A day in the life on the Eaglette

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
Part I- Austin to Temple

Since I had a rare few days off from my various Partime Gigs, and the Spring Weather was predicted to be as Good as it gets here, I decided to book a day trip from Austin to Temple, one of my favorite places in Texas, on the Texas Eaglette.

I was able to snare a Roundtrip Value Fare in Coach of $15 ( can't drive for that).

Thursday morning dawmed Clear and Cool with a Light North Breeze after a Night of Storms moving through Central Texas.

Had a quick Breakfast @ home ( Austin is last call for Sleeper Passengers in the CCC but I'm in Coach and they still have Flex Food and don't care for what the Cafe has on offer @ Stadium Prices).

Checked on the Eaglette which was on time out of San Marcos, only stop between San Antonio and Austin, and headed for the hard to get to Station through the usual Rush Hour traffic.

The Station now is only Open 9AM-7PM, but is still Staffed with Checked Luggage Service.

Picked up a backup e-ticket ( don't trust my Phone when traveling)and was told the Eaglette was running a few minutes Early which is Very Rare on this UP Freight heavy Route!

Lined up " Under the Canopy" in front of the Station with about 20 folks catching the Train North, 2 Lines, Sleepers on the Left,Coach on the Right.

At 910AM, the #22 Eaglette came chugging around the Curve leading to the Station after crossing Lady Bird Lake on the Oldest continously used RR Bridge in Texas.( 1881)

It had the usual Consist of 1 P-42,( Very Dirty and full of Dings and Patches, truly on its last legs from the looks of the thing), the CCC and 2 Coaches.

The Conductor scanned our tickets, the Coach attendant gave us Seat Checks ( pick your own seat in either Coach) and we boarded as those aboard took Smoke and Fresh Air Breaks.

The LSA in the CCC announced Last Call for Breakfast for Sleeper Pasengers, and said that since he was the only One Working the Food Service Car, that the Cafe wouldn't be Open until after the Taylor Stop.( 45 Minutes North)

This is the First time since I started riding this Route over 60 years ago, that I didn't know any of the Crew, Conductors or OBS, lots of New Hires in Chicago and San Antonio I was told.

Both Coaches had the New Refreshed interiors with the Faux Leather Seats and New Lighting but the Bathrooms were still the Old Style, and were Trashed and Filthy, even though they had only Bern used since leaving San Antonio this Morning @ 7AM.

At 9:31AM, the Horn tooted and we slowly rolled out heading North up the Middle of the "Mopac Expressway", which is still Gridlocked with Rush Hour Traffic@ this time of day.

We made good time till we slowed for the rough track through the " Town" of McNeil, which consists of a White Lime Works and a Small General Store and Post Office which has existed since Austin was still called Waterloo, and the Capitol of Texas was in Houston.

We then rolled through RoundRock ( Home of Dell Computer), the Rapidly Growing Suburb of Hutto and approached Taylor.

After the Conductor announced the upcoming Stop @ Taylor in 10 minutes,we came to a sudden stop on the Outskirts@ 10:15AM.( Carded Station Stop is 10:25AM)

The Conductor then announced that UP had decided to make up a Train on the Main Line by the Taylor Station as there is a Freight Yard Located there in what is the District Headquarters for UP.

He announced There would be a Lengthy Delay,and that we would then be following the Freight North to Temple and apologized for the Delay.

After sitting for an Hour, the LSA announced that the Cafe was now Open for Purchases, and that he would take Lunch Reservations for Sleeper Passengers in the Cafe since we were facing a long delay.( Lunch is usually served after the Temple Stop).

Finally, about 1130AM, the Conductor announced that we would be making in the Station Stop in a few Minutes, soon as the Freight on the Main left heading North.

At 1145AM, the Whistle Sounded, and we slowly rolled through the Freight Yards and stopped @ the Taylor "Station".( the Old Mopac Station is UPs Headquarters and not Open to the Public, the Amtrak Station is a Picnic Table with a Carport type Roof over it!)

