Trip from the Gathering via Acela/Lake Shore Limited/Thruway bus

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Sep 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
I’m on my way home from the Gathering now - departed after the Sunday morning activities. While doing PATCO would have been fun, I wanted to take the train back and didn’t want to spend an extra day. My original plan was to take Northeast Regional 88 in coach departing at 1:19pm, but I was a bit anxious about the tight connection and saw a low fare Acela 2252 a few weeks back, so made the switch. I also was gifted an upgrade coupon by one of the members of this forum, so I was able to upgrade to Acela First (after having to call in - really annoying how you can’t do much with multi-segment tickets online).

Doing that is also part of why I skipped out on Saturday afternoon‘s Acela ride - I’d be doing the same thing the next day, and all I’d be missing is the NJT/SEPTA Trenton Shuffle (as our plans for the RiverLine were quashed by bustitution). Being as I always like to visit the ocean when I am close, I took the NJT Atlantic City line to Atlantic City and back instead. On that trip, I saw a big sign that said “Fire Anderson” which initially made me think there was an Anderson Fire Department nearby - I know about former Amtrak CEO Anderson, but since he’s now former that wouldn’t make sense. However, the next sign said “Save Amtrak”, so I guess they just haven’t updated their signs.

Anyway, my trip home started when the group returned to 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. Was a bit nervous about the tight timeframe to make it back there, but figured it was better than a tight connection at NYP (particularly since I had 88 as a backup option if I missed it). As it turned out, they hadn’t even started boarding yet when I made it back, but they started fairly quickly after that. Made it to my single seat (which I found available after I did the upgrade through the app).

Was quickly offered my choice of meal after boarding, which was part of why upgrading was nice - I didn’t really have much time to grab anything in the station, and it would be close to 2pm by the time I reached Moynihan. I got the cheese and fruit plate, which was actually quite good. The train really zoomed by once we got a little ways out of Philadelphia - to the point where I couldn’t even read the names of the commuter rail stations we were blowing through. We didn’t stop until Newark, and after that we made our way into Manhattan. We were stopped a few miles out for train traffic for a few minutes - didn’t really expect that - though only made it to New York a few minutes late.

Once there, I finally got to see the Moynihan Train Hall, and then made my way to the Metropolitan Lounge. I had been to the old New York ClubAcela, but not in Moynihan or the new Metropolitan Lounge. It definitely seemed like the best Amtrak lounge I had been to, with all the food and drink options and being so new. Got some coffee and tea, a bagel, and when I saw they had Andes mints they gave me a coffee cup full. Sat down for a while, and in no time they were making a boarding announcement for train 49. Made my way down to the track with the other 49 passengers in the lounge and was directed past the line to preboard.

Made it to the train and found my sleeper quickly - I was in room 1, which was right past the bedrooms. Our car was an old Viewliner I - while it would have been nice to see the new ones, I actually do appreciate having the much-maligned toilet there. Also, you can definitely notice how much more room the Viewliners roomettes have than the Superliners - I could fit my bag in the room (which is good as the Viewliners have no luggage racks and Michigan has no checked baggage). The upholstery was the classic Amtrak blue, rather than the refreshed grey I saw on the Capitol Limited (or the red seen in Viewliner II cars).

The SCA gave us the rundown of how things worked, and came around to take dinner reservations and meal orders - which is different from my past flex dining experience on the LSL (when they just took reservations). I did 5:30 as the next one after that was after Albany - also, I wanted to be able to see some scenery out of the Viewliner diner. As we pulled away, I noticed I was on the wrong side of the train for the Hudson, which made me wish I had perhaps taken the 5pm to see even more. Reminiscent of being on the wrong side for Puget Sound last year on the Empire Builder - in both cases lacking a lounge car. On the other had, I was surprised to find the Lake Shore Limited (unlike the Capitol Limited, or any western long distance train) features Wi-Fi, which was a bit surprising for an LD train. I’d take the lounge car and traditional dining, but each does have its advantages…
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Went to dinner at my reservation time of 5:30, and there were a few people there. I was in a Viewliner II diner back in 2018 on my last trip on the Lake Shore Limited, and my impression this time was very similar. Have to say this is one of the nicest cars in use on Amtrak (reminds me more of diners on the Canadian than the Superliner diners), and it’s a shame it doesn’t get full dining service - or at least can be used as a lounge car.

