west point
CSX does not need the Gulf coast route from NOL - PNS- TLH - JAX. The CPAK = CSX route between Texas and Florida removes any need for that route. + Adding PTC for passenger service way too costly.
What is CPAK? CSX has sold off the Gulf Coast route East of Pensacola upto Baldwin to a Short Line RR anyway,CSX does not need the Gulf coast route from NOL - PNS- TLH - JAX. The CPAK = CSX route between Texas and Florida removes any need for that route. + Adding PTC for passenger service way too costly.
125 would require a sealed ROW including fencing such as Brightline is between only Cocoa and MCO. Will never happen. Even 110 requires grade separation or at least gates at every grade crossings.In an ideal world this will take a long time but the sunset limited will be 125mph Dailey and return to Florida and Phoenix . 125 prob will never happen but we can dream
If "soon" is defined as "before the sun turns into a red giant and incinerates the earth"A return to Florida also could happen soon
Thanks!!Over the last month the Eagle was late into Austin approximately 2 hours late four times. Several other times an hour late, but mostly close to on time. I'm not aware of having the sleeper pulled since there’s only one assigned to the Eagle, so maintenace tries to keep that car on the train.
The answer can be found here: ASMAD - Amtrak Status Maps Archive Database - HomeThere's been a lot of talk about how the SL has a history of arriving late in LA, but how good (or bad) is the Texas Eagle at arriving on time from Chicago to San Antonio?
I believe access is through a tunnel under the tracks.How does one access the Marshall Station? Someone did not think this one through..............
And here's the direct link (note it shows departure info, not arrival at AUS but you get the general idea).
View attachment 35295
I think you mean to get out of the station(?)Going to post here about the backup move in San Antonio the TE does to get into the station. There was a plan to connect the two UP lines at Walters st. but I guess nothing happened do to who is going to pay for it. Thought the city wanted to because of future commuter Train service.
I would assume there's an elevator in there. The higher roof at the rear of the building looks like it's to accommodate elevator machinery. And why build a handicapped ramp to the door if it were an accessibility dead end?Interesting, a Google street view showing the entrance to the tunnel on the south side of the tracks. I wonder if that is handicap accessible somehow? One can see the tunnel on the north side by the patterns in the turf on the map top view.
View attachment 35311
Springfield,St Louis,Little Rock ( 0 Dark Thirty),Longview,Dallas,Ft Worth and Temple are your Longest Stops for Fresh Air/Smoke !Another newbie question: which Texas Eagle (21) stops are smoke stops, and are there any that are longer stops between Chicago and Austin?
All that information can be found on the timetables here: Amtrak + VIA Rail Timetables | Rail Passengers Association | Washington, DC