We had to make 2 Spots, one for the Sleeper, and One for the Coaches since the Platform is so small @ this Stop, even for a 4 Car Consist!

We finally finished the Station Work and the Horn Sounded as we rolled out and around the Curve where the Tracks split, with the Old Route of the Mopac Texas Eagle heading straight for East Texas, and the Freight Tracks for Ft Worth branch off to the North, the current Route of the Eaglette.

We rolled along Slowly, about 30MPH, following the 2 Mile Long Freight through the Small Farming Communities between Taylor and Temple.

Finally we started rolling very Slowly through the Outskirts of Temple about 130PM, now 2 Hours Down.

At 138PM, we stopped @ the Nice Old Santa Fe Station now owned by the City of Temple, and I detrained along with about 5 others. There was a Large Crowd on the Platform awaiting the Train.

I went into the Amtrak part of the Station ( on the Northwest end of the 2 Story Building), used the Bathroom and visited with my Old Agent Friend, now the District Manager for Amtrak.

I usually eat @ my favorite Mom and Pop Cafe, The Bird Creek Burger Company and Brew Pub, but she reccomended a BBQ Joint across the Tracks called Pit Stop BBQ.

Being a Big Q Fan, I walked over the Overpass a Couple of Blocks to the Small Red Shack and went inside to order Lunch!

To be Continued!!!( Sorry no Pictires)
Part I- Austin to Temple

Since I had a rare few days off from my various Partime Gigs, and the Spring Weather was predicted to be as Good as it gets here, I decided to book a day trip from Austin to Temple, one of my favorite places in Texas, on the Texas Eaglette.

I was able to snare a Roundtrip Value Fare in Coach of $15 ( can't drive for that).

Thursday morning dawmed Clear and Cool with a Light North Breeze after a Night of Storms moving through Central Texas.

Had a quick Breakfast @ home ( Austin is last call for Sleeper Passengers in the CCC but I'm in Coach and they still have Flex Food and don't care for what the Cafe has on offer @ Stadium Prices).

Checked on the Eaglette which was on time out of San Marcos, only stop between San Antonio and Austin, and headed for the hard to get to Station through the usual Rush Hour traffic.

The Station now is only Open 9AM-7PM, but is still Staffed with Checked Luggage Service.

Picked up a backup e-ticket ( don't trust my Phone when traveling)and was told the Eaglette was running a few minutes Early which is Very Rare on this UP Freight heavy Route!

Lined up " Under the Canopy" in front of the Station with about 20 folks catching the Train North, 2 Lines, Sleepers on the Left,Coach on the Right.

At 910AM, the #22 Eaglette came chugging around the Curve leading to the Station after crossing Lady Bird Lake on the Oldest continously used RR Bridge in Texas.( 1881)

It had the usual Consist of 1 P-42,( Very Dirty and full of Dings and Patches, truly on its last legs from the looks of the thing), the CCC and 2 Coaches.

The Conductor scanned our tickets, the Coach attendant gave us Seat Checks ( pick your own seat in either Coach) and we boarded as those aboard took Smoke and Fresh Air Breaks.

The LSA in the CCC announced Last Call for Breakfast for Sleeper Pasengers, and said that since he was the only One Working the Food Service Car, that the Cafe wouldn't be Open until after the Taylor Stop.( 45 Minutes North)

This is the First time since I started riding this Route over 60 years ago, that I didn't know any of the Crew, Conductors or OBS, lots of New Hires in Chicago and San Antonio I was told.

Both Coaches had the New Refreshed interiors with the Faux Leather Seats and New Lighting but the Bathrooms were still the Old Style, and were Trashed and Filthy, even though they had only Bern used since leaving San Antonio this Morning @ 7AM.

At 9:31AM, the Horn tooted and we slowly rolled out heading North up the Middle of the "Mopac Expressway", which is still Gridlocked with Rush Hour Traffic@ this time of day.

We made good time till we slowed for the rough track through the " Town" of McNeil, which consists of a White Lime Works and a Small General Store and Post Office which has existed since Austin was still called Waterloo, and the Capitol of Texas was in Houston.

