I wanna take a short trip this week

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Amfleet said:
Even though the shuttles are only 2 cars long, conductors don't like seating passengers in the cab cars as long as the load is light. I think it has something to do with safety, as the impact on a cab has a greater affect than if it were a locomotive.
While I suspect that safety might have a little to do with not seating people in the cab car, there really are two other big reasons for it.

One is simply operational, it's easier for the conductor to collect tickets, board and discharge passengers if they are all in one car. That of course assumes that he/she can fit all the passengers in that one car.

The second reason they try to avoid it is simply because the crew likes to have a place to hang out where the passengers are not around.

Safety is a very distant third reason for not seating passengers in the car.

It seems that people have covered the topic or your trip pretty well, however I’ll add a few more things. With NY eliminated from your choices, you really don't have too many choices. So your New Haven trip sounds like your best bet.

The New Haven station is not out in the boondocks, but there isn't a whole lot around that area to do. It's more business orientated in that area. However within the station there is a Subway, a Dunkin Donuts, and I think that there is a small deli, should you want a snack.

As for access to the tracks, you shouldn't have any problems as long as you don't do anything silly, like trying to enter an engine without permission. Since Metro North trains arrive and depart hourly on the weekends and even more frequently on weekdays, there are always people coming and going. Then add in the Amtrak arrivals and you got a fair amount of people in the station and on the platforms. So I don't think that you would get hassled.

If you've got one, wear a shirt or cap that is train orientated and that might help too. Or if you really want to play it safe, then just wait for them to post an arrival or departure and then head up to that track for 10 minutes or so. Then go back down and repeat the process.

By the way, one has to go downstairs, then through a long hall and back upstairs to reach the main train station/waiting area. The actual station is also worth checking out at least briefly as it is not a new station. I'm not sure if it's the original New Haven station, but it certainly has some history and is more than 30 years old. So it's worth a quick glance at least.

Now if you can get your dad to let you come to NY, then that opens up a whole new world of options and trips. While I don't know if it will help, your Dad should know that Penn Station is quite safe. There are Amtrak police all around, NY State National Guard troops, and even a few police dogs in the station. So the odds of you encountering any problems, like getting mugged, are probably non-existent, unless you leave the station.

I just arrived on the LSL today into Penn. When I got upstairs, I saw at least three Amtrak police officers, one with a dog, and about five or six National Guard troops (with their machine guns slung over their shoulders) all in the main Amtrak station.

There is even a special Amtrak waiting area that you can wait in until its time to board your train. You have to show an Amtrak ticket to enter this area, so even the bums can't get in there to ask you for money.
Well my dad said that me and my brother sister and mom could go to NYP, but after checking out the prices, which were VERY high for the trip it ruled it out. The Springfield to New Haven trip is almost $200 cheaper at about 114 for all of us round trip. I think on the way back though Ill spend my own 10 bucks to upgrade to business class :p . Though its cutting it close, I think we can have a layover thats only about 55 minutes before the Vermonter departs back north, but I think thats enough time to allow because the shuttles keep pretty good time. I probably will want a snack so those shops in the station will serve me well, since Ill be there probably around the noon hour. I definatly will want to go down trackside to check out some action for a little while, there are 2 regionals due, one in each direction, and of course the Vermonter comming in and I would imagine a bunch of commuter trains. As for doing something stupid, well I would never try to get on bord a locomotive. But thanks again for all the info, I just gotta get the mom into the idea a bit more. I ran it by her today, though she wants to take a train ride (she enjoys it as well), shes like "what the hell is there to do in New Haven?!" Im like checkin out electrics of course! :D
Heck, it took me 5 years to get my mom to enjoy the rails. Even after the 10 hour late Auto Train, our very nasty car attendant on the Silver Meteor, and the anullment of our Sleeping Car on the Lake Shore Limited, plus the rude service personell in Chicago, my mother still asked me if I wanted to do a rail trip this summer.
Amfleet said:
Heck, it took me 5 years to get my mom to enjoy the rails. Even after the 10 hour late Auto Train, our very nasty car attendant on the Silver Meteor, and the anullment of our Sleeping Car on the Lake Shore Limited, plus the rude service personell in Chicago, my mother still asked me if I wanted to do a rail trip this summer.
Jon, that's great that despite all of that your mother still tolerates that. For me I don't have to worry about that so much, as she's sort of afraid to fly.
P40Power said:
Well my dad said that me and my brother sister and mom could go to NYP, but after checking out the prices, which were VERY high for the trip it ruled it out.  The Springfield to New Haven trip is almost $200 cheaper at about 114 for all of us round trip.  I think on the way back though Ill spend my own 10 bucks to upgrade to business class :p .
I'm not surprised that NYP is more. Take any Amtrak train that runs through or from NYP and it costs more. Get off one stop before NYP and you can usually save money.

P40Power said:
Though its cutting it close, I think we can have a layover thats only about 55 minutes before the Vermonter departs back north, but I think thats enough time to allow because the shuttles keep pretty good time.
Your probably pretty safe with that, but if things look really bad time wise, you could always short turn at Meridian. Granted you would miss the action at New Haven, but at least you'd get your train ride in.

P40Power said:
I definatly will want to go down trackside to check out some action for a little while, there are 2 regionals due, one in each direction, and of course the Vermonter comming in and I would imagine a bunch of commuter trains.
Sadly though with that schedule you would miss getting to see an Acela Express go by. But then there is always next time. :)

P40Power said:
As for doing something stupid, well I would never try to get on bord a locomotive.
I wasn't suggesting that you would try that, but merely giving you an example. Like I said if you just stay on the platform, take a few pictures, and stay out of the way of workers, I don't think that anyone will hassle you.

