Wrapped Train?

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Apr 21, 2004
Does anyone know what the "Wrapped Train" is all about? I have seen posting on TrainOrders about this and it appears to be some form of "artistic expression".........if so, who the devil is paying for this thing to go across country? I hope not the government through some form of "art grant"...
MrFSS said:
Here are a couple of links about it.  I think the advetisers pay for it.  It makes some $'s for Amtrak, or whoever is wrapped.
Link One

Link Two
Your links are for advertising wraps. That is not what ran on the Corridor and will meander its way across the country. This is just an artistic expression.

In The Moving Drawing of Jheon Soocheon a 15-car train, specially covered in white, is a metaphor for his “brush.” The train does an immense drawing while making a long journey that sets off from New York, passes through the vast earth of the American West and comes to an end in Los Angeles. While going through a land of endless forests, boundless prairies and extensive deserts, it executes the drawing on the canvas of the American earth.
This "wrapped" train is just that: a train wrapped in white. The link for this unusual operation is HERE.
Interesting - but to answer the original question, your link shows sponsers who are paying for it and it is RailCruise America that is supplying the train. So, doesn't appear Amtrak is much involved or incurring any expense.
MrFSS said:
Interesting - but to answer the original question, your link shows sponsers who are paying for it and it is RailCruise America that is supplying the train.  So, doesn't appear Amtrak is much involved or incurring any expense.
This is a charter train, so Amtrak is made whole. It appears that the cost of this extravaganza is being picked up by the group of sponsers including Hyundia and Sansung. It must be nice to have such good friends. I wish someone would charter a train for me. It would not even have to be wrapped.
PRR 60 said:
It must be nice to have such good friends.  I wish someone would charter a train for me.  It would not even have to be wrapped.
I'm with you PRR60, I'd love a train of my own. :)