We then rolled through RoundRock ( Home of Dell Computer), the Rapidly Growing Suburb of Hutto and approached Taylor.

After the Conductor announced the upcoming Stop @ Taylor in 10 minutes,we came to a sudden stop on the Outskirts@ 10:15AM.( Carded Station Stop is 10:25AM)

The Conductor then announced that UP had decided to make up a Train on the Main Line by the Taylor Station as there is a Freight Yard Located there in what is the District Headquarters for UP.

He announced There would be a Lengthy Delay,and that we would then be following the Freight North to Temple and apologized for the Delay.

After sitting for an Hour, the LSA announced that the Cafe was now Open for Purchases, and that he would take Lunch Reservations for Sleeper Passengers in the Cafe since we were facing a long delay.( Lunch is usually served after the Temple Stop).

Finally, about 1130AM, the Conductor announced that we would be making in the Station Stop in a few Minutes, soon as the Freight on the Main left heading North.

At 1145AM, the Whistle Sounded, and we slowly rolled through the Freight Yards and stopped @ the Taylor "Station".( the Old Mopac Station is UPs Headquarters and not Open to the Public, the Amtrak Station is a Picnic Table with a Carport type Roof over it!)

We had to make 2 Spots, one for the Sleeper, and One for the Coaches since the Platform is so small @ this Stop, even for a 4 Car Consist!

We finally finished the Station Work and the Horn Sounded as we rolled out and around the Curve where the Tracks split, with the Old Route of the Mopac Texas Eagle heading straight for East Texas, and the Freight Tracks for Ft Worth branch off to the North, the current Route of the Eaglette.

We rolled along Slowly, about 30MPH, following the 2 Mile Long Freight through the Small Farming Communities between Taylor and Temple.

Finally we started rolling very Slowly through the Outskirts of Temple about 130PM, now 2 Hours Down.

At 138PM, we stopped @ the Nice Old Santa Fe Station now owned by the City of Temple, and I detrained along with about 5 others. There was a Large Crowd on the Platform awaiting the Train.

I went into the Amtrak part of the Station ( on the Northwest end of the 2 Story Building), used the Bathroom and visited with my Old Agent Friend, now the District Manager for Amtrak.

I usually eat @ my favorite Mom and Pop Cafe, The Bird Creek Burger Company and Brew Pub, but she reccomended a BBQ Joint across the Tracks called Pit Stop BBQ.

Being a Big Q Fan, I walked over the Overpass a Couple of Blocks to the Small Red Shack and went inside to order Lunch!

To be Continued!!!( Sorry no Pictires)

Oh go ahead and leave us in suspense!

“I walked into the little red shack and.....”

“the barbecue was great.”

“I ended up in an alternate universe.”

“that’s where the rest of the Eaglette’s cars were sitting.”

Or another ending completely?
Part I- Austin to Temple

At 138PM, we stopped @ the Nice Old Santa Fe Station now owned by the City of Temple, and I detrained along with about 5 others. There was a Large Crowd on the Platform awaiting the Train.

I went into the Amtrak part of the Station ( on the Northwest end of the 2 Story Building), used the Bathroom and visited with my Old Agent Friend, now the District Manager for Amtrak.
Charity? Nice lady and treated us very good while waiting to board (a late) #421 a while back. She took our dinner order, telephoned the conductor or someone on the train with the order. When we got settled in our bedroom the SCA came to our room with dinner!
Sent a commendation to Amtrak about her!
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Charity? Nice lady and treated us very good while waiting to board (a late) #421 a while back. She took our dinner order, telephoned the conductor or someone on the train with the order. When we got settled in our bedroom the SCA came to our room with dinner!
Sent a commendation to Amtrak about her!
Yep, she's one of Amtraks Best!!!🥰( she's now the District Manager/ New Agents)
Oh go ahead and leave us in suspense!

“I walked into the little red shack and.....”

“the barbecue was great.”

“I ended up in an alternate universe.”

