portable tv reception

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I'll be travelling CZ eastbound December 31 into January 1 from DEN to CHI; then CHI to TOL January 1. It'd be nice to watch some of the bowl games on a portable TV. What are my chances of picking up any broadcast stations?
novice said:
I'll be travelling CZ eastbound December 31 into January 1 from DEN to CHI; then CHI to TOL January 1.  It'd be nice to watch some of the bowl games on a portable TV.  What are my chances of picking up any broadcast stations?
I guess it depends on how long your cable is.


But seriously folks...

I've never had any experience with this but I'm assuming it will simply depend on your proximity to a station's broadcasting tower just like a TV at home. The barren area of of western Nebraska is likely to be the worst area but you travel there overnight so you won't miss anything. I would think you would get pretty decent reception on the Chicago to Toldeo leg. I'll be interested to hear how this works out.
I brought our tiny "3 casio with us on our cross country trips. Around most of the major cities we got channels but of course since you are on a moving train you lose reception as you leave the signal area or head through mountains, canyons and rural zones. It can be kinda a teaser if you get into something. If you have a longer station stop you can watch then too.

You may find a smail portable AM radio with an earplug better meets your needs for catching up on sports stuff.
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