Suicide by Train

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I refer back to my post earlier in this thread;
Almost all people who kill themselves intentionally have a diagnosable mental disorder with or without substance abuse, which in itself, is often a result of attempted self-treatment for the symptoms of depression. Approximately two thirds of individuals who complete suicide have seen a physician within a month of their death.
Nothing to do with cowardice, or courage.
I have several mental disorders, dude. I'm nuerotic or psychotic, depending on which doctor you ask (DSMIII says psychotic, DSMIV says neurotic. Take your pick.) I have ADHD. I have mild schizophrenia. I was, at the time, clinically depressed. I had been seeing a psychologist.

None of those excuse the action. Not one of them. None of them excuse anything. As someone who has lived there life battling both mental and physical handicaps, and usually succeed at it, I have little tolerance for people who sit around whining about their problems instead of doing their best to overcome as much of it as they can. I have even less tolerance for the people who say "omg, how can you hold them responsible, they are [insert some disability or disorder]." You're damned right I hold them responsible.

If you can't make a decision to not kill yourself, you are so far gone any therapist would have you in in-patient treatment. I said can't and mean it. Making the choice is making a choice.
I have several mental disorders, dude. I'm nuerotic or psychotic, depending on which doctor you ask (DSMIII says psychotic, DSMIV says neurotic. Take your pick.) I have ADHD. I have mild schizophrenia. I was, at the time, clinically depressed. I had been seeing a psychologist.
Yeah but isn't that every railfan? Me? I have all of those plus Autistic disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Dependent personality disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder, Pyromania, Palin-mania and I have a membership to NARP and I've never contemplated killing myself. Beat that, hotshot!
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I have several mental disorders, dude. I'm nuerotic or psychotic, depending on which doctor you ask (DSMIII says psychotic, DSMIV says neurotic. Take your pick.) I have ADHD. I have mild schizophrenia. I was, at the time, clinically depressed. I had been seeing a psychologist.
Yeah but isn't that every railfan? Me? I have all of those plus Autistic disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Dependent personality disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder, Pyromania, Palin-mania and I have a membership to NARP and I've never contemplated killing myself. Beat that, hotshot!
I remember when people just used to be "odd". Now everyone has to have every disorder and syndrome going.

Possibly just attention seeking........ :cool:
I remember when people just used to be "odd". Now everyone has to have every disorder and syndrome going.Possibly just attention seeking........ :cool:
Palin-mania is a very serious disease and I won't have this kind of talk about it, Mister.
I remember when people just used to be "odd". Now everyone has to have every disorder and syndrome going.Possibly just attention seeking........ :cool:
Palin-mania is a very serious disease and I won't have this kind of talk about it, Mister.
You won't have her to kick around much longer... link.
Speaking of insanity, she says she's going to run for president. No, not of the American Dog Catchers Union. Which I hope she couldn't get elected to anyway.
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I remember when people just used to be "odd". Now everyone has to have every disorder and syndrome going.Possibly just attention seeking........ :cool:
Palin-mania is a very serious disease and I won't have this kind of talk about it, Mister.
You won't have her to kick around much longer... link.
Speaking of insanity, she says she's going to run for president.
Actually, she hasn't said that. Ever. She has indicated, at most, a possible interest in doing it someday, but knowing two people fairly close to her (close, as in her press secretary and her lieutenant governor), I honestly believe she hasn't made up her mind on that issue yet.

Truly, I think she was just done having her family (not even her, her family) ruthlessly attacked. (I mean, why does an infant with a severe disability deserve to be humiliated in public? Bristol I understand--she put herself in the limelight--but Trig? Sheesh. I don't blame her. And to put her $500,000 in debt to and the state on the hook for $300,000 in legal bills for frivolous ethics charges (all of which have been dismissed) is just absurd.

