Read Any Good Books Lately?

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Honored Member
Mar 13, 2004
Central Kentucky
I received a copy of David Baldacci's book The Christmas Train as a gift and just finished reading it. It is a mystery that takes place on the Capitol Limited and Southwest Chief. I won't give any more of it away except to say, if you like to resd and you like Amtrak, you should enjoy this one. Would make a great movie!!
Is it anything like the book I am thinking of writing? My plot is where the dinning car staff are guilty of murdering the food, and the train arrives hours late into Seattle, in the middle of the night.

My proposed title is "Murder on the Dis-Orientated Express" ! *

Ed B)

* With thanks to Agatha Christie novel Murder on the Orient Express!
caravanman said:
Is it anything like the book I am thinking of writing? My plot is where the dinning car staff are guilty of murdering the food, and the train arrives hours late into Seattle, in the middle of the night. My proposed title is "Murder on the Dis-Orientated Express" ! *

Ed B)

* With thanks to Agatha Christie novel Murder on the Orient Express!
Nope - nothing like that, but not a bad idea. :D
caravanman said:
Is it anything like the book I am thinking of writing? My plot is where the dinning car staff are guilty of murdering  the food, and the train arrives hours late into Seattle, in the middle of the night. My proposed title is "Murder on the Dis-Orientated Express" ! *

Ed  B)

* With thanks to Agatha Christie novel Murder on the Orient Express!
Bahahahah! hahahaha! :lol:

I have been looking for a train read!I'll look for the Christmas Train
I read this book around Christmas time and it was a great book. FYI David Baldacci writes some great books. Truthfully even though this was a great book I found some of his others better. You'll have to forgive me but I am not at home to get all the titles but The Camel Club (his most current) was great! I think "the winner" was another. I started to read Saving Faith but have finished since I started readying all of Patricia Cornwell's Books. Both of these authors write a murder mystery style but Cornwell has keep the same people in all I have read of her's (Baldacci does in a few of his but not as many as Cornwell) . I really like it when an author keeps the same people in each book. There are times I have read books and just want to know more about the people in them and she feeds on that want.

I have also read "State of Fear by Michael ??Krieton??" This is the same author who wrote Jarrasic Park. I didn't know that when I read the book and was suprised to find that out.

By the way it has only been in the last couple of years that I have really started to enjoy reading. The Da Vinci Code was the first book I read in a really long time. After enjoying it so much I wanted to read more "murder Mystery/CSI" style books. That is when I found Baldacci, Cornwell and some others. So I just wanted to share with you that the draw to the "Da Vinci Code" for some people really is the mystery and writing style. The things the church was so upset about are in the book but so secondary to the whole story of the book.

Just my two cents but Thanks to DVC and Dan Brown I now enjoy reading more than I have ever, it opened my eyes to what was out there. "Great Authors with Great Stories to tell"

Have a great day everyone and Happy Reading! :D
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