“that’s where the rest of the Eaglette’s cars were sitting.”

Or another ending completely?
TBC Editor Patty!😄
PART II- Some Time in Temple and the Return:

Stepping into the Little Red BBQ Shack, I looked @ the Menu and decided on the Thursday Special:

A Sliced Brisket Sandwich, 1 Side or Chips and a Drink for $9!( Half of what it would Cost in Austin Joints)

Placed my order, took my drink and joined the Diners enjoying their Lunch on the Shady Patio outside on this Beautiful Spring Day.

When my Number was called, I picked up my Food and sat down to enjoy what is some of the Best Brisket I've ever had anywhere( and I've had it almost everywhere), and the Potato Salad was delicious too!🥰

When I finished my Lunch, decide to walk back downtown and get some Ice Cream from the Dairy Queen.( its about 2 blocks from the Station).

After enjoying a Hot Fudge Sunday and talking with the Locals that hang out there, I checked the Time Keeping of #21 and saw that it was On Time out of McGregor, 30 Minutes away, so headed for the Station.

Took a seat in the New,Comfortable Chairs that have been installed in the Amtrak Waiting Room where there were about 5 others waiting on the Eaglette to arrive..

I told my friend Charity hello,( ex-Temple Agent, see the above Post about her) she's now the District Manager with an Office in the Station

15 minutes Later, the Agent announced that the Train would be there in 5 minutes, so we picked up our stuff and headed for the New Platform where the Eaglettes Stop, and that UP Freights use . ( the other Tracks belong to BNSF which has an Engine Shop in the Yards there and are used by Freight)

Right on time the Eaglette came rolling around the bend and pulled to a Stop @ the Gate where you board.

I had read that #21 had a Longer Consist yesterday (26)including a PV on.the Rear) when it Left Chicago, but it only had the Usual Consist of 1 P-42 and 1 Sleeper,a CCC and 2 Coaches, one of which was Wrapped with a Winter Park Express Wrapping.

I had Bid Up for a Roomette for the Return, and my Low Bid of $40 was initially accepted, but received an email this morning saying that my Bid wasn't Elgibile on this Trip, so boarded the Half Full Coach to head for Austin.( We picked our Seats after boarding and the Attendant came by later with the Seat Checks)

Right on time @ 443PM the Horn tooted and we rolled South heading for Taylor through the Very Green Scenery from all the Recent Rain we've had this Spring.( much needed!)

Passed the Cities Large Solar Farm and Nice City Park on the Outskirts of Town, the Lake in the Park is very Full, Highest I've ever seen it!

We rolled right along thru the Farms and Small Communities on the way to Taylor, and the First Call for Dinner in the CCC for Sleeping Car Passengers was made .( the Cafe was Closed since the Single LSA has to Heat the Meals for the Diners)

After the Conductor( this was a Veteran Crew and I knew then all) announced the Station Stop in Taylor coming up in 10 Minutes, we came to a stop on the Curve where our Track merges with the UP Main that runs to East Texas, and sat for about 20 Minutes ( in Sight of the Taylor Depot) till the Conductor announced that (once again !!!) UP was making up a Freight on the Main in front of the Depot and so we'd be delayed "Awhile"/ he told me privately about an Hour!!!)

Sure enough we sat for an Hour as the Sleeper PSsengers continued to go eat as the seating Times were called. ( Austin is Last Call before continuing on to San Marcos and the Terminal Stop in San Antonio)

Finally, about 630PM, the Horn tooted, after we watched the Loooong UP Freight head East that we had been waiting for, and we slowly rolled around the bend into the Stop @ Taylor, now 1 Hour Down.

After 2 Spots ( Coach and Sleeper) @ the Picnic Table " Station", we rolled out and were making decent time thru Hutto ( a Fast Growing Austin Suburb, gone from 1,000 to 50,000 in 10 years), and into Round Rock, we're we slowed and pulled into a Siding to let another UP Freight and a Rock Train Pass).

