It makes sense to offer lower prices on the new regional train to build up demand, especially since its schedule is not that far off from the Crescent's.
... which, actually, is what their local newspaper advertising says they're doing!
MAKE A BREAK FOR ITIntroducing New Service From Lynchburg to the Northeast Corridor
... And now couldn't be a better time to try to because we're giving you a break on the price. Go to for special offers and pricing.
First, they got the address wrong in the newspaper ad--it's HotDeals
.aspx and leaving off the .aspx means you get a "This page cannot be found" error with no further help!
Second, the deals they're listing on that page don't appear to be better than the standard Amtrak NEC discounts that have been running all summer/fall that are automatically applied at assuming the purchase is 14 days in advance. Though amtrakvirginia
is offering an additional discount, for 3-days-in-advance, of 15%, which is something unique provided by them.
And third, making the Crescent up to $68 more expensive than it would otherwise be (I believe buckets PHL-LYH formerly were $72, $90, $112, $140, and now are only $140) is certainly one way to make the Regional look a lot cheaper, but it's not making train travel PHL-LYH much cheaper than it was before. The lowest non-discounted bucket on the Regional for PHL-LYH is ... drumroll please... $71, only one dollar less than the Crescent's old low-bucket.
Bucket Old Crescent New Crescent Regional Regional 3-day Regional 14-day
1 $71 $140 $71 $60 $53
2 $90 $140 $ $ $
3 $112 $140 $ $ $
4 $140 $140 $140 $119 $105
(The Regional is $140 on days surrounding Thanksgiving. I'm guessing this is the top bucket for the Regional, but I'm not sure. I haven't been able to find any other buckets for it, PHL-LYH, and I'm assuming that's because it hasn't been heavily booked yet.)
Offering a special amtrakvirginia discount code to get, say, 40% off for the first month, and 30% off for the rest of 2009, while leaving the Crescent untouched, would still have provided a huge price advantage for the Regional and been great incentive (Crescent $71, Regional $43, for instance)... I just don't think raising the Crescent to $140 was necessary, and think this will
hurt Amtrak's numbers overall while
not helping the Regional's (Virginia's) numbers in the short or long runs compared to actual deep discounts on the new service.
Granted, I am not an economist; I just play one on the Internet!