Questions about my first AGR redemption

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Nov 9, 2005
Amarillo, Texas
Okay, I have 20,000 points which is good for a 2 zone roomette. I plan to get this roomette on our return trip from New York.

Since it is a two zone, that does mean I can get a roomette on more that one train, correct? If I go LSL to SWC I would get a roomette on both trains?

If there are multiple train choices, do I get to pick or do they make you choose the cheapest route?

If I can choose and decide to go Regional to WUS then CL to Chicago, since there is no sleeper on the Regional, will it be a business class upgrade? Or would there be a way for me to include a business class upgrade?

yes, you get a sleeper for your entire trip where available. if the choice is between business class and coach you get business class but you need to ask for it when you talk with agr. afaik, agr chooses the route for you but you could ask when you call
Yes, you get the roomette for the entire trip, for whatever trains they offer. And if one or more of the trains offer Business Class, you can get that also, if you ask.

What I do is look on the website to see what is offered. (The AGR agent sees the same screen.) I also look at the "upgrade" screen, to make sure a roomette is available for all segments. Then when I talk to the AGR agent, I can ask for "train x & train y". (It can be ANY offered choice - not just the lowest priced one!)

For example, ABQ-NYP may show

  1. SWC-Cardinal
  2. SWC-CL (via WAS)-Regional
  3. SWC-CL (via PGH)-Pennsylvanian
  4. SWC-LSL

You can chose ANY of these for an award! ;) And they are all at the same award level - 20,000 points for a roomette! :)
Okay, can I do business class for one adult and one child since that is how many would fit in the roomette? Or will they only give it for one?
The business class option (as well as the meals and total railfare) is for EVERYONE INCLUDED on the reservation up to the maximum quoted occupancy of the roomette! So if 2 are listed on the award and reserved in the roomette, BOTH will also get business class travel! :)
Okay, can I do business class for one adult and one child since that is how many would fit in the roomette? Or will they only give it for one?
The business class option (as well as the meals and total railfare) is for EVERYONE INCLUDED on the reservation up to the maximum quoted occupancy of the roomette! So if 2 are listed on the award and reserved in the roomette, BOTH will also get business class travel! :)
Cool! Thanks again.