Single vs Double Tracks

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Train Travel Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2003
Chico, CA
Wouldn't a lot of waiting time be saved if all tracks were double? I know it would be pretty expensive but wouldn't the cost be made up by increased movement of trains? Short portions that would not be practical to change such as bridges and tunnels could be left as single without much effect. :huh:
It sure would be nice to have all double-track. :rolleyes: Yes, late trains would virtually be a thing of the past. Funding (to build it & maintain it) is the main reason that this hasn't happened though. Some areas through the mountain passes might be tough to add a second track but these are the areas that usually already have a second track (take the Sierra Nevada mountains on the Calif. Zephyr's route for instance - mostly all double tracked).
It sure would be nice to have all double-track. Yes, late trains would virtually be a thing of the past
I dont know about that, there are many double track lines (like CSX's Chicago Line for example) that Amtrak trains run over and still wrack up alot of delays, so double tracking definatly wouldnt eliminate late trains like one would think it would.

Double tracking would do wonders though for timekeeping on the Boston Line, which isnt very high trafficed, but it sees enough that there is congestion.
Quite honestly almost every line that Amtrak runs on could use another track. If it's single-track now, then it needs two tracks. If it's double-track now, then it needs three. And so on and so on.

The biggest problem of course is who's going to pay for all that track. Then even if someone does pay for installing the extra tracks, you encounter the second problem. Who's going to pay for the upkeep of all that track.

In fact that's why many of the lines today don't have enough tracks. Years ago when freight traffic was way down, the RR's started removing extra track that they didn't need. This saved on maintenance costs for years. Now sadly traffic is on the increase, but most companies don't have the money to put back the extra track.
Anything they double tracked would just see increased traffic from the freight rr's as they would say we can squeeze another x amount of trains through here now so probably it would have no effect.
Another HUGE factor is property taxes. Believe lot of it is assessed on miles of track, thus double track = double property taxes
pismobum said:
Another HUGE factor is property taxes. Believe lot of it is assessed on miles of track, thus double track = double property taxes
They might not pay property taxes per se, depends on the laws of a particular state. In some instances they might pay PILOT's or Payments In Lieu of Taxes.
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