Sunset timetable change official

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Aug 3, 2004
Effective with train 1(8MAR) and 2(9MAR), the Sunset Limited's schedule will change. For the most part, it is the same as the "leaked" schedule that I posted a link to a few days ago. However, one significant difference is that *times will not change east of New Orleans.* This means that there will be a considerable dwell time for train 2 in NOL (assuming, of course, the train actually got in there less than a bunch of hours late).

The consist will be baggage, transition sleeper (with revenue space), sleeper, diner, lounge, coach, coach-baggage, and the Texas Eagle coach and sleeper.

The bad news is that the eastbound train breaks all connections from northern California, including the San Joaquin/bus connections. Westbound, the oft-missed connection to the Starlight is officially broken.
I am relieved to see that it will still have separate lounge and diner facilities. Thanks for the info, rmadisonwi.

Count me among those who have learned to genuinely appreciate the desert scenery, while still giving top awards to the Rockies, etc.

Am anxious to see how the timekeeping does. Believe me, I check on it rather frequently, even though I have no immediate plans for a trip.
Well it looks like they added about 3.5 hours of padding each direction from LAX-NOL by way of increased dwell time, which I suppose is one way to improve OTP. :D Time shift eastbound is worse for me here in SAS, now 1 a.m. (or later) departure vs 6 a.m. before, but slightly better going the other way, 5:40 a.m. vs. 3:40 before. So I can't complain too much there. IF the shift gets around any of UP's traffic better then that's a good thing - but it remains to be seen. Call me a pessimist, but I still think this train is going to be late.

What I am unhappy about is the loss of one whole sleeper from this train. Sure, space in the dorm is OK, but that's only 8 roomettes which hardly equates to a whole car. That leaves only 5 bedrooms, one family and one handicap room per train (Eagle sleeper not withstanding). I know the equipment is in short supply, but I have my fingers crossed that the second sleeper will eventually make its way back on to Amtrak's only coast to coast train. On the times I have ridden, not in summer even, it has seemed like they have had no problem filling both sleepers. Curious to see what this will do to sleeper rates - yikes

Bill, you're right - all is not lost, as at least they didn't decide to cut the diner and/or lounge! Will be headed your way via Sunset and Crescent this summer.
Randy, good to see you on the forum again.

On a personal note, don't think I have ever mentiond this, but I actually KNOW somebody else named Randy Jay. He is a retired guy at my company. Used to freak me out when I would see the name on here, wonder what he was doing, he's not interested in trains, etc but I eventually got used to it.
Hi I have a trip booked on the Sunset at the end of June from Lafayette, LA. to San Antonio and back with my hubby and 3 kids. Amtrak called to let me know the schedule change last week. Didn't bother me, I'm just so glad they didn't get rid of diner car and such. It is our first train ride and want to experience it fully. We're riding in coach.
Well, Shannon, I hope you and your family have a great trip. And, yes, it will be very neat for you to experience a full dining car and a full lounge car. They are a big part of the experience.

If you enjoy this trip and really get in the groove, you might choose taking a sleeper some day on a future trip.

But that is for the future---just relax and enjoy, for now. You may be surprised at how roomy the coach seats will be for you.

Let us know how much you enjoyed the trip.
Shannon, I understand that Lafayette has a newly rebuilt train station. If that's the case, be certain to write or e-mail your civic leaders thanking them for investing in such a wonderful asset. While you're at it, maybe suggest that they advocate for more and better rail service.
My wife and I are booked on the Sunset Limited in April (our first train trip) from LA to Lafayette, LA. We have a roomette and will also be travelling with another couple.

We are really looking forward to this trip, but...

Can anyone tell me what to expect (delay wise or other misc. info.)? Amtrak didn't notify us of the schedule change- they just neglected to send our tickets and waited for us to call when they didn't arrive. I'm rkind of nervous if Amtrak thinks this is a small change - we all have to scramble to make arrangements to accomodate the time changes (more days off work etc.) Is this beneficial in avoiding freight traffic on the main line? Any info would greatly be appreciated - and thanks for the forum!

It's very hard to say what the time change will mean in terms of delays, which are often very substantial on this route. Hopefully the change will help some, along with the fact that the host RR Union Pacific continues to try and improve service. Plus additional padding has been added at certain key stations, so that may also help to ensure that you arrive close to on time.

