Anyone else tired of "your crazy for taking the train" remarks

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Most folks I've ridden with on trains over the past 50 years were there because they WANTED to be. Whereas those I rode with on planes were there because they HAD to be. Kind of reflected in their attitudes while on board each........
Yeah, the problem is that train riders wanted to be on the train but when they get disappointed they rant all over the place. For example, someone expects a romantic train trip and gets angry when the food is sub-par or the train is late.

But I didn't take a single flight this year either. The good thing is that on a flight, no one talks with anyone much, which is good for me because I usually keep to myself. I do talk to my seatmates if I have one, but just some light chatter about the topic-at-hand, not much.
I just say that I want to see some of America at ground level, not 30,000 feet...that it is relaxing...and that you have the excitement of "going someplace" and really exeriencing travel, rather than the experience of being sealed in a flying tube...walking between cars on a speeding train, smelling the oil and hearing the clickety-clack of the rails, with a smile on my face..on one fun trip to Chicago, the train was gliding smoothly along past Cleveland's International Airport, just as a jet was taking off at a dizzying angle, and i could picture the fliers hands gripping their seats in great it was to be in the TRAIN and not on that plane!!!!!
I just say that I want to see some of America at ground level, not 30,000 feet...that it is relaxing...and that you have the excitement of "going someplace" and really exeriencing travel, rather than the experience of being sealed in a flying tube...walking between cars on a speeding train, smelling the oil and hearing the clickety-clack of the rails, with a smile on my face..on one fun trip to Chicago, the train was gliding smoothly along past Cleveland's International Airport, just as a jet was taking off at a dizzying angle, and i could picture the fliers hands gripping their seats in great it was to be in the TRAIN and not on that plane!!!!!
I do have to say with all due fairness, the takeoff roll of a large aircraft is incredibly thrilling to me, especially a four-engine 747. For me, the fact that I'm going into the sky, that I'm flying through the sky, is something incredible.

Then, I get cramped up by tiny slimline seats and hit with poor service, and I remember why I don't fly domestic. So I only fly international, where ground transport is not available.
Bingo. I LOVE takeoff. It's so much fun, and I love feeling the power of the jets as we speed down the runway. Those first few moments in the air are incredible.

Then, I realize I'm crammed into a tiny little seat in a metal tube full of shrieking kids and people wearing too much cologne and perfume and die a little inside.
What can I say, I am equally thrilled with a P-42 or an F40 revving up on the one hand and a CFM56 or an RR-RB211 or.a GE90 spooling up for a takeoff roll. All these are music to my ears. So I just look upon these threads about justifying riding the rails or flying with mild amusement at best. :)
Not tired of hearing them, and surely do hear them... actually have mixed feelings about them, ie, I enjoy the company on Amtrak, of those that appreciate the train experience; and have come to fear those that use it as an alternative to Greyhound - they typically aren't "train people," and equally typically instead of bringing a positive experience with them, bring a negative one, ie, if they stayed home, took a flying cattlecar, or even took Greyhound, I'd be happier. On the otherhand, I wonder if all these people did become train people (with appropriate attitude), if that wouldn't swell the ridership, help Amtrak's bottom line, and just maybe allow it to expand its services.
I really ENJOY riding the train, but WISH we had closer stations here in IOWA. mine is 40 miles away, and usually always behind schedule....

BUT, I don't care!

I like the fact that you can get up and move around, meet people from all walks of life, eat and drink WHENEVER you like, and ENJOY the American scenery!

When I take a trip with my family in the car, I can never enjoy the landscape as I am ALWAYS driving and paying attention to traffic. I can fly from Arizona to Iowa in 3-4 hours, and then the drive from the airport home, which is 60 miles, or take the train for 51 HOURS!

Sorry, I STILL prefer the train!
The worst part for me on taking the train is the drive from Baton Rouge to New Orleans on I-10 with all the crazies. They go around you on the shoulder, ride the bumper because you're not going 100 miles an hour. By the time I get on the train I need the down time and a nap. Wished we had a depot in Baton Rouge-then it would be all good.
The worst part for me on taking the train is the drive from Baton Rouge to New Orleans on I-10 with all the crazies. They go around you on the shoulder, ride the bumper because you're not going 100 miles an hour. By the time I get on the train I need the down time and a nap. Wished we had a depot in Baton Rouge-then it would be all good.
Have to agree: here in RDD I can take Amtrak, but either at 2am or 3am (northbound vs south); or I can drive 160 miles to SAC and catch something at a more seasonable hour. The almost three hour drive either to or from SAC is the least pleasant part of a trip.
Not tired of hearing them, and surely do hear them... actually have mixed feelings about them, ie, I enjoy the company on Amtrak, of those that appreciate the train experience; and have come to fear those that use it as an alternative to Greyhound - they typically aren't "train people," and equally typically instead of bringing a positive experience with them, bring a negative one, ie, if they stayed home, took a flying cattlecar, or even took Greyhound, I'd be happier. On the otherhand, I wonder if all these people did become train people (with appropriate attitude), if that wouldn't swell the ridership, help Amtrak's bottom line, and just maybe allow it to expand its services.
What do you mean? I'm not the one acting arrogant and causing trouble on the train, it's those rich, judgemental ----s that are causing trouble on the train. I'm a train person, I've been for a long time, but I'm DONE with Amtrak!
Not tired of hearing them, and surely do hear them... actually have mixed feelings about them, ie, I enjoy the company on Amtrak, of those that appreciate the train experience; and have come to fear those that use it as an alternative to Greyhound - they typically aren't "train people," and equally typically instead of bringing a positive experience with them, bring a negative one, ie, if they stayed home, took a flying cattlecar, or even took Greyhound, I'd be happier. On the otherhand, I wonder if all these people did become train people (with appropriate attitude), if that wouldn't swell the ridership, help Amtrak's bottom line, and just maybe allow it to expand its services.
What do you mean? I'm not the one acting arrogant and causing trouble on the train, it's those rich, judgemental ----s that are causing trouble on the train. I'm a train person, I've been for a long time, but I'm DONE with Amtrak!
I'm wondering if there is a missing ;-) somewhere ... but, Hardcore - I would never suggest such w/re yourself - my apologies if somehow that's how you read it. :-(
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