Travelogue, 5/19/11

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Nov 16, 2010
This has shaped up to be the single most interesting train trip day I can remember. I had a rough start at RVR (got to the station about 3:30 AM, had some issues while at the station to be discussed elsewhere that should not detract nor distract from a good trip). Boarded the Silver Meteor about 5:10 AM (it was "late", or rather "on time" per the schedule from up until the week before last), sat in my roomette with a friend until about 6:20 AM. We then proceeded to breakfast.

Breakfast was what it usually is: I had french toast and bacon, a glass of milk, and a glass of orange juice. The friend joining me for the trip had OJ, tea, and the quiche. Both of us enjoyed our food, naturally.

The conversation, however, was...not the standard fare. We sat across from a couple heading up to DC for a science fiction writer's event. As we talked, we all exchanged names. His was Joe. Haldeman. Not making that up. So, I got to have about an hour of breakfast talking about everything from his writing parts of the Forever War on a typewriter in the bar car of the Silver Meteor back in the day (and discussing how service had fallen off and risen back over the years) to me taking the train regularly to picking up some good book suggestions (which I will be following up on. You do not get to ask for recommendations on something like this every day). It was a genuinely great time, we all had's the train, and he mentioned that he takes the train "because it's more fun". I can't agree more.

I will advise when I have more to write, but right now, I'm in WAS, still getting over a rather extraordinary breakfast.
This has shaped up to be the single most interesting train trip day I can remember. I had a rough start at RVR (got to the station about 3:30 AM, had some issues while at the station to be discussed elsewhere that should not detract nor distract from a good trip). Boarded the Silver Meteor about 5:10 AM (it was "late", or rather "on time" per the schedule from up until the week before last), sat in my roomette with a friend until about 6:20 AM. We then proceeded to breakfast.

Breakfast was what it usually is: I had french toast and bacon, a glass of milk, and a glass of orange juice. The friend joining me for the trip had OJ, tea, and the quiche. Both of us enjoyed our food, naturally.

The conversation, however, was...not the standard fare. We sat across from a couple heading up to DC for a science fiction writer's event. As we talked, we all exchanged names. His was Joe. Haldeman. Not making that up. So, I got to have about an hour of breakfast talking about everything from his writing parts of the Forever War on a typewriter in the bar car of the Silver Meteor back in the day (and discussing how service had fallen off and risen back over the years) to me taking the train regularly to picking up some good book suggestions (which I will be following up on. You do not get to ask for recommendations on something like this every day). It was a genuinely great time, we all had's the train, and he mentioned that he takes the train "because it's more fun". I can't agree more.

I will advise when I have more to write, but right now, I'm in WAS, still getting over a rather extraordinary breakfast.

Keep us posted. I love reading about others adventures :wub: ... It helps me to learn so much about my upcoming trip in June. I will be on the Silver Meteor to NYC... EXTRAORDINARY BREAKFAST :help: ... Care to expound on that so I might need to pack a breakfast that part of the trip ??? May just wait for lunch in NYC :)
EXTRAORDINARY BREAKFAST :help: ... Care to expound on that so I might need to pack a breakfast that part of the trip ???
I assume Anderson meant that the breakfast was extraordinary because of getting to have a long conversation with a favorite author.

I've seen several of the musicians, comedians, and authors that I follow on Twitter tweeting about being on Amtrak long-distance trains, but so far, none of them while I was on the same train. No one extremely famous, but definitely people I wouldn't mind sharing a meal with. Maybe someday...
I've seen several of the musicians, comedians, and authors that I follow on Twitter tweeting about being on Amtrak long-distance trains, but so far, none of them while I was on the same train. No one extremely famous, but definitely people I wouldn't mind sharing a meal with. Maybe someday...

Unfortunately most of the tour schedules today don't permit the "talent" to travel by train.
Joe Haldeman? Very cool! I loved his books, especially Forever War. He wrote some other good SF, (All My Sins Remembered...) and a book about his experiences in Vietnam too, which I enjoyed. He is very knowledgeable about astronomy and I think he was editor of Sky and Telescope for a while. I am quite jealous.
Unfortunately most of the tour schedules today don't permit the "talent" to travel by train.
The (semi-)famous folks I've seen tweeting from aboard Amtrak long-distance trains seem to have been traveling for personal reasons, not as part of a book tour/concert tour or anything like that.
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