The main reason for the time change, was to ensure that the connection to the Texas Eagle was kept. Last year Amtrak spent big bucks bussing passengers who missed the connection to the Eagle, thanks to delays.

Now I am surprised that Amtrak didn't notify you of the change, as others have received phone calls from Amtrak informing them of the schedule change.

As for your tickets, Amtrak does not have to mail them to you until 10 days prior to departure. Sometimes they do seem to mail them sooner, but I do know of many cases where they waited until the deadline. Since this change has been in the planning stage for more than 2 months, I'm not surprised at all that the tickets weren't mailed, since they'd only need to be changed anyhow.
Thanks Alan,

I will be sure to plan on a flexible arrival itinerary in Lafayette. I am also very interested in what cars the new Sunset Limited will consist of (if any change)and how that will effect the experience - although I have no other rail experience with which to compare.

By the way, does anyone know if a family bedroom is suitable for 4 adults if one is available on the return from New Orleans (as opposed to 2 roomettes), an Amtak rep. warned us it may be too small for the third & fourth adult and may not be worth the $300 in savings. Deluxe accomodations with in-room facilities seem way too expensive-is that really worth it? Any negotiating tips once I'm aboard? Sorry about the number of questions here - can you tell I'm getting excited about the trip?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Guest said:
By the way, does anyone know if a family bedroom is suitable for 4 adults if one is available on the return from New Orleans

I think it would depend on the heights of the four, two of the beds are great for 6 foot people, the other two beds might only be good for someone under 5 foot.

Here is a link to the room dimensions Amtrak Family Room
If you really wanted to snuggle tight (assuming it's two couples) you might fit together on the top bunk. Two fit fine on the bottom. The two "kid size" bunks would be uncomfortable. I wonder if someone would have a cow about four adults in a family room?
Guest said:
Thanks Alan,I will be sure to plan on a flexible arrival itinerary in Lafayette. I am also very interested in what cars the new Sunset Limited will consist of (if any change)and how that will effect the experience - although I have no other rail experience with which to compare.

By the way, does anyone know if a family bedroom is suitable for 4 adults if one is available on the return from New Orleans (as opposed to 2 roomettes), an Amtak rep. warned us it may be too small for the third & fourth adult and may not be worth the $300 in savings. Deluxe accomodations with in-room facilities seem way too expensive-is that really worth it? Any negotiating tips once I'm aboard? Sorry about the number of questions here - can you tell I'm getting excited about the trip?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

I'll echo what others have said, that the family room is probably not a good alternative for 4 adults. As you may have noted from the link provided, the two child beds are under 4' 9" in length. Also, assuming that someone is paying attention in the dining car, you would exceed the maximum number of adult meals that are included. So you could end up paying for some of your meals. Plus you'd better be good friends with the other couple, as the quarters are a bit cramped and there's no easy way to facilitate changing cloths.

Finally, since it appears that the only change in terms of cars to the Sunset will be the loss of one sleeper, that decreases the chance that the single remaining family room will be available.

As for upgrading to the Deluxe room, now called the "Bedroom", you might still want to check with the conductor, once you've boarded. You might be surprised at the cost to upgrade on board. It can often be much cheaper than you might expect.

IMHO, the biggest advantage to the Bedroom, is the extra space that it provides. Having a sink and toilet close at hand is also a bonus. However I rarely, if ever, use the in room shower as it's too small. I generally use the public shower downstairs.

Be warned, even this room is still probably too small for the 4 of you, unless one couple can squeeze into a bed that's only 2' 4" wide. The other couple would need to squeeze into a 3' 4" bed. And again, you might find that not all of your meals are included. This also assumes that the conductor was wiling to sell you just one Bedroom.
You might be surprised at the cost to upgrade on board. It can often be much cheaper than you might expect.
Couple on the recent Cardinal trip I took upgraded from a roomette to bedroom for $30.00!

Wow, what a great resource this forum is. For now, I'm totally satisfied with the two roomettes - but I guess it's worth a shot talking to a conductor regarding available upgrades once aboard (no doubt even more scarce with the loss of one sleeper).

Happy rails! - out.