After sitting for 30 minutes, about 730PM we started up, gained Speed up to about 70, slowed as we went through the Semi-Ghost Town of McNeil,( White Lime Site and General Store /Post Office, Older than Austin!), then Highballed down the Middle of MoPac Expressway which was Gridlocked with the usual Rush Hour Traffic in both Directions!

Slowing as we went around the Curve leading to the the Station, I gathered my stuff, went downstairs and stepped off as we came to a stop in front of the Station @ 8:00PM, 1 and 1/2 Hours Late, which is par for the Courae on this Route now!🤬

All in all it was a nice Day trip, I probably will do it again, but could also just go to Taylor ( another Favorite Spot)on a Day Trip since I spent 3 Hours just sitting on the Train there on this Trip!😄
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I had read that #21 had a Longer Consist yesterday (26)including a PV on.the Rear) when it Left Chicago
That could have been me who reported that, as Dwight isn't that far S from Chicago, so what I see going past when I get off work is probably what the Eaglette left Chicago with, and I notice if the southbound TE has more than its usual 5 cars after the engine.
(I wonder when that 5th car gets dropped between Illinois and Texas? Maybe at St. Louis?)
That could have been me who reported that, as Dwight isn't that far S from Chicago, so what I see going past when I get off work is probably what the Eaglette left Chicago with, and I notice if the southbound TE has more than its usual 5 cars after the engine.
(I wonder when that 5th car gets dropped between Illinois and Texas? Maybe at St. Louis?)
I have heard they sometimes add a coach between Chicago and St Louis.
That could have been me who reported that, as Dwight isn't that far S from Chicago, so what I see going past when I get off work is probably what the Eaglette left Chicago with, and I notice if the southbound TE has more than its usual 5 cars after the engine.
(I wonder when that 5th car gets dropped between Illinois and Texas? Maybe at St. Louis?)
Yep, and the PV could have been dropped in St Louis or Ft Worth.
Never had Brisket in Michigan,( well, I ate @ Tunnel BBQ on the Windsor Side of the Detroit River so maybe that counts?)how is it compared to KC,NC,Texas etc.?
My Mom made brisket quite a lot when I was growing up in Philadelphia. Of course, it wasn't smoked brisket, it was baked in liquid in a covered pan in the oven. It's a classic Jewish holiday dish.

I'm not sure when I actually ate smoked brisket for the first time. It must have been on my first time I spent any time in Texas outside the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, which I think was sometime in the late 1980s. In maryland, our regional barbecue is something called "pit beef," which is very good, but different from brisket.
I’m no expert, as you will see haha. SE Michigan does have the odd BBQ place here and there. Best food IMHO seems to be had at little mom and pop shops. And which seem to go in and out of business. Brisket is sometimes interchangeable with pulled beef there’s also pulled pork or chicken sandwiches. One local place i recall made their own sauces, they had sweet, hot, and mild at the table for you to mix. Sad when they closed.

Told you, no culinary BBQ expert here!
I’m no expert, as you will see haha. SE Michigan does have the odd BBQ place here and there. Best food IMHO seems to be had at little mom and pop shops. And which seem to go in and out of business. Brisket is sometimes interchangeable with pulled beef there’s also pulled pork or chicken sandwiches. One local place i recall made their own sauces, they had sweet, hot, and mild at the table for you to mix. Sad when they closed.

Told you, no culinary BBQ expert here!
We have a BBQ place here in Dwight - Cherry Red Roasters. I think what they offer is mostly St. Louis-style BBQ, but they do seem to have a good selection of regional BBQ sauces, and they host a BBQ competition at the local dog park during Harvest Days (the annual village festival here). We get take-out from there sometimes on special occasions.
10-12 years ago, tried brisket at a fundraiser. They were giving samples. Asked the guy what was his secret it was so good. He said “My secret is I’ve been cooking it for 10 hours!” Only other thing I remember is his wife told me it was “Alabama Style”
Thanks for letting me join you on the ride, Mr D - I'd have been up for a short-notice ride were I in your neck of the woods, too! Sounds like a great day out without much wallet-wear!
BD, was that Temple BBQ in a class with Louis Mueller in Taylor? I often amaze my out of town guests with a quick trip for lunch tto LM. The complimentary burnt ends, umm.

