Late Texas Eagles (9/04)

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
Due to heavy Rain and Flooding around San Antonio today's #22 Texas Eagle arrived into Austin 4 1/2 Hours Down. The Sleeping Car was on the back of the consist.

Today's #21 is 5+ Hours Late running in East Texas due to Flooding and Freight Congestion. Tough times for the Eagles lately!

**Didn't see the post on #21,admins can combine these posts if needed!
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Thanks for the update.

Rain in San Antonio? When was this? In Georgetown north of Austin and still hoping for a hit and miss shower. They might as well annulled the TE for the next couple of days, because when the hurricane/TS hits its heading to AR, and for sure flooding will be a problem.
Thanks for the update.

Rain in San Antonio? When was this? In Georgetown north of Austin and still hoping for a hit and miss shower. They might as well annulled the TE for the next couple of days, because when the hurricane/TS hits its heading to AR, and for sure flooding will be a problem.
It's been raining all over South Texas since yesterday( Labor Day)especially heavy South and,West of Austin with more on the way.( I got a little over an inch last night in South Austin).
San Antonio floods easily ( paved Cow trails with no drainage) as do the Tracks between S.A. and San Marcos.

I'm supposed to do a turn between Austin and Temple tomorrow,guess I better take a book and some snacks! At least Temple and Austin are staffed unlike most Stops in Texas on the Eagle Route.
With 21 now running 7 hours late, Amtrak may just turn the consist around at FTW and bus the pax to San Antonio. I do not belive their is SL for the TE to connect too tonight. You might want to check that is is a train to Temple and not a motorcoach.
With 21 now running 7 hours late, Amtrak may just turn the consist around at FTW and bus the pax to San Antonio. I do not belive their is SL for the TE to connect too tonight. You might want to check that is is a train to Temple and not a motorcoach.
Yep, it's gonna depend on the Rain and,Freight situation between FTW and SAS tonite. According to an Amtrak employee,as of 5PM, #21 to SAS is still a go tonite!
Many San Antonio surface streets are little more than paved riverbeds. When it rains intermittently we're fine but when it falls without rest it gets bad quickly. The rain rolled in early evening yesterday and just kept going and going and going. I was woken up multiple times by emergency flood warning alerts late in the night and early morning. I don't live in a flood prone area so it was more of a sleep depriving nuisance than a serious problem for me. Although temperatures are generally similar there is an area between Austin and San Antonio that divides our localized weather activity. Many storms that hit one city hard barely affect the other.
DA is correct. Having lived in both Austin and San Antonio, I'm amazed that San Antonio has so few drainage intakes on its streets. Water hitting the ground pretty much keeps on a street it finds its way above ground to a creek or HUGE drainage ditch.

After Austin had its horrible flood of Memorial Day 1980, the City started requiring almost every new business to incorporate "ponds" to hold back some flood water. Nothing like that in San Antonio. Even New Braunfels Ave. next to Alamo Heights is a roaring river that is routinely closed when heavy rains hit.

I've lived near the northbound 22 near I-35. I'm surprised the train even makes it through sometimes.
#21 (/03)was in a "Service Disruption"(920pm CDT) between Mineola and Dallas due to a UP Freight hitting a Trespasser ahead of #22.

#21(03) just arrived into DAL 10 Hours Late and #22(04) left FTW 7+ Hours Late!

According to an Amtrak Agent, #21(9/03) will Terminate upon reaching FTW and Alternate Transportation ( Buses) will be provided for passengers between FTW and SAS.

Tomorrow's #22 (9/05) will originate in FTW with Alternate Transportation ( Buses)provided between SAS and FTW.

Today's #22(04) will continue on to CHI now 7+ Hours Late heading from FTW-DAL.
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