The LSL and The Cardinal also have the heat and eat menu, but in a more robust form than the CONO.
The CONO has the double whammy of the heat and eat menu, AND very limited offerings, the south bound "express dinner"being the worst.
We were on the Ocean last week from Montreal to Halifax, and while their food comes from a caterer, it is reheated on board, plated on board, and served by a full diner staff.
What are the differences, between the southbound and northbound CONO food menu offerings? And what is better about how the LSL and Cardinal, handle doing a diner lite style menu? Good to see this post, since I'll be sure to bring some of my own food on board if I eventually do an Amtrak trip to Memphis.
And a side question, are there any hidden gem places in Mississippi that'd be worth a train trip to? I.e. Greenwood, Jackson, etc.? Sometimes I've wondered if Jackson, MS is worth visiting, but who knows.