We think we will do an overnight R/T to FtW soon. Never visited the museums in Cowtown and they are always given good reviews! Coach R/Ts round trip to FW are usually cheap.
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PART II- Some Time in Temple and the Return:

Stepping into the Little Red BBQ Shack, I looked @ the Menu and decided on the Thursday Special:

A Sliced Brisket Sandwich, 1 Side or Chips and a Drink for $9!( Half of what it would Cost in Austin Joints)

Placed my order, took my drink and joined the Diners enjoying their Lunch on the Shady Patio outside on this Beautiful Spring Day.

When my Number was called, I picked up my Food and sat down to enjoy what is some of the Best Brisket I've ever had anywhere( and I've had it almost everywhere), and the Potato Salad was delicious too!🥰

When I finished my Lunch, decide to walk back downtown and get some Ice Cream from the Dairy Queen.( its about 2 blocks from the Station).

After enjoying a Hot Fudge Sunday and talking with the Locals that hang out there, I checked the Time Keeping of #21 and saw that it was On Time out of McGregor, 30 Minutes away, so headed for the Station.

Took a seat in the New,Comfortable Chairs that have been installed in the Amtrak Waiting Room where there were about 5 others waiting on the Eaglette to arrive..

I told my friend Charity hello,( ex-Temple Agent, see the above Post about her) she's now the District Manager with an Office in the Station

15 minutes Later, the Agent announced that the Train would be there in 5 minutes, so we picked up our stuff and headed for the New Platform where the Eaglettes Stop, and that UP Freights use . ( the other Tracks belong to BNSF which has an Engine Shop in the Yards there and are used by Freight)

Right on time the Eaglette came rolling around the bend and pulled to a Stop @ the Gate where you board.

I had read that #21 had a Longer Consist yesterday (26)including a PV on.the Rear) when it Left Chicago, but it only had the Usual Consist of 1 P-42 and 1 Sleeper,a CCC and 2 Coaches, one of which was Wrapped with a Winter Park Express Wrapping.

I had Bid Up for a Roomette for the Return, and my Low Bid of $40 was initially accepted, but received an email this morning saying that my Bid wasn't Elgibile on this Trip, so boarded the Half Full Coach to head for Austin.( We picked our Seats after boarding and the Attendant came by later with the Seat Checks)

Right on time @ 443PM the Horn tooted and we rolled South heading for Taylor through the Very Green Scenery from all the Recent Rain we've had this Spring.( much needed!)

Passed the Cities Large Solar Farm and Nice City Park on the Outskirts of Town, the Lake in the Park is very Full, Highest I've ever seen it!

We rolled right along thru the Farms and Small Communities on the way to Taylor, and the First Call for Dinner in the CCC for Sleeping Car Passengers was made .( the Cafe was Closed since the Single LSA has to Heat the Meals for the Diners)

After the Conductor( this was a Veteran Crew and I knew then all) announced the Station Stop in Taylor coming up in 10 Minutes, we came to a stop on the Curve where our Track merges with the UP Main that runs to East Texas, and sat for about 20 Minutes ( in Sight of the Taylor Depot) till the Conductor announced that (once again !!!) UP was making up a Freight on the Main in front of the Depot and so we'd be delayed "Awhile"/ he told me privately about an Hour!!!)

Sure enough we sat for an Hour as the Sleeper PSsengers continued to go eat as the seating Times were called. ( Austin is Last Call before continuing on to San Marcos and the Terminal Stop in San Antonio)

Finally, about 630PM, the Horn tooted, after we watched the Loooong UP Freight head East that we had been waiting for, and we slowly rolled around the bend into the Stop @ Taylor, now 1 Hour Down.

After 2 Spots ( Coach and Sleeper) @ the Picnic Table " Station", we rolled out and were making decent time thru Hutto ( a Fast Growing Austin Suburb, gone from 1,000 to 50,000 in 10 years), and into Round Rock, we're we slowed and pulled into a Siding to let another UP Freight and a Rock Train Pass).

