Change Transition Sleeper to Sleep

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Does anyone know if any Superliner coaches were ever converted to Transition Sleepers, equipment is not my area of expertise for sure?
All Transition Sleepers were built as Transition Sleepers and all are from the Superliner II order. There were none in the Superliner I order. And no Superliner coaches have ever been converted to any form of sleeper.
Looking back to all my trips from this year and last year...the transition sleeper name has been gone since they removed "SUPERLINER" from the cars. So, this has been a while now...
However, the "TRANSITION SLEEPER" is still on the doors between the cars.
Last nights TE #21/#421 Transition sleeper had "Coach Class" by the door but was a Transition Crew Sleeper?
Jim, the only possibilities I can think of are...

For some reason there was a coach in the lead position.

The car was mislabeled (I do not think that is likely)

Or you were mistaken (not meaning to be mean, but it is a possibility, I think I have made a mistake in the past, though I cannot remember it :lol: )

I would be very interested to learn the details if the first is true. Perhaps some car was bad ordered or they stuck the through coach up front.
I was not a coach, the rooms could clearly be seen through the windows and it did say sleeper by the entry. This is not the first of these I have seen. In the recent past I have seen some where you could clearly see where the words "Transistion Sleer" had been removed. The next time I see one I will get the number.
Saw one today, the was number was 39030.
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