Hoosier State

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Mar 24, 2006
Lincoln, Nebraska (LNK)
My stepdaughter is looking at taking a trip to check out Purdue University. We have been checking different transportation options and are thinking of flying SWA from OMA (Nebraska) to CHI and then taking the Hoosier State to West Lafayette. Our return would strictly be all by rail with the Hoosier State and CZ back to where we live in LNK. We would need to find someone to drop us off in OMA (50 miles) so this would work. How far is the Amtrak station from the campus? Is there taxi's? Any other ideas to make this work as much as possible for a low amount of money. I think the school said they have housing/hotel for us to be put up in on Friday/Saturday. We are thinking of leaving on a Friday out of NEB and returning on Sunday back to LNK. Thanks everyone!
While I can't offer any help with the logistics, you should check out the Amtrak Campus Visit Program. They offer a buy one, get 50% off deal if you are going to visit a college campus. It only applies to coach fare (though upgrades are allowed), but should save you some money.

I remember that my sister took advantage of the program a few years ago when she was looking at different schools. It seemed to work well.

Edit: I looked at Google Maps and the Amtrak station is about a mile from campus, so it shouldn't be too hard to get between the two. The public transit for the area is called CityBus.
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It should be fairly easy to fly into O'Hare or Middway on Friday Morning or early afternoon, then take the "L" to Union Station. It's been probably 10 years since I've lived in Chicago, so I'll let someone else share the details on the ins and outs of taking the "L" from the airports to the train station. It's not very difficult to do. The train out on Sunday Morning leaves at 7:32AM, early, but it should give you some time to enjoy lunch in Chicago!

As for Amtrak, the Hoosier State departs from Chicago at 5:45 and arrives in Lafayette at 9:58PM. There's two cab companies. City cab 765-477-1234 or 4 Star Taxi 765-742-8400. Purdue unfortunately isn't all that close to the train station so I would suggest to take a cab. As for saving money, as far as Amtrak is concerned, book your travel early to get the low bucket fares. Lafayette isn't a very expensive town, and if you're staying courtesy of Purdue, that should save you some money. It's been a long time since I was in college, but Purdue and the towns are impressive. My wife and I have enjoyed the town and the people here.

This next paragraph talks more about Lafayette/West Lafayette in general...it's not specific to the poster, but more of a lay of the land around Lafayette's train station. It's good information for anyone interested in taking a train ride to Lafayette...

Downtown Lafayette is right on the East side of the Wabash River, and the train tracks and station is right on the river. There's actually a very nice river walk across the Wabash linking Lafayette and a shopping complex called Wabash Landing right at the station which gives access to West Lafayette. At Wabash Landing there's a Hilton Garden Inn, a movie theater, a couple of restaurants and some stores and that's not a bad walk from the station at all. Downtown Lafayette is also a nice area with a variety of bars and restaurants and shops and stores. There's lots of live music and not being too close to campus, I wouldn't call most of the bars on the Lafayette side campus bars. I mention this more to give a feel for the town, and for anyone who might be inclined to take the Hoosier State in for a train ride and a nice visit. There's also the Holiday Inn City Center a 3 block walk from the train station on the Lafayette side. Both the Hilton Garden Inn and the Holiday Inn City Center are going to be the more expensive hotels in the area, with more budget conscious choices out by Interstate 65 on State Road 26.

Good luck, I hope your stepdaughter likes the town.

My stepdaughter is looking at taking a trip to check out Purdue University. We have been checking different transportation options and are thinking of flying SWA from OMA (Nebraska) to CHI and then taking the Hoosier State to West Lafayette. Our return would strictly be all by rail with the Hoosier State and CZ back to where we live in LNK. We would need to find someone to drop us off in OMA (50 miles) so this would work. How far is the Amtrak station from the campus? Is there taxi's? Any other ideas to make this work as much as possible for a low amount of money. I think the school said they have housing/hotel for us to be put up in on Friday/Saturday. We are thinking of leaving on a Friday out of NEB and returning on Sunday back to LNK. Thanks everyone!
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The station is on the opposite side of the Wabash River, in Lafayette, but right on the river. And as Rob Creighton says, there is a foot bridge over the river right at the station. It's not too far to the campus -- a mile or so -- but the campus is up on the bluff, so about half the walk would be uphill with an elevation gain that would be considered substantial in Indiana. Unencumbered by luggage, I might walk it, but when there's two of you with luggage, splurge and take the cab. Or, take CityBus; it looks like you'd catch it a block south of the station. And they have a free bus called the Wabash Trolley Line that runs from downtown Lafayette, over the river and through the Wabash Landing area, and up to campus; if the schedule works out, a free bus is the cheapest of all, no?

Not train-related, but I'm curious about the "housing/hotel." If you are going when school is not in session, "housing" could mean a dorm room. I assume "hotel" would mean a room in the Union Club on campus; I've stayed there a few times when returning to the alma mater and it's a fine place and would definitely be the most convenient hotel.

When I was in school, the train ran down the middle of the street in downtown Lafayette and the station was the lobby of the Lahr Hotel.
Well, as far as getting to Lincoln goes, there is OMAlink. That's the shuttle that runs between Lincoln and the Omaha airport. I believe it's 30$. So that is an option if you can not get a ride. As far as Purdue is concerned, I have a friend who lives there and he says the city bus system is terrific there, so by all means, use it.
Thanks for all the info. The Student discount won't work for us since my stepdaughter is looking at Purdue for her masters degree. But all of the info is greatly appreciated. What kind of consist does the Hoosier State run with? What kind of equipment?
Thanks for all the info. The Student discount won't work for us since my stepdaughter is looking at Purdue for her masters degree. But all of the info is greatly appreciated. What kind of consist does the Hoosier State run with? What kind of equipment?
Take the cardinal instead and get a sleeper. It will be well worth it.
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Thanks for all the info. The Student discount won't work for us since my stepdaughter is looking at Purdue for her masters degree. But all of the info is greatly appreciated. What kind of consist does the Hoosier State run with? What kind of equipment?
Take the cardinal instead and get a sleeper. It will be well worth it.
Read the original post. They're leaving Chicago Friday and returning on Sunday. Those are Hoosier State operating days. Even if they went on Cardinal days, they are also trying to save money. Three hours in one of the most expensive sleepers in the system probably isn't a good way to save money.
Thanks for all the info. The Student discount won't work for us since my stepdaughter is looking at Purdue for her masters degree. But all of the info is greatly appreciated. What kind of consist does the Hoosier State run with? What kind of equipment?
The Hoosier State generally operates with two Horizon coaches. As of late, they've been adding a lounge (but don't count on this). And on occasion a third Horizon or Amfleet coach. There is no checked baggage. Plan on bringing some snacks and something to drink in case the lounge is not on. Just a side bar, because this is Amtraks hospital train to and from Beech Grove, you might find all kinds of different equipment in the consist. But they only allow you to sit in the coaches.
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