Points For Shopping - Pending Points

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OBS Chief
Jul 22, 2009
Miramar Beach, Florida
It has been 30 days since I made an online AGR Points for Shopping purchase. The goods were received shortly after the purchase but the points are still pending. Is a wait time like this for point approval typical? The fine print states it can take about to 60 days for approval. 30 days for point posting seems excessive. 60 days beyond belief.
Unfortunately yes, :(

The points only post once a month, so more times it's within 6 weeks. As an aside, I wanted to add some miles to my Delta Airlines account, so I made a purchase on their mall. This was for a store that I usually use from AGR. On DL, the miles post as soon as it is shipped. On AGR, it is pending for weeks!
The past few places that I have bought from took the full 60 days and a few extras...
I was told it's to ensure the item wasn't returned in addition to verifying the purchase.
That may be true, but it doesn't explain the differences between programs. It may not be the one, but if you buy something from Petco thru AGR, the points are pending for 60 days. However, if you buy something from Petco thru Delta, the miles post as soon as the item(s) ship!