Traveling eastbound CHI-WAS - unsure of which train to take.

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Service Attendant
Dec 18, 2013
So I'm traveling March 8th and 15th on Amtrak from DC to Chicago and back, and while I've decided on the Capitol Limited with a roomette for the first leg of the trip, since it's the only DC-Chicago train that day, I'm having trouble deciding on the return trip to DC from Chicago.

Right now, my options for the 15th are the Cardinal or another Capitol Limited. Regardless of which one I take, I'll be buying a roomette. I'm looking at the Cardinal due to the longer trip and more daylight hours during the trip, plus the New River Gorge, though the leaves will be out by March....... I've heard Viewliner roomettes are better than Superliner roomettes, though. However, the Cardinal is more expensive for a roomette, overall, for my booking (at the moment it's the same for people booking now, but when I booked I got it for about a hundred dollars less on the Cap).

Anyone taken a similar trip before and can advise me?
Sorry, I was confused which direction you were going. Your original title was "... Westbound CHI-WAS..." - I changed the title for you, if this is correct.

The Cap is by far the least expensive option. The Cardinal only has 1 (that's ONE) sleeper - and some rooms are used by the staff, thus the higher fare. But going eastbound (if you want to see the New River Gorge area), eastbound is the choice I'd make.

Another option available to you is to take the Lake Shore Limited (LSL) to NYC and connect to a regional that same night to WAS. The LSL is also a Viewliner (sleeping cars) train. You can ride both Superliners and Viewliners, see different sights - but the fare on the LSL may be higher. But it is another option available to you.
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If you can afford it, I would take the Cardinal eastbound. The scenery is great.
Something else to consider is that the Cardinal does not presently carry a full dining car. Instead meals are served in the Lounge Car and are part of the "Diner Lite" Menu. The meals are heated in a convection oven typically, and some have reported that they're decent meals. You can find the current menu here.
Something else to consider is that the Cardinal does not presently carry a full dining car. Instead meals are served in the Lounge Car ..
What percent of the ride is the lounge car available for lounging? Or is it basically a diner and you are confined to your room or coach seat except when dining?
Something else to consider is that the Cardinal does not presently carry a full dining car. Instead meals are served in the Lounge Car ..
What percent of the ride is the lounge car available for lounging? Or is it basically a diner and you are confined to your room or coach seat except when dining?
I would say it's basically a cafe car with one side being the "diner" & the other side the "cafe". I sat in the cafe on part of my trip in Oct. I did not go to the diner side.
I would take the Cap east and then on return take a Regional, Acela or Silver Service to NYC and switch over to the LSL. That will give you a chance to experience the south portion of the NE Corridor and give you a little time in Midtown as well. I did just that as part of an AGR Redemption run from the Sooner Nation to West Palm last Summer and enjoyed the variety.
Can't switch to Silver Service, discharge only from ALX north...Regionals, Acela, or Vermonter are the options.
Something else to consider is that the Cardinal does not presently carry a full dining car. Instead meals are served in the Lounge Car and are part of the "Diner Lite" Menu. The meals are heated in a convection oven typically, and some have reported that they're decent meals. You can find the current menu here.
The food has improved on the Card. Very decent meals.
A little tidbit - I've already done my initial booking WAS-CHI-WAS, so as far as I know I can't change my terminus to New York on the return trip, and ride the Cardinal the whole route or catch the Lake Shore Limited, and then just hop on the Northeast Regional down to Norfolk, which I'll be doing anyways, regardless of terminating at NYP or WAS.
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Well if you were to re-book you'd be keeping the same terminus of WAS. But I don't think either 50 nor 48 have connections to 125/71/157.
The Cardinal is really nice for the scenic ride through WV and Virginia, but the roomette can be a bit crowded for two. So if you are alone, yes the Cardinal for sure going eastbound. But if there are two of you traveling in a roomette, I would probably go Capital Limited - especially if the rate is lower on the Cap Limited (by $80 or $90, or more). If the rates are about the same price, then the Cardinal seems to be a deal… Grab it...

But with two traveling in a single roomette, the Cardinal is a small, single level train and there really is nowhere to go. No addl bathrooms either… Just the one in the room, or walk back to coach…

Compare that to the Capital Limited, which is a premiere East Coast Train, and it has nice Superliner equipment, which includes the really fabulous Sightseer Lounge car, where you can enjoy the good mountain scenery in PA and Maryland (and WVA), and it has the much better diner too. In fact, it's way better…

But if you are riding alone, you can just hang out in your Viewliner Roomette on the 6 car, 1 engine, Cardinal train and enjoy the scenery. One of the better scenic routes on Amtrak.
The Cardinal is really nice for the scenic ride through WV and Virginia, but the roomette can be a bit crowded for two. So if you are alone, yes the Cardinal for sure going eastbound. But if there are two of you traveling in a roomette, I would probably go Capital Limited - especially if the rate is lower on the Cap Limited (by $80 or $90, or more). If the rates are about the same price, then the Cardinal seems to be a deal… Grab it...

But with two traveling in a single roomette, the Cardinal is a small, single level train and there really is nowhere to go. No addl bathrooms either… Just the one in the room, or walk back to coach…

Compare that to the Capital Limited, which is a premiere East Coast Train, and it has nice Superliner equipment, which includes the really fabulous Sightseer Lounge car, where you can enjoy the good mountain scenery in PA and Maryland (and WVA), and it has the much better diner too. In fact, it's way better…

But if you are riding alone, you can just hang out in your Viewliner Roomette on the 6 car, 1 engine, Cardinal train and enjoy the scenery. One of the better scenic routes on Amtrak.
I'm traveling alone - to see old friends over Spring Break, actually. University doesn't really allow me many chances to see them. The Cardinal is going to cost me ~$124 more than I paid for my original return trip, on the Capitol Limited. Would the scenery be worth the additional cost?

Additionally, according to the current schedule, I'll be able to hop onto the Regional to Norfolk about 3 hours after the Cap's supposed to arrive. If I take the Cardinal, I can, however, just stay with family and catch it the next day.
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While the scenery may be better, I personally do not think it's worth $120+ more. (Others may feel differently.) Combined with the Cap and connecting the same day or the Cardinal and connecting the next day, my opinion is keeping it as is.
While the scenery may be better, I personally do not think it's worth $120+ more. (Others may feel differently.) Combined with the Cap and connecting the same day or the Cardinal and connecting the next day, my opinion is keeping it as is.
Seconded. I would, honestly, wait a year and change for the Cardinal to gain additional sleepers and a full diner again before taking another trip on that route. The price will likely go down a smidgen, and it will be a much nicer train. Just my $0.02.
Not sure what kind of padding there might be in the schedule, but if you're travelling overnight 3/8, your going to hit daylight savings time change at 2am 3/9, and spring forward to being exactly 1 hour behind (or further behind) schedule. Not sure if they can make most of that up, but I probably wouldn't plan on an early arrival that day
Additionally, according to the current schedule, I'll be able to hop onto the Regional to Norfolk about 3 hours after the Cap's supposed to arrive. If I take the Cardinal, I can, however, just stay with family and catch it the next day.
That would be the deciding factor for me. What works better for your schedule? Do you want to trade a evening in Norfolk for a night with the family?
The Cardinal eastbound is definitely worth the extra cost. It is, in my opinion, the most scenic Amtrak route in the East, especially with the daytime ride through the New River Gorge and over Blue Ridge Summit.
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