I think she honestly thinks she is doing what's best for Alaska. Knowing personally some of the people she surrounds herself with and having met and discussed issues with her, I firmly believe she is humble at heart and not self-serving at all. She is a person of such convictions that she can't idly stand by and watch her family and her constituents have to go through this nonsense any longer. You can accuse her of naivete or ineptitude or inexperience, and I can to some measure understand and even agree with that, but painting her as a mean-spirited, manipulative, evil, only out for her own political gain (which, if that were the case, would be absolutely counter to her decision yesterday) or whatever is NOT something I can allow to go unchallenged, because I KNOW it to be false.

As to Neil's latest response, which was posted after I started typing the above (and so I can't quote it without flipping between a few windows): I take personal offense to what you posted. Thank you for calling this great state "unimportant." And I know MANY, MANY people who hold similar beliefs to Palin--and, in fact, a very sizable segment of our country (probably more people than are in the UK total) probably agree with her on most of those stances, and if you then attempt to use that fact to paint this entire country--perhaps indeed the greatest country on the non-fictional religious symbol of my choice's green earth--as stark raving bonkers, well, think about what kind of flame war that'll get you on in here. It's easy to label some politician you'll never have contact with with some defamatory label, but if you're going to call her bonkers with a side of nutcase and looney toon, you're going to have to call me that, too, to my [virtual] face. I dare you. But remember, name-calling is never as productive as producing logical arguments against specific beliefs and policies.
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Friends - these will be shut down if they aren't kept civil. Several posts have already been deleted.

Please - leave the politics out of it.

Jackal: Perhaps you know her in various circumstances I don't, so I admit my lack of qualifications. Maybe she just sucks at putting herself forward or something. What I have seen of her in unedited speeches and such is someone who is very self-serving and not very intelligent. Granted, this is a limited channel from which to view somebody. Her conservative brand of politics is my main reason for disliking her for candidacy. I don't like that ultra-conservative (to simplify my already longwinded description) leaning at all.

I do agree with you that the way the media spent the days after the election whipping a dead horse about all kinds of things, as well as the way they treated her family was uncalled for. But its the way the media works in this country (a horrible thing, but being naive isn't much better!) and if you place yourself in the position of election to vice president, you should expect people to pick on your life with an electron microscope and be prepared to answer for the time you farted inappropriately while soloing at your 5th grade school play. You want the power and prestige, this is what you sacrifice.
Jackal: Perhaps you know her in various circumstances I don't, so I admit my lack of qualifications. Maybe she just sucks at putting herself forward or something. What I have seen of her in unedited speeches and such is someone who is very self-serving and not very intelligent. Granted, this is a limited channel from which to view somebody. Her conservative brand of politics is my main reason for disliking her for candidacy. I don't like that ultra-conservative (to simplify my already longwinded description) leaning at all.
I do agree with you that the way the media spent the days after the election whipping a dead horse about all kinds of things, as well as the way they treated her family was uncalled for. But its the way the media works in this country (a horrible thing, but being naive isn't much better!) and if you place yourself in the position of election to vice president, you should expect people to pick on your life with an electron microscope and be prepared to answer for the time you farted inappropriately while soloing at your 5th grade school play. You want the power and prestige, this is what you sacrifice.
We're getting off-topic here. I'll just say that I think the media has treated some political figures far differently than others. Those that are in power right now have, for the most part, been treated with "kid gloves." Others have been treated with anything but.

That said, none of these things have motivated me to either (a) want to kill someone, or (b) want to commit suicide, either by jumping in front of a train, overdosing on pills (a la Michael Jackson, if his death was a suicide--and with him, who knows?), jumping off a bridge, etc.
We're getting off-topic here. I'll just say that I think the media has treated some political figures far differently than others. Those that are in power right now have, for the most part, been treated with "kid gloves." Others have been treated with anything but.
I don't deny that. But if you go into public office, you need to be prepared to sacrifice that, whether it happens or not. I have no idea what the other side is able to put up with- one of these days, the sleezebags that run our national media system will probably provide the impetus to let us find out.

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