I rode the CL leaving Chicago 6-1, dinner and breakfast. There was a manager on board interviewing passengers about the meals. We had a good conversation. I agree that the quality of the individual items was pretty good, but the combinations resulted ion unbalanced nutrition or issues for certain types of diets. The ability to swap a few items within the range would probably satisfy most customers. an example I gave was the blueberry muffin, you could have a plain muffin, with a small basket of various jams and spreads. The chicken and the beef were both decent looking, but each one was pre packed with a specific dressing, again, a few choices in a basket (like the current set for the green salad on regular trains) would not add much to cost or labor. Lock in to one desert, with no lower calorie or sugar free alternative is a real problem for a pretty broad population as is the very high sodium content. Overly high sodium and fat content in prepared foods is a pretty common problem, most people accept that when traveling, but the lack of choice did seem to bother people more. I know lots of people have different dietary needs, and you can't make everyone happy ( and shouldn't waste your time trying) but providing a some choices as well as readable information would be a big help to a broad range of travelers. Whether or not changes will happen, I don't know, but at least someone was out on the front lines taking voluminous notes.