Amtrak Train 91-CSX collision in SC (2/4/18)/Liability issues

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I sincerely hope the counts do not go up. This is horrific.

Thank you for the picture, Bierboy. A lot of things have been going through my mind since the first page came in but since I know nothing about the area, I couldn't picture how this could happen.

I do note there seems to be a signal in the picture. That could have relevance.
Looking at pictures and Google Maps, it looks like the CSX train was in the siding and somehow 91 ended up there too.

Not a good first few months for Mr. Andersons tenure, but unfortunately some things are out of your control.
From the looks of things Im guessing the fatalities are crew. AMT LD trains normally run with two engineers IIRC.
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What grinds my gears is the MSM keep saying “this is the third Amtrak involved fatal accident since December”. While true, the last one was a garbage truck that pulled onto the tracks (not Amtrak’s fault) and this one looks more and more like it wasn’t Amtrak’s fault either.

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Unconfirmed information 08:30 local time from a former colleague in Amtrak train/engine service that the fatalities are crewmembers.Prayers for the crews, passengers, and families.
I can imagine. That CSX engine looks worse for the wear. If that engine was occupied.....

What is the car right behind the 47 unit? It looks to be Heritage?
That is a damaged AMII.
It looks like the lead CSX engine was struck twice by the Amtrak P42; first head-on and then, as the P42 broke in two, by the front of the P42 which bent to the right. The CSX cab doesn't appear to have been struck directly. Although the angle of the photo may be deceiving, it appears the two CSX engines were not coupled together.
It is being reported on FB groups from Amtrak employees that the 2 fatalities are Amtrak crew members.

It appears that the CSX train was unoccupied and parked on a storage track. Now the question becomes, how and why did 91 end up there.
CSX has a history of wire issues with there signals system.

One coach next to engine with a ripple in the roof.

Another coach and cafe car when sideways into the weeds. The first viewliners is off the track (lead truck) with damage to the front of the car.

Glad to hear CSX was parked. None of the engines cabs (Amtrak and CSX) provide enough protection in this accident.
Press Conference currently taking place. Report seems to confirm that two Amtrak employees were the fatalities. Over 100 people taken to hospital. Trains hit head on, not sure why yet. One of the coaches/sleepers? seems to have buckled. More coming from the governor and emergency personnel.
I hope those who are injured recover quickly. It seems like Amtrak is doing everything they can to stop the public from taking trains. Just one more stab in the chest. Hopefully this isn't Amtrak's fault. Unbelievable.
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This is happening far too frequently, and only gives ammunition to those who want to defund amtrak.
Perhaps they are correct! If we as a society are not willing to fund the RRs sufficiently (and I certainly include CSX et al. in this) at the bare minimum for safety maybe it really is time to let US passenger rail go. There is such a tremendous backlog of deferred maintenance to make it work: just think tunnels bridges and catenary on the NEC - hundreds of billions of $$.