Denver Union Station - overnight?

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People that ride bikes in traffic need to be sent to an island so they only endanger themselves! ( are you listening Austin bike riders?)
That's where the law says they're supposed to ride. Personally I think it makes more sense for them to ride on the sidewalk. Yes, a pedestrian on a sidewalk might get hit my a bicycle now and again, but for the most part Texans don't use sidewalks for walking anyway. Even if a pedestrian were to be hit by a bicycle they'd have a much better chance of surviving than a cyclist being hit by a Texas sized truck or SUV in the road.
Personally I think bicyclists should be confined to closed circuit course and grade seperated trails. Either that or have the local constabulary decide whether it is a road vehicle or a pedestrian and ruthlessly enforce the relevant rules, including a required license and a demerit system.

The big problem with cyclists is no specific set of rules seems to be enforced upon them, nor are there any serious consequences for violating them.
The big problem with cyclists is no specific set of rules seems to be enforced upon them, nor are there any serious consequences for violating them.
Here in Texas the consequences of cycling mistakes are generally limited to maiming and death at the hands of an indifferent hit-and-run motorist with the occasional example of what appears to be intentional manslaughter.
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While I do not condone (even though I sometimes sarcastically imply I do) mowing down cyclists, and I think killing people for being stupid, rude, and obnoxious is a sligtly excessive action (if I didnt there would be a massively lower population in New Jersey- although I do favor legalizing dueling), the fact that there are people who do get angry enough at cyclists to kill them would suggest the behavior of cyclists is unideal- it takes two to tango.

While the rules of the road do require (rightly) for motorists to watch out for cyclists, the rules of logic says that the smaller, more maneuverable, and slower vehicle should be cautious of the larger, less maneuverable vehicle with larger blindspots. Just because I theoretically have right of way somewhere does not mean I am not an idiot when I fail to respond to the vehicle that doesnt give it to me.

Just because in NJ pedestrians always have right of way at a crosswalk does not mean that I should aggressively enforce my right. My estate winning the lawsuit will be of little comfort to me.
While I do not condone...mowing down cyclists, and I think killing people for being stupid, rude, and obnoxious is a slightly excessive action, the fact that there are people who do get angry enough at cyclists to kill them would suggest the behavior of cyclists is unideal…
Mowing down cyclists would be "slightly excessive" huh?

it takes two to tango.
One side is maimed or killed while the other side runs away like a coward and then you come along to imply both sides are equally at fault. Where have I heard this before?

While the rules of the road do require (rightly) for motorists to watch out for cyclists, the rules of logic says that the smaller, more maneuverable, and slower vehicle should be cautious of the larger, less maneuverable vehicle with larger blindspots.
Which is why I recommend placing cyclists on sidewalks and away from people like you. Except that right now that would be against the law and result in penalties.
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Excuse me, but how is me saying that one sides actions are excessive and the others is unideal imply that I consider the fault to be anything like equal? Implying that there is contributing negligence on the part of the cyclist certainly does not imply, nor was it meant to, that the cyclist is equally at fault for bad drivers or murderous lunatics.

I am sick and tired of the image of Angelic cyclists being mowed down by satanic motorists. Being sick of that, and implying that the cyclists are equally satanic are very different things. Cyclists often demonstrate erratic and unpredictable behavior, so much so that I sometimes find myself standing on the brake because a cyclist that I was not only aware of, but scrutinizing, suddenly thinks that the middle of a 4 lane road is a great location to cross the street.

Not to mention the proliferation of the Darth Vader Army of Stealth Cyclists who insist on black bikes, no reflectors or lights, and black clothing. Certainly we can lay at least SOME of the blame for their invisibility at their feet?

Furthermore, I resent your implication that because I speak out against badly behaved cyclists, I must be one of the motorists who mow them down. I have not killed a cyclist in at least a week. :D

Seriously, I have never hit a pedestrian or cyclist, nor have I ever come close. I take great care to notice and avoid them. They are not idiots on purpose, it would be unfair for me to blame them for their idiocy, not to mention against my religion. To say nothing of intentionally maiming or killing them.
Let's get back on topic. Further discussion of bicyclists or other topics unrelated to overnighting at Union Station can be taken to the lounge.
AmtrakBlue, the Molly Brown house and in particular Molly Brown interests us. It's great to read of people who know what they want and pursue their goal, thanks for that