Another thought

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Has anyone ever done a 46 hour train ride in coach (that's two complete nights)? If so, is it horrible? We did one this past summer but it was getting on around midnight and getting off about 24 hours later.
I have done slumbercoach from Charleston SC to DC then slumbercoach to Chicago, then coach to Hastings NE. Almost three complete nights. Slumbercoach may be a little better than coach, but thats a long trip considering you have to get off in the wee hours of the morning.
Midland Valley said:
I have done slumbercoach from Charleston SC to DC then slumbercoach to Chicago, then coach to Hastings NE. Almost three complete nights. Slumbercoach may be a little better than coach, but thats a long trip considering you have to get off in the wee hours of the morning.
In the 21st century, there's no slumbercoaches on Amtrak. I think there's some in VIA.
First, to the original question, I have slept two and even three nights in coach several times but that was 40 or so years ago and I was much younger, more limber, etc. It was OK. Much better than a bus. It can done. But sleeper is much better, just for the experience if nothing else.

Reference to slumbercoaches. A slumbercoach was really a very cheap, very small sleeper room, it had a true bed thus there really was not that direct of a comparison to a coach seat. It was much better than coach, just not as large and nice as a standard sleeper

There were never actually too many slumbrcoaches, either under Amtrak or before. I don't mean there were not a fair lot in numbers, I just mean they were few and far between in proportion to other equipment. You could not expect every other train to have a slumbercoach, either before Amtrak or during.

There are no slumbercoaches in Canada. Back in the early 50's and perhaps before , they had "tourist sleepers" or maybe they were called something like "touralex" which were a somewhat similar idea to the slumbercoach but not l with that name. But they have been gone for years.

Gswager, it occurs to me you might have heard or read that there were still sections in Canada---if so---that is correct---but not slumbercoaches. They do still have sections on VIA. Those are the seats facing each other during the day which become upper and lower berths at night , hidden off by big thick green curtains, but no door. Like you sometimes see in old movies, like "Some Like it Hot". Slumbercoach rooms, however, have a bed, toiletries and a door.

Amtrak has never had sections, though it has, as already noted, had slumbercoaches.
Guest Gingee, before we (me especially ) get too much off topic, more on two nghts in a coach . Keep in mind that you can sleep in the day also, no rules and regulations. Just whatever your body fels comforable with. I have walked through coaches for years and been astonished about how well at least some people are sleeping.

Still, the sleeper is a better experience, hands down. I often do not sleep very well the first night, too "keyed-up" or too excited, but I certainly make up for it the second night, in sleeper, that is.
I am amazed at the positions some people sleep in. I saw that when we took the train the last time.