What route is available from CIN - PGH that has better population centers than along the current route (which does include places like Charleston, WV, metropolitan population 224,743) that would also be faster (in terms of total time traveled) between CIN - PHL than the current route, without some major capital expenditures to improve the route?
A "missed connection" from WAS - PHL isn't really that major of an issue, in my opinion. Trains run up the corridor every hour or two, and an on-time Capitol Limited has a two hour layover anyways. The transfer also takes place at Washington Union Station, which is a pretty decent station to transfer at or spend a little bit of time at. Asking the people of Charleston, WV to have a three-hour drive to their nearest train station (even Columbus, OH is 2 hours and 41 minutes, if it was rerouted, and the Connellsville, PA station on the Capitol Limited is over three hours) just so you can save a pretty convenient transfer seems like an extremely poor trade.