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    • fillyjonk
      ah, womp womp..I saw your earlier photos (but didn't see that traditional dining wasn't back) and was hoping to see better food than...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      It does seem these days that the diner is at the head end and the sleeper is at the end, I bet you're right about those final two cars...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      Yeah, I had Sheila coming back on 21 (BNL-MIN) on.....Thursday?* She was super professional and friendly. The whole bustituiton thing...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      Well, I received an updated ticket (refunding a tiny bit for the LVW to MIN bus service, which I already knew about) and a text alert...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      Well, I can’t tell what’s up. The robot chat on the Amtrak app told me 21 was totally cancelled today (not even doing CHI to STL) but...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      Well, I just had to remake my Tuesday reservation for Thursday; they canceled trains AT LEAST THROUGH TUESDAY with NO alternate...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      I was supposed to take the TE this evening (5/26), got an automated call a bit before 10 pm CDT last night saying it was cancelled...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      Well, Amtrak really messed up on messaging right now. They kept saying that the train was on time when it never left Fort Worth. Might...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      Apparently the Temple to Ft. Worth bus bridge is still going, I went to check the train status map (IDK, I prefer it) before leaving for...
    • fillyjonk
      as someone whose adopted home is in the South......well, no, this is bait, I ain't taking it. On topic: every time I used to get grits...
    • fillyjonk
      I'm not vegan - I'm kind of what they call "flexitarian" (usually eat lacto-ovo vegetarian but will eat meat). But I would happily eat...
    • fillyjonk
      the "flex type" pasta dishes vary a LOT. If they're prepared right, they're not bad. But too often recently they've come out either...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      So the sleepers are still at the end, for both 21 and 22? Guess I take my cane (sigh). (I sustained a bone bruise earlier this spring...
    • fillyjonk
      fillyjonk replied to the thread Texas Eagle discussion.
      I wonder how long this will continue? (I take the TE out of MIN on Wednesday). Upside for me is it's more likely to be on time if it...
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