Latest GAO report on Amtrak

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Train Attendant
Mar 17, 2003

192 pages, they dont even wait til the end of the first paragraph to bash Amtrak and long distance trains. So much for an unbiased report. At least Mineta is gone, Im so sick of half truths about Amtrak.

Also keep the Senator from SD Tim Johnson in your prayers, hopefully he didnt have a stroke this afternoon. Not to sound calius but if he cant serve a republican will take his place and Bush will get back the Senate.
The GAO is an arm of congress, so a change in Secretary of Transportation makes no difference to them at all. I remain unconvinced that a democrat party contolled congress will be any better for Amtrak than a republican controlled one. I would suspect that it will be worse for the long distance trains, but might see more money going into the northeast.
patty murray, a senator from our state(washington), is a strong amtrak supporter and now as a member of the majority will have greater influence and power. i disagree that the dems will not be better for amtrak than our current "leaders". we need to inform them of our priorities and see what happens.
I don't want to get too optimistic, you have to remember that every major cut that took place in Amtrak was during a Democratic regime.
First-level scan of the GAO Report: neo-con wish list. It's a hit piece on intercity passenger rail in the USA, but it's done very politely.

More after a bit; "honey-do" stuff and lack of sleep are catching up to me at this point of the month.
Why is anyone surprised by this?

It's the GAO's job to say that they don't like anything about any government program(this includes Amtrak).

I wonder how much attention anyone in Government pays to them?
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