I had the beef burgundy, which wasn’t exactly what I expected. I had a beef entree on my previous go at flex dining on the LSL, and the beef was separated from the potatoes/veggies - this was all mixed together (with the veggies in the middle). Not typically my cup of tea, but I ate it. Think I would have liked the chicken more. Also had sparkling water, which unlike on the Acela was a flavored sparkling water - preferred the plain one. Also had a roll, small salad, and a butter cake (the latter of which I haven’t tried yet). Overall, I think this is the weakest of my 3 Amtrak meals so far - the edge may go to the Acela fruit and cheese plate, with the breakfast a decent second. Though I expected that coming in.

While sitting in the diner I heard the squawks of the radio saying “no defects”, which took me back to my trip on the Empire Builder last year. Though that wasn’t actually the last time I heard about defects on a train - on the Rocky Mountaineer we stopped for a while because of defects detected on the track ahead. After leaving the diner we soon pulled into Albany, where we attached the Boston section and changed engines for our onward journey. Saw a lot of people getting on and off there.

Overheard my SCA talking to a new passenger in an adjacent room - he remarked about the luggage and asked why they didn’t check it. Of course, I’m over here thinking some of us *can’t* check our bags (like the entire state of Michigan). He also mentioned breakfast started at 6:30, which was a bit disappointing given that I get off at 6:13 (was hoping to grab something to go right before I left). Guess I could get lucky if we’re a little late - wouldn’t totally mind that given the arrival time. Given that, I figure I’ll have my bed put down early - it’s dark anyway…
Slept a bit better than on the Capitol Limited, but not great - I did go a bit early anticipating the early wake up for Toledo. Woke up a few times, including around Erie, PA (which I thought was amusing - the little tiny part of Pennsylvania on the Lake Shore Limited) and somewhere near Cleveland. I did use the much-maligned toilet a couple times - while not ideal, it does seem better than having to leave the room (or lift the bed up as in VIA cabins for 1). The early wakeup at Toledo came on time (around 5:45), so no breakfast for me. I then collected all my items (including my suitcase out of the little compartment up top) and got ready to get off. Saw a few large suitcases in the vestibule, probably from those passengers the SCA talked to yesterday - not sure what else you really can do with those if you can’t check them.

As I got off and entered the station, I heard a loud voice saying “Daddy’s here!” I had a suspicion this was the driver for the Michigan bus, as I have had plenty of goofy drivers on that in the past. As it turns out, it was, as later statements confirmed. We all went outside and lined up to board. While in line, he asked if there were any University of Michigan fans there x when I responded, he said (jokingly) that I don’t get to ride (and later when I got on to go to the very back and don’t bother him). Based on some of his comments, it seems he was an MSU fan.

The ride went pretty much on schedule until we reached Detroit, where 90% of the passengers got off. We waited there a little while after it seemed everybody had got off. When we got to Dearborn the stop was even more extended - the driver did say he needed to take a bathroom break, though we sat there for at least 10 minutes after he got back with him talking on the phone (after waiting 10-20 there). We ended up getting to Ann Arbor 50min late despite leaving on time and no traffic out of the ordinary - he took a somewhat longish route there, and spent time talking to people in the station (further delaying the passengers bound for East Lansing).

Glad to finally get home, even if this morning wasn’t the greatest experience (it shouldn’t take 3 hours to get from Toledo to Ann Arbor, even with stops in Dearborn and Detroit - my ride there took the slightly over 2hr it is scheduled for). Not sure I’d rush to do eastern trains again with the early/late schedules, flex dining, and lack of lounge cars - for an east coast Gathering perhaps I’d just take a train to a different airport and fly out of there. Glad I finally got some Amtrak in (including a sleeper) this year though. Took a while because my big out west trip was in Canada, and I didn’t get around to riding the Wolverine. My next train trip will be a short run on VIA in a few weeks - will finally get to do the Tunnel Bus for that one…
On Flex dining trains with a diner (LSL is the only one I can think of since the Silvers went to TD), the diner doubles as a "first class lounge". You should be able to sit in it and watch the scenery, at least in between meal periods. That would have gotten you to shortly before 5pm.
I know it was that way when they started flex dining, though no one made an announcement as such. Guess I should have asked…