was arrested last night after an Amtrak police officer grabbed the partially activated device from him, authorities said.
The officer clasped a safety catch for at least 15 minutes to prevent any explosion.

You can read the full story here from the Washington Post.
Heard this story on CBS 2 News last night, was amazed by the fact it was Amtrak Police to stop the grenade. It was indeed very brave, and should also be taken into consideration when funding Amtrak.

I'm thankful that it didn't blow up and kill/injure anybody, not to mention the chance of having lost one of the nations most beautiful stations.
Viewliner, you said what I felt but did not think to put into words...I felt "pride" when hearing Amtrak police were involved in the effort.....kind of a good plug for us, I think.
Just as a reminder Amtrak Police can be called at (800) 331-0008 if you here or see any suspicious activity related to Amtrak.
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