The Silver Snail rides again

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Apr 5, 2011
Baltimore. MD
Another trip on 97, the Silver Snail, to Savannah to attend my tire conference in Hilton Head. This year I left from Baltimore instead of Washington.

It seems the train is running on time this year, at least so far. It arrived in a Baltimore 7 minutes early, left Washington about 15 minutes late, but got into Fredericksburg more or less on time. Now we're rolling towards Richmond at about 70 mph.

My SCA, Matt, is a model of efficiency. As I approached the door, he was waiting,he grabbed my wheelie, showed me my room, where I dropped my daypack, and hustled me to the diner, where my dinner rezzie was waiting. While I was eating, he strapped my bag on the shelf. He just set up the upper bunk for me, and we arranged for an 0530 knock up to make sure I can get a shower for my Savannah arrival. Of course, there's a part of me that hopes the train is a bit late so 5 can get some breakfast on board, or at least a to go bag.

The diner was a Heritage diner this trip. Despite it being full and busy, I was seated quickly with three pleasant dining companions. It was kind of a trip, eating a dining car meal as we rolled through my daily MARC commute.

Service was good, and the food was good, too. They let us eat through the engine change in DC. We finished up about the time the train left Alexandria.

As we arrived in Fedricksburg, I went to the long car because I wasn't able to get to the liquor store to supply myself for the trip. For some reason, I had a hankering for scotch, but they were sold out! Then I thought of a double gin and tonic, but they only had one gin! So I had to settle for a double Jack Daniels on the rocks, which I am sipping as I write this. Oh, yes, both my sleeper and the one I walked through on the way to the diner had ice put out, complete with a sanitary scoop. No need to worry about ICE on this train.

Well, off to bed and Savannah tomorrow morning.
Sigh. Amtrak really needs to take an eye to its bar stocking on these trains. Then again, I miss being able to get a Bailey's and coffee (and/or a hot chocolate and cognac) after a dinner. Sad.