P40Power said:
But thanks again for all the info, I just gotta get the mom into the idea a bit more.  I ran it by her today, though she wants to take a train ride (she enjoys it as well), shes like "what the hell is there to do in New Haven?!"  Im like checkin out electrics of course! :D
Well she can have the fun of the train ride, plus you can't do much in 55 minutes anyhow. So you can check out the action, while she can buy lunch for you, your sister, and herself. By the time she finishes eating it will almost be time to board the train back, unless it's running late. Then you can chow down while on the train.
Amfleet said:
Heck, it took me 5 years to get my mom to enjoy the rails. Even after the 10 hour late Auto Train, our very nasty car attendant on the Silver Meteor, and the anullment of our Sleeping Car on the Lake Shore Limited, plus the rude service personell in Chicago, my mother still asked me if I wanted to do a rail trip this summer.
At risk of sounding corny, it's because she loves you. That's why she buys you Christmas presents, birthday presents, and things like that.

She knows what makes you happy and there is nothing more that most parents want, than to know that their kids are happy and better off than they were.

While your on the trip, buy her a little present. That way you let her know just how much you appreciate her taking on the trip.
AlanB said:
Amfleet said:
Heck, it took me 5 years to get my mom to enjoy the rails. Even after the 10 hour late Auto Train, our very nasty car attendant on the Silver Meteor, and the anullment of our Sleeping Car on the Lake Shore Limited, plus the rude service personell in Chicago, my mother still asked me if I wanted to do a rail trip this summer.
At risk of sounding corny, it's because she loves you. That's why she buys you Christmas presents, birthday presents, and things like that.

She knows what makes you happy and there is nothing more that most parents want, than to know that their kids are happy and better off than they were.

While your on the trip, buy her a little present. That way you let her know just how much you appreciate her taking on the trip.
Last year I paid for both of our admissions up the Sears Tower. This year I offered to pay for one of those architectural river cruises. I aslo this year made the reservation by phone for Amtrak and the hotel since my mom has a lot on her plate. I even put $150 to cover my rail-fare and part of the accomodation fare. I always try give back to my parents, from what I recieve. I'm sure this will be even more so in the future. :)
Well when I said ALB-NYP is expensive for all four of us, I wasnt kidding. $258!! Compared to around 110 for a SPG-NHV!! It is too bad that there wasnt an Acela Express going by, Thats the first thing I looked for in the timetable, but oh well Ill be more then happy seeing a regional or 2 headed up by AEM-7s or maybe a HHP-8! Ive only had one experience seeing a train on the corridor, and it was diesel. It was 1997 and our class went to Natures Classroom for a week in connecticut and we took a ride from the camp to the ocean one day to check out the beach and the habitats around it, really intresting week. Anyways riding down I95 on the school bus, I noticed tracks parallel to the interstate, and before I knew it I saw quite literally a red white and blue streak. A Northeast direct headed up by an F40PH overtook us going the same direction as us and it was a blur, and we were going at a good clip!! I was impressed, that thing had to be doing around 100. The shuttle and Vermonter must go at a pretty good clip between SPG and NHV, probably no 100 though. I told my mom today that the train down would probably be a bit shabby, I mean after all the shuttles arent known to run with the best equipment. They can eat their lunch if they want at the station, but I want to get myself some Amfood in the Amcafe on the AmVermonter! Does the vermonter have reqional food from Vermont still, or did that get cut as well as the baggage car?
Amfleet said:
Heck, it took me 5 years to get my mom to enjoy the rails. Even after the 10 hour late Auto Train, our very nasty car attendant on the Silver Meteor, and the anullment of our Sleeping Car on the Lake Shore Limited, plus the rude service personell in Chicago, my mother still asked me if I wanted to do a rail trip this summer.
It took me just as long to get my mom to do it. :lol:
On the issue of our parents and train travel, I had it reasonably lucky. Both of my parents were "ok" with the train, as was my older sister. In fact my mother's father(who died before I was born) worked for the railroad as a car inspector for the passenger trains.This gave my rail hobby an extra plus with my mother because the whole thing reminded her of her "papa"---(uh oh, is that corny enough?)

On the issue of short last minute trips I am very lucky here in ATL in that I can go to BHM and back in a day(IF the southbound is not too late). For example, last year when the Saturday morning paper had headlines in late June that Amtrak might be gone "next Wednesday" I quickly scheduled a round trip to BHM the very next day , thinking it might be my last.
P-40 Power, the Vermonter I think has a different menu than the Regionals, but it is not like the Downeaster where a seperate caterer is hired. Now with this new cafe menu in effect, I could not tell you what you'll find. Also, the Shuttles are not always shabby. I've seen photos where two Regional Coaches will be the entire consist. So it's not so bad. Still, it is always neat to "rough it out" in a run down, unrefurbished Amfleet Coach.
The shuttles I've seen have run with a Capstone MU coach and the cab control (which may or may not be refurbished). SO you probably aren't too bad off. But on Vermonter bug you'll get all kinds of stuff, Capstones, unrefurbished, Concept 2000, Metroliner and who knows what else. As for maximum speeds on the Main Line from Mill River to Springfield the train reaches a maximum speed of 80 for a good portion of the trip except for a few city ordinances it's 80 all the way to Springfield.
I wouldnt mind roughing it in an unrefurbished car, I dont mind them that much. It would remind me of my big trip in 97 when NO cars were refurbished. A capstone car would be great! But hey, Ill be happy anyway it is. 80 is moving at a pretty good clip, the shuttle probably doesnt get up to speed much since there are so many stops close together on the line.
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