FNBO closed account and deleted points - any chance to reinstate?

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May 24, 2009
Atlanta, GA
My spouse's AGR credit card was closed by FNBO due to lack of use. However, FNBO has a policy that accounts can be reopened within 30 days and they will restore the deleted points if you call them and request it.

Unfortunately, FNBO decided to wait 20 days before dropping a letter in the mail informing us the account was closed. When we called yesterday, we missed the deadline by 1 day even though they admit they waited 20 days before sending the closed-account letter. We spoke with first-line rep and a manager and they are adamant nothing can be done, even though "we apologize for sending out the letter late". Any suggestions of how to work with FNBO?

If FNBO will not help, is there any hope or suggestions of explaining the situation to AGR directly? Yes, we admit we messed up by not using the card more frequently. It is 15K points so not exactly nothing.
My spouse's AGR credit card was closed by FNBO due to lack of use. However, FNBO has a policy that accounts can be reopened within 30 days and they will restore the deleted points if you call them and request it.

Unfortunately, FNBO decided to wait 20 days before dropping a letter in the mail informing us the account was closed. When we called yesterday, we missed the deadline by 1 day even though they admit they waited 20 days before sending the closed-account letter. We spoke with first-line rep and a manager and they are adamant nothing can be done, even though "we apologize for sending out the letter late". Any suggestions of how to work with FNBO?

If FNBO will not help, is there any hope or suggestions of explaining the situation to AGR directly? Yes, we admit we messed up by not using the card more frequently. It is 15K points so not exactly nothing.
AGR will not be able to change the Banks policy, but " May" be able to return your Points if you speak with a Supervisor.

Im not familiar with with FNBOs Customer Service since I've had no problems with them, but perhaps a Customer Service Exec above the 1st Level Manager you spoke with may be able to help,???
I feel like there's a snide remark about, regardless of the apology, FNBO just being sorry.

Sadly I have no advice here, beyond maybe a CFPB complaint about the lack of timely notice (thereby preventing you from reinstating)? Could that help?
We are emailing FNBO with a copy of the late-dated letter, thus ensuring we had to way to reopen the account within the 30 days. The FNBO "manager" we spoke with was not helpful except that he said he had no copy of the letter that FNBO sent us and that we could send in a copy for further review of reopening the account.

I was most curious if AGR would be able to step in and restore the deleted points.
What points were deleted from your AGR account? FNBO should post the points on a monthly basis, so if the card wasn't being used there should be no deleted points that would need restoration (assuming you didn't hit the two-year no activity mark.)
My best guess would be an SUB clawback. That's the only thing that makes sense in this context. And that would actually reasonably be a CFPB complaint since OP didn't close the account, the bank did, and there's no allegation of misbehavior on the part of OP (as far as I can tell). The bank would literally be saying "You met the terms of the initial offer (so we gave you the SUB to start with), but since you didn't do some other thing that we did not specify as part of that offer (continuing to spend on the card), we can take your points back anyway."

And that's all before we get to the bank acting in a way that I would dare say is malicious in not sending the letter out for several weeks.
To clarify a bit, there was no activity on the AGR account to earn/use points, so he hit the forfeit deadline on that. But he carried the FNBO credit card to avoid the AGR points from being forfeited.

FNBO closed the credit card account for nonuse (22 months) but they sent the closed-account notification letter dated 20 days after the account closing. The letter was actually delivered by USPS another 10 days after that - and I have proof with the USPS Informed Delivery email.

So the notification arrived literally 30 days after the account was closed, he was out of town but called immediately upon his return yesterday. FNBO says "Too late (32 days)." Since the FNBO account was closed they also removed the points. Had FNBO mailed the letter without delay there would have been plenty of time to request the account be reopened, points returned, and credit card used for purchases.

I am not familiar with the term "SUB clawback" - is that something to do with banks? Also good idea about engaging CFPB if we don't get anywhere.
This is confusing. Are you saying FNBO didn't delete the points, but Amtrak deleted the points when FNBO closed the card, because the card benefit of points never expiring went away, and there had been no other activity on the AGR account for 24 months?

