Beech Grove

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I was in Indy today and stopped by and took a few. I received permission from the Amtrak Police to get up to the fence (pardon the chain link in some of the shots) and was able to get a few of the engines and cars. Here is the link to them, along with some at Union Station, now a Holiday Inn.

Beech Grove Pictures
Anyone know what happened to P-42 140? I just rode beind her in June and it looks like it got pretty burned up. Shame, the engines in that order have been traditionally reliable (123-168).
Hey! They need to get to work on that Surfliner so we can get it back in service out here. This corridor is getting killed without more equipment. Last night at Fullerton they were running Superliner 1 coaches in one of the trains. (Aside from the usual 4 Superliner Coach Bagage cars that have been assigned to the Surfliners.)


There are four Superliner 1 Coach/Baggage cars assigned to the California corridors. THe point I was making was that they had gone beyond that to use regular coaches. The state needs some new equipment badly. The only releif in sight that I see is the possibility that when the Oakland facility opened Los Angeles will have more free time to work on the Surfliners since the California cars won't be serviced there anymore.
