How To Pay For Katrina

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Midland Valley

Lead Service Attendant
Feb 14, 2005
Dodge City, Kansas
This morning on Fox, one of the contributing talking heads (can't remember his name right now) from Bull and Bears was being interviewed on Fox and Friends about how to pay for Katrina's 200B price tag. He responded by saying we should privatize Amtrak amongst other things. Bush today talked about cutting "unneccesary spending". Is there going to be a big Administration attempt to get its Kill Amtrak legislation through under the guise of hurricane relief?
I hope this will not be the case. I do not doubt though, that the "Katrina" crisis will be used to justify budget cuts far and wide. This will be the current regime's justification to swing the ax I am sure they will attempt. Amtrak will be an easy target. Hopefully congress will see through it and keep things in perspective. We can only hope.
It's easy. Stop spending billions of dollars in Iraq. Oh but then if that happened, the ***hole would have to admit that he lied.
Our elected leader is talking about a $200 Billion spending project. Amtrak, at $ 1.45 billion, is a drop in the proverbial bucket. Remember that huge spending bill several weeks back, which contained items like a $ 50 million (or was it $300 million) bridge to serve a 50 person village in Alaska? Knowing how Congress works, the Katrina reconstruction zone would stretch from the Rockies to the Appalacians, and from the Canadian border to the Gulf.

If our elected representatives and leaders wanted to look for money that has already been appropriated. and re-appropriate it to Katrina rebuilding, look in that huge spending bill they have already passed. There is plenty of pork barrel spending around, and they should look at several of these other things before looking at Amtrak's appropriation. :angry:
WICT106 said:
There is plenty of pork barrel spending around, and they should look at several of these other things before looking at Amtrak's appropriation.     :angry:

Heh do you think they will build the BRIDGE so I can ride from here :rolleyes: :D :p
When "W" talked about getting rid of "unnecessary spending", red flags popped up. Why? Because of Amtrak. This could be his chance to try and kill Amtrak again. I hope not. I'll be on the phone with my Senators on Monday to talk about saving Amrak.
One thing to keep in mind is that neither major political party is as monlithic as one might suspect. The Congress has members who listen more to their constiuents than they do to the President. Certain members have been known to defy the Administration's wishes in the past, due in part to the President's sagging approval ratings (the elected representatives have to get elected too you know). If you want Amtrak, you have to encourage the local elected officials to vote in favor of passenger rail.
Bush is increasingly becoming a lame duck, especially after the new year when mid-term elections will take the focus of your congressman. Bush's popularity seems to have fallen into the 40's.

I think we'll see many Republican congressman working to improve their image in home states going into this next year.
I would hope that restoring Amtrak service to the New Orleans area would be considered part of the "healing" process. As you all know, three major Amtrak trains serve the city, fanning out in four eventual directions.

Incidentally, the media has mentioned that the Greyhound Station is being used as a jail. What the media doesn't say is that the Greyhound Station is also the Amtrak station (and the Amtrak name and symbol are in the background in some shots), and an Amtrak P32 locomotive is being used to provide power. The station is across the street from the Superdome.
I have been hearing from various Political Action Committees that they are looking for "various pork projects" that can be eliminated or postponed to help with the relief of Hurricane Katrina. I've heard within the small political circle I belong to that Amtrak is definately on the immediate chopping block. I received a notice from my government agency whom I now work for to find ways of cutting ten percent from the smallest budget we submitted to Congress for authorization. If this ten percent rule has been assigned to the Dept. of Transportation, I do fear that the Transportation Subcommitties in both houses of Congress may place Amtrak as a discretionary vote per delegate and place Amtrak funding by Congressman and Senators from non-Northeast states being defined as "pork" by the Office of Management and Budget and be vetoed by the President. Be aware that the lobbying groups that fight for Amtrak are absolutely last on the list of priorities amongs both political parties. I can attest that when I sent a letter to a Republican Florida Congressman to fully fund Amtrak, he responded saying that "Floridians don't ride trains and a vote for Amtrak would take away funding needs associated with the continual need to reinvest in our state's highway infrastructure." I found this to be an interesting comment very much in line with Demoncratic Sen. Nelson's response. So if you think that it matters to what political party supports Amtrak, I think not. I belive that the public pressure to lower federal spending on "non essential operations" will include Amtrak in FY06. It may just be the majority viewpoint by the Florida Congressional delegation, but if you assume that the majority of the Southern states take this stance in the coming authorization votes, Amtrak could be on the first round of federal cuts in the name of Katrina relief. This will allow congressman up for election next year use this as an excuse if the cutting of Amtrak's appropriation even makes mainstream media during the campaign period. I don't believe that there is enough political power the Amtrak lobbyist will have outside of Northeast states and California. We'll see what happens.
Randy Henderson said:
... I do fear that the Transportation Subcommitties in both houses of Congress may place Amtrak as a discretionary vote per delegate and place Amtrak funding by Congressman and Senators from non-Northeast states being defined as "pork" by the Office of Management and Budget and be vetoed by the President. Be aware that the lobbying groups that fight for Amtrak are absolutely last on the list of priorities amongs both political parties. I can attest that when I sent a letter to a Republican Florida Congressman to fully fund Amtrak, he responded saying that "Floridians don't ride trains and a vote for Amtrak would take away funding needs associated with the continual need to reinvest in our state's highway infrastructure." I found this to be an interesting comment very much in line with Demoncratic Sen. Nelson's response. So if you think that it matters to what political party supports Amtrak, I think not.
I kinda got that feeling when I visted Congressman "Z"'s office recently on an unrelated story, and casually worked Amtrak into the conversation.