If so, I think your beef is with Amtrak. One could argue that the points being credited by the credit card would qualify as activity, so the points should be safe for 24 months from the last occurrence of that.
I'm surprised it took FNBO 22 months to close a card that had no activity on it. I've held various cards over the years backed by FNBO, and it's standard operating procedure for FNBO in particular to close inactive cards much sooner than 22 months. It's buried in their terms and conditions, which is something most people outside of lawyers never read. I read them, because I heavily play the points and miles game with many issuers.

If I get time I'll dig out the T&C and have a read. It's there, because I've read it.

I have both Amtrak cards. The no annual fee card gets very little use. I have my Netflix charged to it to show activity. That way I don't have to worry about closure shenanigans.
This is confusing. Are you saying FNBO didn't delete the points, but Amtrak deleted the points when FNBO closed the card, because the card benefit of points never expiring went away, and there had been no other activity on the AGR account for 24 months?

If so, I think your beef is with Amtrak. One could argue that the points being credited by the credit card would qualify as activity, so the points should be safe for 24 months from the last occurrence of that.

Yeah it is confusing. Unless it's changed, all you have to do is literally earn or burn 1 AGR point for Amtrak to keep your account and points alive for 24 months. Does not matter how you earned the 1 point. Points earning and burning resets the clock every time.

If the OP didn't ride a train for 24 months to earn points, or at least bought a stick of gum on the card once every 24 months, then yeah, all is lost.
Yes, I understand that about earning and keeping points. That is not my question.

My beef is the 30-day window provided by FNBO to reactivate a closed account - but they did not actually give 30 days and they admit that.

I will also call AGR directly and try to find out more information.
I'm surprised it took FNBO 22 months to close a card that had no activity on it.
Not sure where the "22 months" came from - FNBO's Amtrak cards have only existed for about 13 months.

Presumably, they've been reviewing accounts that have been around since the beginning but had no card activity - I'm actually in that category, and I got a etter from them last week warning that my account could be closed soon if I didn't use the card. (I made a small purchase on Sunday.)
Yes, I understand that about earning and keeping points. That is not my question.

My beef is the 30-day window provided by FNBO to reactivate a closed account - but they did not actually give 30 days and they admit that.

I will also call AGR directly and try to find out more information.

CFPB might be able to get FNBO to throw you a bone. Best outcome would be they open the card back up.
Issue 100% resolved.

I called AGR (waited 1 hour) but spoke to an amazing agent. She said the points had actually expired in July, but then said "Hmmm, let me check something." She provided a 1-point Goodwill adjustment which reset the 2 year counter. The 15,000+ points are safe and sound. That is truly great customer service. 💕

Now to book and take our trip...we will not let this close call happen again!
Issue 100% resolved.

I called AGR (waited 1 hour) but spoke to an amazing agent. She said the points had actually expired in July, but then said "Hmmm, let me check something." She provided a 1-point Goodwill adjustment which reset the 2 year counter. The 15,000+ points are safe and sound. That is truly great customer service. 💕

Now to book and take our trip...we will not let this close call happen again!
BTW, using the "Points for Shopping" and earning points that way will also keep your account active. I do that with Home Depot and Staples from time to time.
I have the credit card so points expiration is not an issue for me.
We did write FNBO a letter (email) after discussing it with a somewhat rude manager, and followed the steps asking for consideration of reopening the account. They didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge or reply to us. So, it's not high on our list to reapply for the card. We will just use the Amtrak points and be done with it. But you are correct we could just reapply for it in the future if we wanted to.

Frankly, Amtrak has become so expensive for a lot of the travel that it doesn't make much sense for us to try and earn points to then ride seriously antiquated equipment. Yes, I have been spoiled by beautiful trains in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Asia, etc. 😊
Besides the Amtrak cards, I have another card with FNBO. I use it once about every 60 days. If I don't, they email me or send a letter telling me to use it at least once to keep it active.
I think twice a year is sufficient but you might want to set up a small auto-pay bill each month so you don't forget, like we did.
I do that with my Chase card (formerly my AGR credit card). I set up an auto-pay to the card for a small monthly bill and then an auto-pay to the card to pay it each month. The card now has monthly activity that I don't even notice!