After sitting for 30 minutes, about 730PM we started up, gained Speed up to about 70, slowed as we went through the Semi-Ghost Town of McNeil,( White Lime Site and General Store /Post Office, Older than Austin!), then Highballed down the Middle of MoPac Expressway which was Gridlocked with the usual Rush Hour Traffic in both Directions!

Slowing as we went around the Curve leading to the the Station, I gathered my stuff, went downstairs and stepped off as we came to a stop in front of the Station @ 8:00PM, 1 and 1/2 Hours Late, which is par for the Courae on this Route now!🤬

All in all it was a nice Day trip, I probably will do it again, but could also just go to Taylor ( another Favorite Spot)on a Day Trip since I spent 3 Hours just sitting on the Train there on this Trip!😄
The new Taylor Logistics Yard is working the kinks out of the new site. They should have the rest of the Wye and makeup tracks finished soon. They are shipping dozens of Autoracks full of Teslas out of there every day. They kindasorta underestimated the traffic. (And no, it is not in Hutto. Believe it or not, that big water tower emblazoned with "HUTTO" is actually in Taylor. When Taylor annexed the area for the Logistics Yard and the Humongo Samsung Chip Fab, they gave Hutto an easement for the water tower. There you go, a little local trivia for yuh.

I commuted FTW-AUS for a couple of years. Got to know the whole crew, including "Chef DuJour" in the Diner, who was a hoot.
I'm driving (Alas, but at least it's my Tesla) through in a couple of weeks, and I'd like to know the name/address of this BBQ joint. Since the Taylor City Cafe is now gone, <sniff, whine> I'm looking for a new spot.
Is the museum in the Temple station still open? (Upstairs)
The ticket office had a delightful lady running things, with a Hello Kitty microwave oven, much coveted by my daughter.
And last, pray tell what is this "bidding" thing? Asking for a friend.

Great narrative. Very much enjoyed it.
The new Taylor Logistics Yard is working the kinks out of the new site. They should have the rest of the Wye and makeup tracks finished soon. They are shipping dozens of Autoracks full of Teslas out of there every day. They kindasorta underestimated the traffic. (And no, it is not in Hutto. Believe it or not, that big water tower emblazoned with "HUTTO" is actually in Taylor. When Taylor annexed the area for the Logistics Yard and the Humongo Samsung Chip Fab, they gave Hutto an easement for the water tower. There you go, a little local trivia for yuh.

I commuted FTW-AUS for a couple of years. Got to know the whole crew, including "Chef DuJour" in the Diner, who was a hoot.
I'm driving (Alas, but at least it's my Tesla) through in a couple of weeks, and I'd like to know the name/address of this BBQ joint. Since the Taylor City Cafe is now gone, <sniff, whine> I'm looking for a new spot.
Is the museum in the Temple station still open? (Upstairs)
The ticket office had a delightful lady running things, with a Hello Kitty microwave oven, much coveted by my daughter.
And last, pray tell what is this "bidding" thing? Asking for a friend.

Great narrative. Very much enjoyed it.
Thanks for the Info on the Taylor Yards! Tesla is going great Guns, and when the Samsung Plant is finished Taylor will really Boom!

Louie Muelkers is still going strong in Taylor but the Prices are Unbelievable and most days there is a Line out the Door now.Taylor has been "Discovered!"

Museum is still Open in the Santa Fe Station, Google up the Hours and Days.( I didn't visit this Trip)

Pit Stop BBQ/ 502 S. 1st ( Small Red Building on Right after you Cross the Tracks on the Overpass.)Google the Website for Menu,Hours etc.

The Bid up Process appears when you Book on Line, they offer you a Chance to Place a Bid to Upgrade from Coach to a Roomette or Bedroom with suggested Minimum and Strong Bids shown.

Usually you'll get an email telling you if your Bid is accepted,and your Card will be charged the Upgrade Amount you bid.
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