Congressman Z's staffers were more sympathetic to Amtrak than I thought. This might seem difficult for you to believe, but several of them actually want to travel by train! Shocked me! Especially because the district Congressman Z represents has no Amtrak service.

Even so, because Congressman Z is in the majority party, the staffers are suspicious of Amtrak. Given some of the follies we've seen in this forum and elsewhere on the web, it could hardly be otherwise.

Perhaps the best tack to take will be to emphasize "balance in the transportation system." I pointed out to the staffer I was with that we had spent something like $125 billion on the interstates, and about $29 billion on Amtrak. "We got what we paid for," I said as I left, going onto the usual pleasantries. As I looked at him, I could start to see the gears turning in his brain.

The communists were fond of saying, if you can get a knife, you can get a gun; once you get a gun, you get more guns until you get a bigger gun. This is the sort of fight Amtrak will face this go-round.
AmtrakFan said:
Mr. Henderson,I highly doubt this will happen there are a several of Senators outside of the NEC who Support Amtrak.
It doesn't really matter how many of those in the Senate (the House either) who support Amtrak outside the NEC! If their constituents put the pressure on them to pull the plug (which seems to be the general attitude by many here in my home state of FL), then those governing leaders will either follow the will of the majority (the voting public) or face the consequences at the polls! Too bad we aren't talking the other way around here, but this is the same response I got from my Senate and House leaders, too. Rep John Mica (republican) I understand only supports the Auto Train Service and commuter rail here in FL! The long distance trains as I understand it, he believes they should go! Maybe this info I got regarding Mica is bad, but the whole idea of a once traditional supporter (Sen. Nelson Dem. of FL) of Amtrak voting against support is one of many reasons which has caused me to focus on the side of caution as far as my job is concerned! But the key here, as usual with anything regarding Amtrak everyday just about, is we'll see what happens! I hope I am wrong, personally! Mr Henderson and I pretty much agree on the same spectrum here, and what he quotes I personally believe will be the case! It just doesn't look good right now as far as the Amtrak as we know it! OBS...
Sam Damon said:
Perhaps the best tack to take will be to emphasize "balance in the transportation system." I pointed out to the staffer I was with that we had spent something like $125 billion on the interstates, and about $29 billion on Amtrak. "We got what we paid for," I said as I left, going onto the usual pleasantries. As I looked at him, I could start to see the gears turning in his brain.
The communists were fond of saying, if you can get a knife, you can get a gun; once you get a gun, you get more guns until you get a bigger gun. This is the sort of fight Amtrak will face this go-round.
This so true! And if our government would "simply" do that (I know that is kinda strong) we would have a balanced transportation system!

I personally feel we also have a good support of "passenger rail" in general here in FL, though there seems to be that attitude of "no one wants trains" floating around according to several of our government leaders. Too bad the people don't have a reliable system to use so they can show their support! The few we get riding our trains on Amtrak are only a drop of water in the bucket compared to the majority. But we have some diehard Amtrak customers on our trains all up and down the East Coast. Taking that away from them is an injustice in my opinion! Is rail going away? No I don't believe so. If it were to go away, I feel the airlines and highways would be too overburdened with traffic, as well as the loss of jobs among other things which can be discussed elsewhere! OBS...
I wouldn't say Amtrak is "featured". It is one of many many programs that appear on this list - most of which would cause various segments of the population to bitterly complain. This looks like a list generated by Congress to make them selves appear to be working toward responsible fiscal management...............Imagine that!!
Cutting out the best alternative to the fuel-wasteing auto and plane in a time of needed conservation doesn't seem smart. Trains should be recognized as the only viable, efficient form of land transport.
Did you guys see this about the Amtrak reform hearing on Thursday. This is what really turns me off on Amtrak reform people such as Mica, Mineta, McCain, Bush, etc etc. These people dont want to know the facts, they hear what they want to hear. Mica should be repremanded for his actions. If these people act like this on Amtrak issues, whos to say they dont act like this on national defense issues, soc sec, etc.

Narp hotline 9/24/04

A hearing was held to discuss Amtrak reform on September 21 before the Railroads Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (list of witnesses and their written statements). Subcommittee Chair Steven LaTourette (R-OH) set a sympathetic tone in his opening remarks, saying, “We’ve given Amtrak just enough money to fail.” Ranking Member Corrine Brown (D-FL) assailed US DOT General Counsel Jeffrey Rosen for appearing on Secretary Norman Mineta’s behalf. “Where is Secretary Mineta?” she pointedly asked, following up by asserting that he was personally invited to testify. When Rosen responded that he was Mineta’s designee, Rep. Brown pointed out that it’s just like with the Amtrak Board of Directors (of which Mineta is a member but has always sent a representative).

The hearing was also marked by grandstanding by the subcommittee members. Rep. Mica entered the hearing just as Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN) was concluding his opening remarks. Mica said that the audience had just heard “gobbledygook,” which drew immediate objection from Rep. Oberstar, who pointed out that Mica was not present for any previous remarks. Mica said he had notes from his staff about what was said. Oberstar’s opening statement concluded with a reference to the success of Japanese privatization. Mica, who had been in the room for that, said, “That part of your statement clearly was not gobbledygook.”

Later, after making comments that many perceived as anti-rail, Rep. Mica composed a hand-written note stating that he’s a supporter of passenger rail, that, “I always have been and always will be.” He handed the note to Chairman LaTourette and asked that it be submitted for the record without objection. Rep. Brown objected. Finally, Rep. Mica objected to statements made that airlines had received a $15 billion bailout after 9/11. He went into a lengthy explanation about the nature and distribution of the funds, and Chairman LaTourette ruled him out of order. When Rep. Mica continued, Chairman LaTourette cut him off and implored him to “respect the chair.”

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